CAD-Based Neutronics
A suite of computer codes and nuclear data library is being utilized to perform neutronic analyses for ARIES, ITER, FNSF and other US fusion studies:
- CUBIT is a solid modeling and mesh generation software toolkit developed and released by Sandia National Laboratories. It offers the ability to create and prepare the 3-D model needed for the CAD-based radiation transport analysis, assign materials and densities to all components, define boundary conditions, and tally the results
- The DAGMC (Directly Accelerated Geometry Monte Carlo) code is a software tool developed by the UW Computational Nuclear Engineering Research Group (CNERG) to perform Monte Carlo radiation transport on complex 3-D geometries created by solid modeling software. DAGMC converts any complex 3-D geometry into a faceted geometry of tetrahedrons and couples it to the radiation transport code MCNP5 and its FENDL continuous pointwise cross section data library. Performing radiation transport using a model created and prepared by CUBIT requires that the user create only a portion of the data cards associated with a typical MCNP input file.
3-D Source, Neutron Wall Loading and Radiative Heating for ARIES-CS; P. Wilson, B. Kiedrowski, L.A. El-Guebaly, October 2006 [presented at the ARIES Project Meeting and Review, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, Princeton NJ, 4-5 October 2006].
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Acceleration Techniques for the Direct Use of CAD-Based Geometry in Fusion Neutronics Analysis; P.P.H. Wilson, T.J. Tautges, J.A. Kraftcheck, B.M. Smith, D.L. Henderson, October 2009 [presented at the 9th International Symposium on Fusion Nuclear Technology (ISFNT-9), 11-16 October 2009, Dalian, China].
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UWFDM-1302 Analysis of Engineering Issues Facing the In-Zinerator Z-Pinch Fusion Device Using MCNP; R. Grady, P. Phruksarojanakun, P.P.H. Wilson, L.A. El-Guebaly, B. Cipiti, August 2007. (20 pages, 1.1 MB)
Application of CAD Neutronics Coupling to Geometrically Complex Fusion Systems; M.E. Sawan, P. Wilson, T. Tautges, L. El-Guebaly, D. Henderson, T. Bohm, E. Marriott, B. Kiedrowski, B. Smith, A. Ibrahim, R. Slaybaugh, May 2009 [presented at the 23rd Symposium on Fusion Engineering (SOFE-2009), 31 May-5 June 2009, San Diego CA].
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UWFDM-1363 Application of CAD-Neutronics Coupling to Geometrically Complex Fusion Systems; M.E. Sawan, P.P.H. Wilson, T. Tautges, L.A. El-Guebaly, D.L. Henderson, T.D. Bohm, E.P. Marriott, B. Kiedrowski, B. Smith, A. Ibrahim, R. Slaybaugh, May 2009 [prepared for the 23rd Symposium on Fusion Engineering (SOFE), May 31-June 5, 2009, San Diego CA]. (8 pages, 2.8 MB)
UWFDM-1353 CAD Based Monte Carlo Method: Algorithms for Geometric Evaluation in Support of Monte Carlo Radiation Transport Calculation; Mengkuo Wang, August 2006 [Ph.D. thesis]. (151 pages, 2.1 MB)
CAD-Based Monte Carlo Transport; Mengkuo Wang, T.J. Tautges, D.L. Henderson, April 8, 2003 [FTI Tuesday meeting].
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CAD-Based Monte Carlo Transport Using MCNPX and CGM; T.J. Tautges, M.K. Wang, and D.L. Henderson, November 2004 [Transactions of 2004 ANS Winter Meeting, Washington, DC].
Direct Coupling of 3-D Neutronics with CAD Models Applied to Fusion Systems; M.E. Sawan, P.P.H. Wilson, T. Tautges, L. El-Guebaly, D. Henderson, T. Bohm, B. Kiedrowski, A. Ibrahim, B. Smith, R. Slaybaugh, September 2009 [presented at the 18th Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy (TOFE-2008), 28 September-2 October 2008, San Francisco CA].
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UWFDM-1399 ITER Neutronics Modeling Using Hybrid Monte Carlo Deterministic and CAD-Based Monte Carlo Methods; A.M. Ibrahim, S.W. Mosher, T.M. Evans, D.E. Peplow, M.E. Sawan, P.P.H. Wilson, J.C. Wagner, T. Heltemes, July 2011 [published in Nuclear Technology Vol. 175 (July 2011) 251--258].
ITER Neutronics Modeling Using Hybrid Monte Carlo/Deterministic Techniques and CAD Based Monte Carlo; A.M. Ibrahim, S.W. Mosher, T.M. Evans, D.E. Peplow, M.E. Sawan, P.P.H. Wilson, J.C. Wagner, April 2010 [presented at the American Nuclear Society Radiation Protection and Shielding Division Topical Meeting, 19 April 2010, Las Vegas, NV].
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Innovations in 3-D Neutronics Analysis for Fusion Energy Systems; P.P.H. Wilson, March 2007 [presented at the U.W. Plasma Seminar].
