Technical Program
We're anticipating a highly dynamic two and a half day meeting with
three plenary sessions in the morning, two poster sessions in the
early afternoon, and 15 parallel oral sessions that cover the full
spectrum of MFE and IFE technology topics of general and current
interest. The oral sessions include four special oral sessions on the
High Average Power Laser IFE project, the ARIES Compact Stellarator
project, the US contributions to ITER, and the breeding blanket
testing in ITER.
We have received a total of 210 abstracts (30% non-US) from 11
countries. Members of the TOFE organizing committee have reviewed
the abstracts and notifications of acceptance/rejection have been
E-mailed to the authors before the beginning of June. If you have not
received an E-mail titled "Notification to Author of Abstract
submitted to 16th TOFE", please contact the Technical Program Chair
Approximately 11 plenary, 84 oral, and 115 poster presentations will
be given at the meeting. The Program Summary (pdf)
and Final
Technical Program are now available and have been posted on
this website. Please check the Program for the ID # assigned to your
paper and for the exact date/time/duration of your presentation.
You're now requested to prepare the full paper
for review and
possible publication in the Fusion Science and Technology Journal.
Plenary Sessions: All presentations are invited, overview talks
limited to 20 or 25 minutes with an additional 5 minutes for
questions. Speakers will address the national energy picture, the
international fusion technology effort, and fusion prospects in terms
of the challenges facing our future.
Please upload your
PowerPoint presentation (or PDF file)
no later than the Close of Business Thursday,
September 9, 2004. As a backup, bring your presentation on a
Flash-drive and make it available to the session Chair 1/2 hour
before the start of the session.
Oral Sessions: The majority of the oral presentations (~80%) are
invited, high-level talks. The invited and contributed oral
presentations are limited to 15 or 17 minutes, depending on the
session, with an additional 3 minutes for questions. At the end of
your presentation, refer the audience to companion oral talks and/or
detailed in-depth poster presentations on specific subjects. Please
cooperate with the session Chair in limiting your presentation to the
time indicated in the program as many attendees schedule their
attendance at various sessions in accordance with the time schedule.
An overhead projector, laptop computer, LCD projector, and laser
pointer will be available throughout the meeting.
Please upload your
PowerPoint presentation (or PDF file)
no later than the Close of Business Thursday,
September 9, 2004. As a backup, bring your presentation on a
Flash-drive and make it available to the session Chair 1/2 hour
before the start of the session.
Poster Sessions will be held for two hours on Tuesday (Sept. 14) and
Wednesday (Sept. 15) in the Grand Terrace. Poster setup can begin at
10 AM on Tuesday (9/14) and 7 AM on Wednesday (9/15).
Posters should be removed by 5:30 PM. You must be present at
your poster from 1:30 to 3:30 PM. The usable area for the poster
boards is 93-1/2" x 47-1/2" (slightly less than 8'x4'). The boards
are in "landscape" format. Push pins will be provided for poster
mounting. Please check the
Poster Board Layout (pdf) for the
location of the board assigned to your paper.
Meeting Activities: Activities include a Welcome Mixer on the
registration evening (Monday, Sept. 13; 6-9 PM), a Continental
Breakfast on all three days (Sept. 14-16, 7-8 AM), a Reception on
Tuesday evening (Sept. 14; 5:30-7:30 PM), and a Banquet on Wednesday
evening (Sept. 15; 7-10 PM). The Banquet features the presentation of
the professional and student
awards given by the
ANS-FED for the year 2004. Post-meeting
technical tours of the
major University of Wisconsin experiments are scheduled on Thursday
afternoon (Sept. 16). Three tours
will be offered during the
meeting for spouses and guests. Companies involved in fusion projects
will exhibit all day on Tuesday (Sept. 14) and Wednesday
(Sept. 15). Upon request,
workshops and project meetings will
take place at the Monona Terrace and UW campus in the days after the
Schedule (pdf) Program Summary and TOFE Activities (pdf) Final Technical Program |