FTI Research
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- D-3He Fuel Cycle
- Environmental Impact
- Liquid Metal Safety
- Lunar Mining
- Medical Isotopes
- RadHydro
- Shock Tube
- Space Propulsion
- X1 Chamber
MFE & IFE Studies UW Neutronics Center of Excellence Inertial Electrostatic Confinement Shock Tube
The ARIES program is a national, multi-institutional research activity. Its mission is to perform advanced integrated design studies of the long-term fusion energy embodiments to identify key R&D directions and to provide visions for the fusion program. It is funded by the Office of Fusion Energy Sciences, U.S. Department of Energy. Since the inception of the program in 1988, the ARIES team has developed numerous MFE and IFE power plants and examined the critical design issues for a broad range of alternate concepts. All ARIES power plants generate a 1000 MW of net electric power and assumed to operate for 40 full power years.Related Links
FTI Publications
UWFDM-1225 Impact of CaO Coating on Breeding Potential of ARIES-RS Li/V Blanket System; L. El-Guebaly and the ARIES Team, April 2004. (12 pages, 900 kB)
UWFDM-1227 Radiological Impacts of IFE Target and RTL Recycling Option: A Comparative Study; L. El-Guebaly, P. Wilson, M. Sawan, D. Henderson, A. Varuttamaseni and the ARIES and Z-Pinch Teams, July 2004. (19 pages, 788 kB)
UWFDM-1231 Status of US, EU, and IAEA Clearance Standards and Estimates of Fusion Radwaste Classifications; L. El-Guebaly, P. Wilson, D. Paige, and the ARIES and Z-Pinch Teams, December 2004. (18 pages, 907 kB)
UWFDM-1232 Recycling Issues Facing Target and RTL Materials of Inertial Fusion Designs; L. El-Guebaly, P. Wilson, M. Sawan, D. Henderson, A. Varuttamaseni and the ARIES and Z-Pinch Teams, July 2004 [presented at the 15th International Symposium on Heavy Ion Inertial Fusion, 7-11 June 2004, Princeton, NJ; Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Journal, Section A, 544 (2005) 104-110]. (12 pages, 652 kB)
UWFDM-1233 Benefits of Radial Build Minimization and Requirements Imposed on ARIES Compact Stellarator Design; L. El-Guebaly, R. Raffray, S. Malang, J.F. Lyon, and L.P. Ku, September 2004 [Proceedings 16th ANS Topical Meeting on Fusion Energy, Fusion Science and Technology 47 (3), April 2005, pp. 432-439]. (11 pages, 1.6 MB) [more]
UWFDM-1236 Initial Activation Assessment for ARIES Compact Stellarator Power Plant; L. El-Guebaly, P. Wilson, D. Paige, and the ARIES Team, September 2004 [Proceedings 16th ANS Topical Meeting on Fusion Energy, Fusion Science and Technology 47 (3), April 2005, pp. 440-444]. (8 pages, 1.4 MB)
UWFDM-1242 Optimization of Stellarator Reactor Parameters; J.F. Lyon, L.P. Ku, P. Garabedian, L. El-Guebaly, L. Bromberg and the ARIES Team, September 2004 [Proceedings 16th ANS Topical Meeting on Fusion Energy, Fusion Science and Technology 47 (3), April 2005, pp. 414-421]. (11 pages, 1.6 MB) [more]
UWFDM-1243 Attractive Design Approaches for a Compact Stellarator Power Plant; A.R. Raffray, L. El-Guebaly, S. Malang, X. Wang and the ARIES Team, September 2004 [Proceedings 16th ANS Topical Meeting on Fusion Energy, Fusion Science and Technology 47 (3), April 2005, pp. 422-431]. (13 pages, 4.0 MB) [more]
UWFDM-1244 Ceramic Breeder Blanket for ARIES-CS; A.R. Raffray, S. Malang, L. El-Guebaly, X. Wang and the ARIES Team, September 2004 [Proceedings 16th ANS Topical Meeting on Fusion Energy, Fusion Science and Technology 47 (4), May 2005, pp. 1068-1073]. (9 pages, 2.9 MB) [more]
UWFDM-1245 Views on Neutronics and Activation Issues Facing Liquid-Protected IFE Chambers; L. El-Guebaly, September 2004 [Proceedings 16th ANS Topical Meeting on Fusion Energy, Fusion Science and Technology 47 (3), April 2005, pp. 544-548]. (8 pages, 848 kB)
UWFDM-1269 Potential Coatings for Li/V System: Nuclear Performance and Design Issues; L.A. El-Guebaly, May 2005 [presented at the Seventh International Symposium on Fusion Nuclear Technology, May 22-27, 2005, Tokyo, Japan; published in Fusion Engineering and Design, 81 (2006) 1327-1331]. (10 pages, 650 kB)
UWFDM-1270 Managing Fusion High Level Waste - A Strategy for Burning the Long-Lived Products in Fusion Devices; L.A. El-Guebaly, May 2005 [presented at the Seventh International Symposium on Fusion Nuclear Technology, May 22-27, 2005, Tokyo, Japan; Fusion Engineering and Design, 81 (2006) 1321-1326]. (13 pages, 632 kB)