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Innovative 3-D Neutronics Analyses Directly Coupled with CAD Models of Geometrically Complex Fusion Systems; M. Sawan, P. Wilson, T. Tautges, L. El-Guebaly, D. Henderson, T. Bohm, G. Sviatoslavsky, B. Kiedrowski, A. Ibrahim, B. Smith, R. Slaybaugh, June 2007 [presented at the 13th International Conference on Emerging Nuclear Energy Systems, ICENES2007, 3-8 June 2007, Istanbul, Turkey].
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MCNP/CAD Activities and Preliminary 3-D Results; M. Wang, T. Tautges, D. Henderson, and L. El-Guebaly, June 2005 [presented at the ARIES-CS Project Meeting, 14-15 June 2005, Madison WI].
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Modeling Impact-Induced Reactivity Changes Using DAG-MCNP; B.M. Smith, P.P.H. Wilson, February 2011 [Proceedings of Nuclear and Emerging Technologies for Space, February 7-11, 2011, Albuquerque NM].
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UWFDM-1390 Modeling Impact-Induced Reactivity Changes Using DAG-MCNP; B.M. Smith, P.P.H. Wilson, February 2011 [Proceedings of Nuclear and Emerging Technologies for Space, February 7-11, 2011, Albuquerque NM]. (10 pages, 1.4 MB)
Neutron Wall Loading Profile Using CAD/MCNP Interface; M. Wang, June 2004 [presented at the ARIES-CS Project Meeting, 16-17 June 2004, Madison WI].
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Neutron Wall Loading Profile Using CAD/MCNP Interface; M. Wang, D.L. Henderson, T.J. Tautges, L.A. El-Guebaly, X. Wang, September 2004 [presented at the 16th ANS Topical Meeting on Fusion Energy, 14-16 September 2004, Madison WI].
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Neutronics as Part of an Integrated Modeling Approach--A CAD-Based Domain Representation; Paul P.H. Wilson, August 2008 [presented at the Fusion Nuclear Science and Technology (FNST) meeting, 12-14 August 2008, UCLA, Los Angeles CA].
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Recent Advances in Development of Fusion Neutronics Predictive Capabilities; M.E. Sawan, P. Wilson, L. El-Guebaly, D. Henderson, T. Bohm, B. Smith, A. Ibrahim, May 2011 [presented at the 15th International Conference on Emerging Nuclear Energy Systems (ICENES2011), 15-19 May 2011, San Francisco CA].
(33 pages, 3.6 MB)
Robust Tracking and Advanced Geometry for Monte Carlo Radiation Transport; B.M. Smith, March 2011 [Ph.D. thesis slides].
(59 pages, 8.7 MB)
UWFDM-1391 Robust Tracking and Advanced Geometry for Monte Carlo Radiation Transport; Brandon M. Smith, March 2011 [Ph.D. thesis]. (147 pages, 6.2 MB)
UWFDM-1389 Sealing Faceted Surfaces to Achieve Watertight CAD Models; B.M. Smith, T.J. Tautges, P.P.H. Wilson, October 2010 [Proceedings of the 19th International Meshing Roundtable, October 3-6, 2010, Chattanooga TN]. (20 pages, 1.2 MB)
Sealing Faceted Surfaces to Achieve Watertight CAD Models; B.M. Smith, T.J. Tautges, P.P.H. Wilson, October 2010 [Proceedings of the 19th International Meshing Roundtable, 3-6 October 2010, Chattanooga TN].
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Status of CAD/MCNP Status of CAD/MCNP; Paul Wilson, April 2006 [presented at the ARIES-CS Project Meeting, 27-28 April 2006, University of Wisconsin, Madison WI].
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Status of Fusion Neutronics Predictive Capabilities; M.E. Sawan, P. Wilson, L. El-Guebaly, D. Henderson, T. Bohm, B. Smith, A. Ibrahim, November 2010 [presented at the 19th ANS Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy, November 7-11, 2010, Las Vegas NV.].
(26 pages, 2.6 MB)
UWFDM-1253 Three-Dimensional Modeling of Complex Fusion Devices Using CAD-MCNPX Interface; Mengkuo Wang, Douglass L. Henderson, Timothy J. Tautges, Laila El-Guebaly, Xueren Wang, September 2004 [Proceedings 16th ANS Topical Meeting on Fusion Energy, Fusion Science and Technology 47 (4), May 2005, pp. 1079-1083]. (8 pages, 935 kB)
Three-Dimensional Neutronics Analysis of ARIES-CS Using CAD-Based Tools; P. Wilson, B. Kiedrowski, L. El-Guebaly, G. Sviatoslavsky, J. Lyon, X. Wang, R. Slaybaugh, A. Ibrahim, and the ARIES Team, November 2006 [presented at the 17th ANS Topical Meeting on Fusion Energy, 13-15 November 2006, Albuquerque NM].
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