FTI Reports with Coauthors at Other Organizations
Design, Fabrication and Maintenance Considerations of Blanket Options for Magnetic Intervention; G. Sviatoslavsky, I.N. Sviatoslavsky, M. Sawan, A.R. Raffray, August 2006 [presented at the High Average Power Laser Program Workshop, 8-9 August 2006, General Atomics, San Diego CA]. (19 pages, 17 MB) [more]
Blanket and Shield Design Considerations for Magnetic Intervention; G. Sviatoslavsky, I.N. Sviatoslavsky, M. Sawan, A.R. Raffray, December 2006 [presented at the High Average Power Laser Program Workshop, 12-13 December 2006, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, Princeton NJ]. (20 pages, 8.9 MB) [more]
Quantifying the Advantages of Counter Flow Helium First Wall Cooling: A Thermal-Hydraulic Comparison of ITER TBM First Wall Cooling Designs; G. Sviatoslavsky, M. Dagher, P. Calderoni, C.P.C. Wong, September 2005 [presented at the 21st IEEE/NPSS Symposium on Fusion Engineering (SOFE), 26-29 September 2005, Knoxville TN]. (1 page, 880 kB) [more]
Spiral Blanket: An Innovative Idea For Solid Wall Blankets With Potential For High Neutron Wall Loading; I.N. Sviatoslavsky, M.E. Sawan, S. Majumdar, November 2002 [presented at the 15th ANS Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy, 17-21 November 2002, Washington, DC]. (1 page, 1.9 MB) [more]
Breeder Blanket Engineering Designs for HAPL and Impact of Magnetic Diversion; I.N. Sviatoslavsky, A.R. Raffray, M.E. Sawan, X. Wang, March 2005 [presented at the High Average Power Laser Program Workshop, 3-4 March 2005, Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC]. (14 pages, 777 kB) [more]
Engineering Description of a Solid First Wall Blanket Based on Advanced Ferritic Steel and Re-circulating Flibe; I.N. Sviatoslavsky, M.E. Sawan, E.A. Mogahed, S. Malang, C.P.C. Wong, M. Friend, S. Majumdar, S. Sharafat, October 2003 [presented at the 20th IEEE/NPSS Symposium on Fusion Engineering (SOFE), San Diego CA, 14-17 October 2003]. (1 page, 968 kB) [more]
UWFDM-1200 Spiral Blanket: An Innovative Idea for a Solid Wall Blanket with Potential for High Neutron Wall Loading; I.N. Sviatoslavsky, M.E. Sawan, S. Majumdar, November 2002 [presented at the 15th ANS Topical Meeting on Technology of Fusion Energy, 17-21 November 2002, Washington DC; published in Fusion Science and Technology 44, 64 (2003)]. (7 pages, 955 kB) [more]
UWFDM-1222 Engineering Description of a Solid First Wall Blanket Based on Advanced Ferritic Steel and Re-circulating Flibe; I.N. Sviatoslavsky, M.E. Sawan, E.A. Mogahed, S. Malang, C.P.C. Wong, S. Majumdar, S. Sharafat, October 2003 [presented at the 20th IEEE/NPSS Symposium on Fusion Engineering (SOFE), San Diego CA, 14-17 October 2003]. (7 pages, 1.1 MB) [more]
UWFDM-1256 A Lithium Self-Cooled Blanket Concept for the HAPL Conceptual Inertial Confinement Reactor; I.N. Sviatoslavsky, A.R. Raffray, M.E. Sawan, and X. Wang, September 2004 [Proceedings 16th ANS Topical Meeting on Fusion Energy, Fusion Science and Technology 47 (3), April 2005, pp. 535-539]. (8 pages, 4.7 MB) [more]
