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ITER NewslinePublications
UWFDM-1257 US Plans and Strategy for ITER Blanket Testing; M. Abdou, D. Sze, C. Wong, M. Sawan, A. Ying, N. Morley, September 2004 [Proceedings 16th ANS Topical Meeting on Fusion Energy, Fusion Science and Technology 47 (3), April 2005, pp. 475-487]. (16 pages, 2.1 MB)
UWFDM-1368 Assessment of Using the Surface Source Approach in 3-D Neutronics of Fusion Systems; T.D. Bohm, B. Smith, M.E. Sawan, P.P.H. Wilson, August 2009. (22 pages, 3.8 MB)
Assessment of the Surface Source Approach in 3-D Fusion Neutronics Analysis; T.D. Bohm, B. Smith, M.E. Sawan, P. Wilson, November 2010 [presented at the 19th ANS Topical Meeting on Fusion Energy, 7-11 November 2010, Las Vegas NV]. (1 page, 4.3 MB)
Detailed 3-D Nuclear Analysis of ITER Blanket Modules; T.D. Bohm, M.E. Sawan, E.P. Marriott, P. Wilson, M. Ulrickson, J. Bullock, September 2013 [presented at the 11th International Symposium on Fusion Nuclear Technology, 16-20 September 2013, Barcelona, Spain]. (1 page, 1.7 MB)
Detailed 3-D Nuclear Analysis of ITER Blanket Modules; T.D. Bohm, M.E. Sawan, E.P. Marriott, P.P.H. Wilson, M. Ulrickson, J. Bullock, 2013 [Presented at 2013 ISFNT-11, to appear in Fusion Engineering & Design (2014)].
Detailed Nuclear Analysis of ITER Blanket Modules (Work In Progress); T.D. Bohm, M.E. Sawan, S.T. Jackson, P. Wilson, September 2011 [presented at the 10th International Symposium on Fusion Nuclear Technology (ISFNT), 11-16 September 2011, Portland OR]. (1 page, 2.8 MB)
Detailed Nuclear Analysis of ITER ELM Coils; T.D. Bohm, M.E. Sawan, S.T. Jackson, P. Wilson, September 2011 [presented at the 10th International Symposium on Fusion Nuclear Technology (ISFNT), 11-16 September 2011, Portland OR]. (1 page, 3.1 MB)
Detailed Nuclear Analysis of ITER ELM Coils; T.D. Bohm, M.E. Sawan, S.T. Jackson, and P.P.H. Wilson, 2012 [Fusion Engineering & Design, vol. 87, pp. 657-661 (2012)].
Investigation of Observed Peaking in Nuclear Parameters at Steel/Water Interfaces; T.D. Bohm, M.E. Sawan, B. Smith, P. Wilson, November 2010 [presented at the 19th ANS Topical Meeting on Fusion Energy, 7-11 November 2010, Las Vegas NV]. (1 page, 1.8 MB)
Nuclear Analysis of ITER In-Vessel Coils; T.D. Bohm and M.E. Sawan, September 2010 [presented at the 26th Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT), 27 September-1 October 2010, Porto, Portugal]. (1 page, 178 kB)
UWFDM-1376 Peaking in SS Nuclear Parameters at a Water Interface; T.D. Bohm, M.E. Sawan, B. Smith, P.P.H. Wilson, December 2009. (17 pages, 1.5 MB)
UWFDM-1348 Radiation Streaming in Gaps Between ITER First Wall/Shield Modules; T.D. Bohm, M.E. Sawan, P. Wilson, September 2008 [presented at the 18th ANS Topical Meeting on Fusion Energy, 28 September-2 October 2008, San Francisco CA].
Radiation Streaming in Gaps Between ITER First Wall/Shield Modules; T.D. Bohm, M.E. Sawan, P. Wilson, September 2008 [presented at the 18th ANS Topical Meeting on Fusion Energy, 28 September-2 October 2008, San Francisco CA]. (1 page, 1.7 MB)
The Impact of Simplifications on 3-D Neutronics Analysis of Blanket Modules in ITER; T.D. Bohm, M.E. Sawan, and P.P.H. Wilson, September 2013 [Fusion Science & Technology, vol. 64, pp. 587-591 (September 2013)].