UWFDM-1271 Evolution of Clearance Standards and Implications for Radwaste Management of Fusion Power Plants; L.A. El-Guebaly, P. Wilson, D. Paige, and the ARIES and Z-Pinch Teams, July 2005 (revised August 2005) [ Fusion Science and Technology, 49 (2006) 62-73]. (29 pages, 1.1 MB)
UWFDM-1285 Current Challenges Facing Recycling and Clearance of Fusion Radioactive Materials; L.A. El-Guebaly, R.A. Forrest, T.D. Marshall, N.P. Taylor, K. Tobita, M. Zucchetti, November 2005. (20 pages, 1.3 MB) [more]
UWFDM-1286 The Feasibility of Recycling and Clearance of Active Materials from Fusion Power Plants; M. Zucchetti, L.A. El-Guebaly, R.A. Forrest, T.D. Marshall, N.P. Taylor, K. Tobita, November 2005 [submitted to the 12th International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials, 4-9 December 2005, Santa Barbara CA; published in J. Nucl. Matls. 367-370 (2007) 1355-1360]. (12 pages, 1.2 MB) [more]
UWFDM-1292 Insights from Clearance Assessments of Fusion Power Plants: ARIES and PPCS; L. El-Guebaly, R. Pampin, M. Zucchetti, July 2006. (20 pages, 970 kB) [more]
UWFDM-1293 Evaluation of Disposal, Recycling, and Clearance Scenarios for Managing ARIES Radwaste after Plant Decommissioning; L. El-Guebaly, July 2006 [presented at the 8th IAEA Technical Meeting on Fusion Power Plant Safety, Vienna, Austria, 10-13 July 2006; published in Nuclear Fusion 47 (2007) 485-488]. (9 pages, 574 kB)
UWFDM-1294 Clearance Considerations for Slightly-Irradiated Components of Fusion Power Plants; L. El-Guebaly, R. Pampin, M. Zucchetti, July 2006 [presented at the 8th IAEA Technical Meeting on Fusion Power Plant Safety, Vienna, Austria, 10-13 July 2006; published in Nuclear Fusion 47 (2007) 480-484]. (10 pages, 707 kB) [more]
UWFDM-1306 ARIES-CS Loss of Coolant and Loss of Flow Accident Analysis; C.J. Martin and L.A. El-Guebaly, November 2006 [presented at the 17th ANS Topical Meeting on Fusion Energy, 13-15 November 2006, Albuquerque NM]. (8 pages, 584 kB)
UWFDM-1321 Modeling and Analysis of Loss of Coolant and Loss of Flow Accidents in the ARIES-CS Fusion Power Plant; C.J. Martin and L.A. El-Guebaly, February 2007. (15 pages, 691 kB)
UWFDM-1322 Overview of ARIES-CS In-Vessel Components: Integration of Nuclear, Economic, and Safety Constraints in Compact Stellarator Design; L. El-Guebaly, P. Wilson, D. Henderson, M. Sawan, G. Sviatoslavsky, T. Tautges, R. Slaybaugh, B. Kiedrowski, A. Ibrahim, C. Martin, R. Raffray, S. Malang, J. Lyon, L.P. Ku, X. Wang, L. Bromberg, B. Merrill, L. Waganer, F. Najmabadi and the ARIES-CS Team, April 2007. (49 pages, 2.5 MB) [more]
UWFDM-1324 Nuclear Challenges and Progress in Designing Stellarator Power Plants; L.A. El-Guebaly, P. Wilson, D. Henderson, M. Sawan, G. Sviatoslavsky, T. Tautges, R. Slaybaugh, B. Kiedrowski, A. Ibrahim, The ARIES Team, May 2007 [submitted to the 13th International Conference on Emerging Nuclear Energy Systems (ICENES-2007), 3-8 June 2007, Istanbul, Turkey]. (18 pages, 1.8 MB) [more]
UWFDM-1330 Toward the Ultimate Goal of Tritium Self-Sufficiency: Technical Issues and Requirements Imposed on ARIES Fusion Power Plants; L.A. El-Guebaly and S. Malang, April 2008 (revised August 2008) [submitted to Fusion Engineering and Design]. (32 pages, 2.0 MB) [more]
UWFDM-1331 Assessment of Radiation Streaming Through ARIES-CS He-Access Pipes using Two- and Three-Dimensional Analyses; A. Ibrahim, D.L. Henderson, L.A. El-Guebaly, P.P.H. Wilson, M.E. Sawan, December 2007. (35 pages, 5.1 MB)
UWFDM-1336 Overview of ARIES-CS In-Vessel Components: Integration of Nuclear, Economics, and Safety Constraints in Compact Stellarator; L.A. El-Guebaly, P. Wilson, D. Henderson, M. Sawan, G. Sviatoslavsky, T. Tautges, R. Slaybaugh, B. Kiedrowski, A. Ibrahim, C. Martin, and the ARIES-CS Team, June 2007 [published in the Proceedings of the 2nd IAEA Technical Meeting on First Generation of Fusion Power Plants: Design and Technology, 20-22 June 2007, Vienna, Austria, IAEA-TM-32812; IAEA CD ISBN 978-92-0-159508-9.]. (10 pages, 2.1 MB) [more]
UWFDM-1343 Analysis of Mesh-Based Neutron Source Models for Better Coupling of Plasma Physics and Neutronics; R.N. Slaybaugh, P.P.H. Wilson, L.A. El-Guebaly, E.P. Marriott, January 2009 [published in Fusion Engineering and Design 84, Issues 7-11 (June 2009) 1774-1778]. (17 pages, 860 kB)
UWFDM-1350 Three Dimensional Analysis of Radiation Streaming Through ARIES-CS He-Access Pipes; A. Ibrahim, D.L. Henderson, L.A. El-Guebaly, P.P.H. Wilson, M.E. Sawan, and the ARIES Team, September 2008 [presented at the 18th ANS Topical Meeting on Fusion Energy, 28 September-2 October 2008, San Francisco CA].
