Best Student Paper Award
Students are encouraged to submit their work for presentation
at the 16th Topical Meeting
on the Technology of Fusion Energy.
Selected members of the 16th TOFE Technical Program Committee will
review all submissions with students as first authors and select the
best student work presented at the meeting. Formal evaluation
criteria will be used to assess the quality of the student's work
based on three categories: - The technical merit of the work (50%), for example:
- Value to field
- Completeness/correctness
- Originality
- The quality of the presentation/poster materials (25%), for example:
- Logical layout/flow
- Appropriate use of charts/tables/text
- Formal interactions with the student (25%), for example:
- Oral communication skills
- Ability to address questions.
The student author of this work will receive a $500 cash award and a
plaque recognizing their accomplishment. In addition, the Journal of
Fusion Science and Technology will offer a page charge waiver to the
winning author for a related full paper submitted within one year.