UWFDM-480 Progress in Modular Stellarator Fusion Power Reactor Conceptual Designs; I.N. Sviatoslavsky, S.W. Van Sciver, G.L. Kulcinski, G.A. Emmert, D.T. Anderson, A.W. Bailey, J.D. Callen, J.A. Derr, L. El-Guebaly, K.J. Lee, J.L. Shohet, D.K. Sze, R.C. Sanders, J. Tataronis, and K.Y. Yuan, C.G. Bathke, R.L. Miller, and R.A. Krakowski, September 1982 [9th International Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research, IAEA Mtg., Baltimore, MD, September 1-8, 1982, paper IAEA-CN-41/E-3]. (16 pages, 947 kB) [more]
UWFDM-836 Mechanical Design and Fabrication of the U.S. Solid Breeder Blanket for ITER; I.N. Sviatoslavsky, J.P. Blanchard, Y. Gohar, S. Majumdar, October 1990 [Presented at the 9th Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy, 7-11 October 1990, Oak Brook IL]. (9 pages, 852 kB) [more]
UWFDM-862 SOMBRERO - A Solid Breeder Moving Bed KrF Laser Driven IFE Power Reactor; I.N. Sviatoslavsky, M.E. Sawan, R.R. Peterson, G.L. Kulcinski, J.J. MacFarlane, L.J. Wittenberg, E.A. Mogahed, S.C. Rutledge, S. Ghose, R. Bourque, and W.J. Schafer Associates Team, September 1991 [Presented at the 14th IEEE/NPSS Symposium on Fusion Engineering, 30 September - 3 October 1991, San Diego CA]. (7 pages, 686 kB) [more]
UWFDM-891 A KrF Laser Driven Inertial Fusion Reactor ``SOMBRERO''; I.N. Sviatoslavsky, M.E. Sawan, R.R. Peterson, G.L. Kulcinski, J.J. MacFarlane, L.J. Wittenberg, H.Y. Khater, E.A. Mogahed, S.C. Rutledge, S. Ghose, R. Bourque, and W.J. Schafer Associates Team, March 1992 [Prepared for the 10th Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy, 7-12 June 1992, Boston MA]. (8 pages, 663 kB) [more]
UWFDM-185 Gravity Circulated Solid Blanket Design for a Tokamak Fusion Reactor; D.K. Sze, D.C. Schluderberg, and I.N. Sviatoslavsky, September 1976. (14 pages, 973 kB) [more]
UWFDM-388 Thermal and Mechanical Design Considerations for INTOR; D.K. Sze, W.G. Homeyer, R.L. Creedon, C.P. Wong, and G.L. Kulcinski, October 1980. (39 pages, 1.6 MB) [more]
UWFDM-1168 ARIES Inertial Fusion Chamber Assessment; M.S. Tillack, F. Najmabadi, L. El-Guebaly, R.R. Peterson, D.T. Goodin, K.R. Schultz, W.R. Meier, J. Perkins, D.A. Petti, J.D. Sethian, L.M. Waganer, ARIES Team, March 2001 [presented at the 14th Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy, October 15--19, 2000, Park City UT; published in Fusion Technology, 39, No. 2, 343 (2001)]. [more]
Systems Code Cost Algorithm Status and Planned Enhancements; L. Waganer and L. El-Guebaly, April 2007 [presented at the ARIES-CS Project Meeting, 3-4 April 2007, University of California-San Diego, LaJolla CA]. (14 pages, 280 kB) [more]
UWFDM-1253 Three-Dimensional Modeling of Complex Fusion Devices Using CAD-MCNPX Interface; Mengkuo Wang, Douglass L. Henderson, Timothy J. Tautges, Laila El-Guebaly, Xueren Wang, September 2004 [Proceedings 16th ANS Topical Meeting on Fusion Energy, Fusion Science and Technology 47 (4), May 2005, pp. 1079-1083]. (8 pages, 935 kB) [more]
