Oral Presentations
All oral presentations are high-level talks limited to 15 or 17
minutes with an additional 3 minutes for questions. At the end of
your presentation, refer the audience to companion oral talks and/or
detailed in-depth poster presentations on specific subjects. Please
cooperate with the session Chair in limiting your presentation to the
time indicated in the program as many attendees schedule their
attendance at various sessions in accordance with the time schedule.
An overhead projector, laptop computer, LCD projector, and laser
pointer will be available throughout the meeting. Please
upload your
PowerPoint presentation (or PDF file)
no later than the Close of Business Thursday,
September 9, 2004. As a backup, bring your presentation on a
Flash-drive and make it available to the session Chair 1/2 hour
before the start of the session.
Poster Presentations
Poster sessions will be held for two hours on Tuesday (9/14/04) and
Wednesday (9/15/04) in the Grand Terrace. Poster setup can begin
at 10 AM on Tuesday and 7 AM on Wednesday.
Posters should be removed by 5:30 PM. You must be present at your
poster from 1:30 to 3:30 PM. The usable area for the poster boards is
93-1/2" x 47-1/2" (slightly less than 8'x4'). The boards are in
"landscape" format. Push pins will be provided for poster mounting.
Please check the Technical Program for the ID# assigned to your poster
and the poster board layout for the
exact location of the poster board in the Grand Terrace.