TOFE Logo   16th ANS Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy, September 14-16, 2004, Madison, WI
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Tech. Program Cmte.
UW Alumni
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List of Attendees
Meeting Photos

» Final Technical Program with links to abstracts
» Final Technical Program with links to Plenary and Oral Presentations
Aerial View of Madison showing state capitol, Hilton Hotel, and Monona Terrace Convention Center

The Wisconsin Local Section of the American Nuclear Society (ANS) and the University of Wisconsin (UW) Fusion Technology Institute are pleased to host the ANS biennial Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy (TOFE) in Madison, Wisconsin, on September 14-16, 2004 at the Monona Terrace Community and Convention Center.

The 16th TOFE meeting will continue the tradition of stand-alone topical meetings originated in the early 1970's, continued through the 80's, and re-established in the year 2000 in Park City, Utah. The scope of the TOFE meeting is to provide a forum for sharing the exciting new progress that has been made in fusion research as well as presenting the future of national and worldwide fusion program. The TOFE meetings typically draw scientists, engineers, and students from various countries, including representation from the US, Japan, Europe, Russian Federation, Canada, China, and Korea.

The entire processes of registration and abstract and full paper submission will be done electronically. With the meeting registration, you are cordially invited to attend the Mixer on the registration night (Monday, Sept. 13, 2004; 6-9 PM), a Continental Breakfast every morning one hour prior to the meeting (7-8 AM), a Welcome Reception on Tuesday night (Sept. 14, 2004; 5:30-7:30 PM), and an Award Banquet on Wednesday evening (Sept. 15, 2004; 7-10 PM). The banquet will feature the presentation of the awards given by the ANS-FED for the year 2004.

Student participation is strongly encouraged. The 16th TOFE meeting offers special registration opportunities for students. All student first authors presenting a paper at this meeting could compete for the Best Student Paper Award and ANS members could apply to the ANS Fusion Energy Division for partial reimbursement of expenses.

Madison, Wisconsin is a city of 210,000 people and the seat of the State Capital and the home of the University of Wisconsin. The unique location of Madison promises to make the 16th TOFE an excellent meeting. Madison's Dane County Regional Airport, 10 minutes from the Monona Terrace Convention Center, is served by 8 airlines from hubs in Chicago, Detroit, Milwaukee, Minneapolis, Cleveland, Denver, and St. Louis. It is only 180 miles by auto from Chicago, IL and 90 miles from Milwaukee, WI.

The TOFE website will be updated frequently. Visit this site often to obtain the latest info.