FPA-92-6 Theoretical Spectroscopic Analysis of Intense Ion Beam - Plasma Interaction in the PBFA II Gas Cell; P. Wang, J.J. MacFarlane, G.A. Moses, J.E. Bailey, May 1992 [presented at Beams '92, 25-29 May 1992, Washington, DC] [also UWFDM-897]. [more]
UWFDM-1012 An Investigation of the Opacity of High-Z Mixtures and Implications for ICF Hohlraum Design; P. Wang, J.J. MacFarlane, T.J. Orzechowski, May 1996 [Presented at the 11th Topical Conference on High-Temperature Plasma Diagnostics, Monterey, CA, 12-16 May 1996; to be published in Review of Scientific Instruments]. (16 pages, 286 kB) [more]
UWFDM-897 Theoretical Spectroscopic Analysis of Intense Ion Beam-Plasma Interaction in the PBFA II Gas Cell; P. Wang, J.J. MacFarlane, G.A. Moses, J.E. Bailey, May 1992 [presented at Beams'92, 25-29 May 1992, Washington DC]. (14 pages, 601 kB) [more]
WCSAR-TR-AR3-9201-4 Isotopic Separation of 3He/4He from Solar Wind Gases Evolved from the Lunar Regolith; W.R. Wilkes and L.J. Wittenberg, January 1992 [prepared for Space 92, The Third International Conference on Engineering, Construction, and Operations in Space, 31 May-4 June 1992, Denver CO]. (10 pages, 903 kB) [more]
Innovations in 3-Dimensional Neutronics Analysis for Fusion Systems; P. Wilson, T. Tautges, M. Sawan, L. El-Guebaly, D. Henderson, G. Sviatoslavsky, B. Kiedrowski, A. Ibrahim, B. Smith, R. Slaybaugh, November 2006 [presented at the 17th ANS Topical Meeting on Fusion Energy, 13-15 November 2006, Albuquerque NM]. (27 pages, 4.2 MB) [more]
Isotopic Analysis of the In-Zinerator Actinide Management System; P. Wilson, P. Phruksarojanakun, L. El-Guebaly, R. Grady, B. Cipiti, November 2006 [presented at the 17th ANS Topical Meeting on Fusion Energy, 13-15 November 2006, Albuquerque NM]. (19 pages, 519 kB) [more]
Acceleration Techniques for the Direct Use of CAD-Based Geometry in Fusion Neutronics Analysis; P.P.H. Wilson, T.J. Tautges, J.A. Kraftcheck, B.M. Smith, D.L. Henderson, October 2009 [presented at the 9th International Symposium on Fusion Nuclear Technology (ISFNT-9), 11-16 October 2009, Dalian, China]. (29 pages, 1.4 MB) [more]
Nuclear Heating In Critical Components Of Alternative ITER First Wall Attachment Mechanism; P.P.H. Wilson, M.E. Sawan, E.P. Marriott, M.A. Ulrickson, May 2009 [presented at the 23rd Symposium on Fusion Engineering (SOFE), May 31-June 5, 2009, San Diego CA]. (1 page, 580 kB) [more]
Three-Dimensional Neutronics Analysis of ARIES-CS Using CAD-Based Tools; P. Wilson, B. Kiedrowski, L. El-Guebaly, G. Sviatoslavsky, J. Lyon, X. Wang, R. Slaybaugh, A. Ibrahim, and the ARIES Team, November 2006 [presented at the 17th ANS Topical Meeting on Fusion Energy, 13-15 November 2006, Albuquerque NM]. (21 pages, 609 kB) [more]
UWFDM-1086 Validation of the ALARA Activation Code; P.P.H. Wilson, H. Tsige-Tamirat, H.Y. Khater, D.L. Henderson, June 1998 [Presented at the 13th Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy, June 7-11, 1998, Nashville TN]. (6 pages, 305 kB) [more]
UWFDM-1179 Specification for Joint FTI/LLNL/UNED-IFN Contact Dose Comparison Exercise; Paul Wilson, Susana Reyes, Javier Sanz, December 2002. (6 pages, 852 kB) [more]