Neutron Shielding and Its Impact on the ITER Machine Design; W. Daenner, L. El-Guebaly, M. Sawan, et al., Dec. 1991 [Fusion Engineering & Design, Vol. 16, Part A, 183].
UWFDM-1411 Environmental Aspects of W-Based Components Employed in ITER, ARIES, and PPCS Fusion Designs; M. Desecures, L. El-Guebaly, June 2012. (34 pages, 1.9 MB)
UWFDM-868 Magnet Shielding Effectiveness of the Proposed Blankets for ITER; L.A. El-Guebaly, September 1991 [Presented at the 14th IEEE/NPSS Symposium on Fusion Engineering, 30 September - 3 October 1991, San Diego CA; published in Proc. IEEE]. (6 pages, 547 kB)
UWFDM-827 Overview of the US-ITER Magnet Shield: Concept and Problems; L.A. El-Guebaly, October 1990 [Presented at the 9th Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy, 7-11 October 1990, Oak Brook IL; Fusion Tech. 19, No. 3, Part 2B, 1475 (1991)]. (9 pages, 667 kB)
UWFDM-940 Shielding Analysis for ITER with Impact of Assembly Gaps and Design Inhomogeneities; L.A. El-Guebaly and M.E. Sawan, January 1994 [prepared for the 8th International Conference on Radiation Shielding, April 24-28, 1994, Arlington TX]. (11 pages, 769 kB)
UWFDM-872 Shielding Considerations for ITER: Current Status and Future Directions; L.A. El-Guebaly, M.E. Sawan, December 1991 [presented at ``New Horizons in Radiation Protection and Shielding'', 26 April - 1 May 1992, Pasco WA.]. (11 pages, 781 kB)
UWFDM-811 Shielding Design Options for the TF Magnets of ITER; L.A. El-Guebaly, October 1989 [Presented at the 13th Symposium on Fusion Engineering, 2-6 October 1989, Knoxville TN; published in Proc. IEEE]. (7 pages, 523 kB)
UWFDM-774 Tungsten versus Steel in Inboard Shield of ITER: Impact on Magnet Damage, Reactor Size, and Cost; Laila A. El-Guebaly, Mohamed E. Sawan, October 1988 [presented at the 8th Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy, 9-13 October 1988, Salt Lake City UT; Fusion Tech. 15, No. 2, Part 2B, 881 (1989)]. (9 pages, 870 kB)
U.S. Technical Report for the ITER Blanket/Shield; L.A. El-Guebaly et al., July 1990 [Part B ITER Report, ITER-TN-BL-5-0-6, Garching, Germany].
UWFDM-842 Potential for D-3He Operation in ITER; G.A. Emmert, December 1990. (19 pages, 649 kB)
Global Evaluation of the Prompt Dose in ITER Using the Hybrid Monte Carlo/Deterministic Techniques; Ahmad Ibrahim, Scott Mosher, Thomas Evans, Douglas Peplow, Mohamed Sawan, Paul Wilson, John Wagner, November 2010 [presented at the 19th ANS Topical Meeting on Fusion Energy, 7-11 November 2010, Las Vegas NV]. (13 pages, 1.9 MB)
UWFDM-1399 ITER Neutronics Modeling Using Hybrid Monte Carlo Deterministic and CAD-Based Monte Carlo Methods; A.M. Ibrahim, S.W. Mosher, T.M. Evans, D.E. Peplow, M.E. Sawan, P.P.H. Wilson, J.C. Wagner, T. Heltemes, July 2011 [published in Nuclear Technology Vol. 175 (July 2011) 251--258].
