
[ pdf ]  Overview of ARIES-CS In-Vessel Components: Integration of Nuclear, Economics, and Safety Constraints in Compact Stellarator; L.A. El-Guebaly, P. Wilson, D. Henderson, M. Sawan, G. Sviatoslavsky, T. Tautges, R. Slaybaugh, B. Kiedrowski, A. Ibrahim, C. Martin, and the ARIES-CS Team, June 2007 [published in the Proceedings of the 2nd IAEA Technical Meeting on First Generation of Fusion Power Plants: Design and Technology, 20-22 June 2007, Vienna, Austria, IAEA-TM-32812; IAEA CD ISBN 978-92-0-159508-9.]
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El-Guebaly, L.A.
Henderson, D.L.
Ibrahim, A.
Kiedrowski, B.
Martin, C.J.
Sawan, M.E.
Slaybaugh, R.N.
Sviatoslavsky, G.I.
Tautges, T.J. Argonne National Laboratory
Wilson, P.H.