UWFDM-1367 Nuclear Heating in Critical Components of Alternative ITER First Wall Attachment Mechanism; P.P.H. Wilson, M.E. Sawan, E.P. Marriott, M.A. Ulrickson, May 2009 [prepared for the 23rd Symposium on Fusion Engineering (SOFE), May 31-June 5, 2009, San Diego CA]. (5 pages, 422 kB) [more]
UWFDM-797 Transition to Environmentally Acceptable Fuels in the 21st Century; L.J. Wittenberg, G.L. Kulcinski, W.R. Wilkes, August 1989 [presented at the Fifth International Conference on Emerging Nuclear Energy Systems, 3-6 July 1989, Karlsruhe, Federal Republic of Germany]. (7 pages, 827 kB) [more]
UWFDM-94 Tritium Inventory Considerations in Lithium Blankets; L.J. Wittenberg, W.F. Vogelsang, and A.B. Johnson, Jr., April 1974 [presented at the 1st Topical Meeting on the Technology of Controlled Nuclear Fusion, San Diego CA, 14-18 April 1974]. (16 pages, 1.2 MB) [more]
UWFDM-286 Swelling-Induced Stresses in Ion-Bombarded Surfaces: Effect of Crystalline Orientation; W.G. Wolfer and F.A. Garner, February 1979 [J. Nucl. Matls. 85 & 86, 583 (1979)]. (10 pages, 898 kB) [more]
UWFDM-329 The Capture Efficiency of Coated Voids; W.G. Wolfer and L.K. Mansur, November 1979 [J. Nucl. Matls. 91, 265-276 (1980)]. (38 pages, 1.6 MB) [more]
UWFDM-429 Flow and Fracture of Alloys in the Fusion Environment; W.G. Wolfer and R.H. Jones, August 1981 [paper presented at Second Topical Mtg. on Fusion Reactor Materials, August 9-12, 1981, Seattle, WA; J. Nucl. Matls. 103 & 104, 1305-1314 (1981)]. (14 pages, 1.2 MB) [more]
UWFDM-482 On Radiation-Induced Segregation and the Compositional Dependence of Swelling in Fe-Ni-Cr Alloys; W.G. Wolfer, F.A. Garner, and L.E. Thomas, September 1982 [11th ASTM Symposium on Effects of Radiation on Materials, Scottsdale, AZ, 28-30 June 1982; ASTM-STP-782, 1023-1041 (1981)]. (23 pages, 1.3 MB) [more]
UWFDM-556 Helium Equation of State for Small Cavities: Recent Developments; W.G. Wolfer, B.B. Glasgow, M.F. Wehner, and H. Trinkaus, September 1983 [presented at the Third Topical Meeting on Fusion Reactor Materials, Albuquerque, NM, 19-23 September 1983]. (9 pages, 710 kB) [more]
On the Application of a Hybrid Monte Carlo Technique to Radiation Transport in High-Velocity Outflow; R. Wollaeger, D. van Rossum, C. Graziani, S. Couch, G. Jordan, D. Lamb, G. Moses, November 2013 [presented at the 55th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics, 11-15 November 2013, Denver CO]. (1 page, 503 kB) [more]
UWFDM-911 Numerical Simulation of the Stability in Long Cable-In-Conduit Conductors for Fusion Magnets; C.T. Yeaw and R.L. Wong, January 1993 [presented at the 10th Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy, Boston MA, 7-12 June 1992. Also published as UCRL-JC-109337]. (7 pages, 702 kB) [more]
UWFDM-1356 Nuclear Analyses for Two "Look-Alike" Helium-Cooled Pebble Bed Test Blanket Sub-Modules Proposed by the US for Testing in ITER; M.Z. Youssef, M.E. Sawan and A. Ying, February 2006 [published in Fusion Engineering and Design, 81 (2006) 1567-1576]. [more]