FTI Publications

University of Wisconsin Fusion Design Memos
The UWFDM series of technical reports details the research of the Fusion Technology Institute from 1971 to the present. Over 800 authors have contributed more than 60000 pages to the 1400 reports. Nearly all are online.

FTI Poster Sessions and Talks
Presentations and poster sessions from conferences and technical and scientific meetings; 1998 - present.

Fusion Power Associates
FPA technical reports were published from 1982-1997 and report FTI research performed with the Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe (89 reports).

Wisconsin Center for Space Automation and Robotics
WCSAR reports cover the FTI discovery of lunar helium-3 and explore lunar mining feasibility and the helium3-fusion connection; 1987-1993 (37 reports).