UWFDM-1363 Application of CAD-Neutronics Coupling to Geometrically Complex Fusion Systems; M.E. Sawan, P.P.H. Wilson, T. Tautges, L.A. El-Guebaly, D.L. Henderson, T.D. Bohm, E.P. Marriott, B. Kiedrowski, B. Smith, A. Ibrahim, R. Slaybaugh, May 2009 [prepared for the 23rd Symposium on Fusion Engineering (SOFE), May 31-June 5, 2009, San Diego CA]. (8 pages, 2.8 MB) [more]
UWFDM-1364 3-D Assessment of Neutron Streaming through Inboard Assembly Gaps of ARIES Tokamak Power Plant; T.D. Bohm, L.A. El-Guebaly and the ARIES Team, June 2009. (16 pages, 2.6 MB)
UWFDM-1372 Need for Online Adjustment of Tritium Bred in Blanket and Implications for ARIES Power Plants; L.A. El-Guebaly, S. Malang, and the ARIES Team, July 2009 [Proceedings of 3rd IAEA Technical Meeting on First Generation of Fusion Power Plants: Design and Technology, July 13-15, 2009, Vienna, Austria. To be published by IAEA.]. (9 pages, 261 kB) [more]
UWFDM-1375 Evaluation of Biological Dose for ARIES-CS and Comparison with Approximate Contact Dose Approach; A. Robinson, L. El-Guebaly, D. Henderson, May 2010. (25 pages, 1.8 MB)
UWFDM-1378 W-Based Alloys for Advanced Divertor Designs: Detailed Activation and Radiation Damage Analyses; A. Robinson, L. El-Guebaly, D. Henderson, October 2010 (revised December 2010). (23 pages, 653 kB)
UWFDM-1382 Activation of W-Based Divertors with Thin Re and Mo Coatings for Fusion Applications; A. Jaber, L. El-Guebaly, A. Robinson, D. Henderson, T. Renk, March 2011. (19 pages, 1.4 MB) [more]
UWFDM-1384 Rigorous Evaluation of Biological Dose for Fusion Systems and Comparison with Approximate Contact Dose Approach; A. Robinson, L. El-Guebaly, D. Henderson, November 2010 [presented at 19th ANS Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy, November 7-11, 2010, Las Vegas NV. Published in Fusion Science and Technology 60, Number 2 (July 2011) 720-724.].
UWFDM-1385 Activation and Radiation Damage Characteristics of W-Based Divertor of ARIES Power Plants; A. Robinson, L. El-Guebaly, D. Henderson, November 2010 [presented at 19th ANS Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy, November 7-11, 2010, Las Vegas NV. Published in Fusion Science and Technology 60, Number 2 (July 2011) 715-719.].
UWFDM-1386 Novel Solution for the Problem of Neutron Streaming Through Inboard Assembly Gaps of ARIES Tokamak Power Plants; T. Bohm, L. El-Guebaly, November 2010 [presented at 19th ANS Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy, November 7-11, 2010, Las Vegas NV. Published in Fusion Science and Technology 60, Number 1 (July 2011) 278-272.].
UWFDM-1404 Design Challenges and Activation Concerns for ARIES Vacuum Vessel Materials; L.A. El-Guebaly, T. Huhn, A. Rowcliffe, S. Malang and the ARIES-ACT Team, November 2011 (revised August 2012). (21 pages, 1.2 MB) [more]
UWFDM-1407 Adjoint Activation for Determining Source Pathways of Radioactive Inventory; A. Jaber, D. Henderson, L. El-Guebaly, March 2012. (15 pages, 421 kB)
UWFDM-1408 3-D Modeling of Neutron Wall Loading, Tritium Breeding Ratio, and Nuclear Heating Distribution for ARIES-ACT-DCLL Design; A. Jaber, L. El-Guebaly, L. Mynsberge, April 2012. (28 pages, 1.8 MB)
UWFDM-1411 Environmental Aspects of W-Based Components Employed in ITER, ARIES, and PPCS Fusion Designs; M. Desecures, L. El-Guebaly, June 2012. (34 pages, 1.9 MB) [more]