ITER Neutronics Modeling Using Hybrid Monte Carlo/Deterministic Techniques and CAD Based Monte Carlo; A.M. Ibrahim, S.W. Mosher, T.M. Evans, D.E. Peplow, M.E. Sawan, P.P.H. Wilson, J.C. Wagner, April 2010 [presented at the American Nuclear Society Radiation Protection and Shielding Division Topical Meeting, 19 April 2010, Las Vegas, NV]. (23 pages, 1.8 MB)
Nuclear Analysis Capabilities for Fusion Energy Systems; A. Ibrahim, R. Slaybaugh, B. Smith, B. Kiedrowski, March 2007 [presented at the 2007 ANS Student Conference, Oregon State University, Corvallis OR, 29-31 March 2007]. (1 page, 4.8 MB)
ITER Neutronics Modeling Using Hybrid Monte Carlo Deterministic and CAD-Based Monte Carlo Methods; A.M. Ibrahim, S.W. Mosher, T.M. Evans, D.E. Peplow, M.E. Sawan, P.P.H. Wilson, J.C. Wagner, T. Heltemes, 2011 [Nuclear Technology Vol. 175 (2011) 251-258].
UWFDM-966 Activation Analyses for the Different Options Considered in the U.S. ITER Blanket Trade-Off Study; H.Y. Khater, June 1994 [presented at the 3rd International Symposium on Fusion Nuclear Technology, June 26 - July 1, 1994, Los Angeles CA; to be published in Fusion Engineering and Design]. (16 pages, 511 kB)
UWFDM-777 Activation Analysis for the Aqueous Self-Cooled Blanket and Shield of ITER; H.Y. Khater, M.E. Sawan, S.W. Lomperski, I.N. Sviatoslavsky, October 1988 [presented at the 8th Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy, 9-13 October 1988, Salt Lake City UT]. (9 pages, 876 kB)
UWFDM-1083 Activation Analysis for the ITER Divertor Cassette; H.Y. Khater and M.E. Sawan, June 1998 [Presented at the 13th Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy, June 7-11, 1998, Nashville TN]. (6 pages, 177 kB)
Activation Analysis for the Plasma Facing Component of ITER Divertor; H.Y. Khater, M. Sawan, and D.L. Henderson, Oct. 1997 [Proc. IEEE 17th Symposium on Fusion Engineering, San Diego, CA].
UWFDM-1024 Radiological Dose Rate Calculations for the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER); H.Y. Khater and R.T. Santoro, June 1996 [Presented at the 12th Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Power, 16-20 June 1996, Reno NV]. (8 pages, 615 kB)
UWFDM-1058 Three-Dimensional Activation Analysis for the ITER Divertor Cassette; H.Y. Khater and M.E. Sawan, November 1997 [also ITER/US/97-IV-DV-12]. (73 pages, 867 kB)
Improved Geometrical Design of the US DCLL ITER Test Blanket Module; E. Marriott, M. Dagher, M. Sawan, C. Wong, June 2011 [presented at the 24th Symposium on Fusion Engineering (SOFE), 26--30 June 2011, Chicago IL]. (1 page, 2.8 MB)
UWFDM-1395 Improvements to the Helium Flow Path in the US DCLL ITER Test Blanket Module; E.P. Marriott, June 2011. (17 pages, 3.0 MB)
UWFDM-1037 3-D Thermo-Mechanical Analysis of the ITER Limiter Small Scale Specimen; E.A. Mogahed and I.N. Sviatoslavsky, December 1996. (17 pages, 4.6 MB)
UWFDM-1052 3-D Thermo-Mechanical Analysis of the ITER Limiter Small Scale Specimen; E.A. Mogahed and I.N. Sviatoslavsky, October 1997 [Presented at the 17th IEEE/NPSS Symposium on Fusion Engineering, 6-10 October 1997, San Diego CA]. (6 pages, 279 kB)
UWFDM-923 A Complete Loss of Coolant Accident (LOCA) Analysis for the Inboard Component of ITER CDA; E.A. Mogahed, M.E. Sawan, H.Y. Khater, October 1993 [presented at 15th IEEE/NPSS Symposium on Fusion Engineering,. 11-14 October 1993, Hyannis MA]. (7 pages, 633 kB)