FTI Publications for Year: 1985
UWFDM-635 SOAR - Space Orbiting Advanced Fusion Reactor; Fusion Reactor Design Group, March 1985 [NOT FOR GENERAL RELEASE].
FPA-84-7 CORIANDER: Comparison of Relevant Issues and Nuclear Development for Fusion Energy Research; F. Arendt, G. Boehme, L.A. El-Guebaly, G.A. Emmert, B. Haferkamp, W. Heinz, E. Hutter, R. Klingelhoefer, P. Komarek, M. Kuechle, G.L. Kulcinski, M. Kuntze, E.M. Larsen, G. Leppelmeier, S. Malang, W. Maurer, C.W. Maynard, R.A. Mueller, D. Perinic, J.F. Santarius, M.E. Sawan, J.E. Scharer, A. Suppan, I.N. Sviatoslavsky, W.F. Vogelsang, and L.J. Wittenberg, January 1985. (201 pages, 7.8 MB) [more]
UWFDM-629 NEWLIT - A General Code for Neutron Wall Loading Distribution; H. Attaya and M. Sawan, February 1985 [Presented at the Sixth Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy, San Francisco, CA, 3-7 March 1985; Fusion Tech. 8, (July 1985)]. (9 pages, 824 kB)
UWFDM-630 MIG: MCNP Input Generator for EFFI Magnet Geometries; H. Attaya and Y. Gohar, February 1985 [Presented at the Sixth Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy, San Francisco, CA, 3-7 March 1985; Fusion Tech. 8, (July 1985)]. (9 pages, 736 kB)
UWFDM-631 Low Power High Wall Loading Tokamak Reactor; H. Attaya, G.L. Kulcinski, J.F. Santarius, and G.A. Emmert, February 1985 [Presented at the Sixth Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy, San Francisco, CA, 3-7 March 1985; Fusion Tech. 8, (July 1985)]. (9 pages, 824 kB)
UWFDM-651 SIRIUS-M: A Symmetric-Illumination, Inertially Confined Direct Drive Materials Test Facility; B. Badger, S.I. Abdel-Khalik, H. Attaya, R.L. Engelstad, G.L. Kulcinski, J.H. Liang, E.G. Lovell, G.A. Moses, R.R. Peterson, M.E. Sawan, I.N. Sviatoslavsky, L. Wittenberg, S. Skupsky, R. McCrory, P. McKenty, C. Verdon, A.J. Schmitt, R.H. Lehmberg, J.H. Gardner, S.E. Bodner, September 30, 1985. (164 pages, 5.5 MB) [more]
UWFDM-652 Light Ion Beam Fusion Target Development Facility Studies: Progress Report for the Period October 1, 1984 to September 30, 1985; B. Badger, R.L. Engelstad, D.L. Henderson, G.L. Kulcinski, E.G. Lovell, G.A. Moses, R.R. Peterson, I.N. Sviatoslavsky, and J.J. Watrous, September 30, 1985. (113 pages, 3.7 MB)
FPA-85-4 Annual Report on Contributions to ASRA-6C - A Commercial Stellarator Fusion Reactor; B. Badger, L.A. El-Guebaly, Gilbert A. Emmert, Gerald L. Kulcinski, Edwin M. Larsen, John F. Santarius, Mohamed E. Sawan, John E. Scharer, Igor N. Sviatoslavsky, William F. Vogelsang, Peter L. Walstrom and Layton J. Wittenberg, December 23, 1985. (60 pages, 1.8 MB)
FPA-85-5 Annual Progress Report for the LIBRA Light Ion Beam Fusion Reactor Project for the Period 1 October 1984 - 31 December 1985; B. Badger, T.J. Bartel, M.L. Corradini, R.L. Engelstad, B.P. Goel, G.L. Kulcinski, E.G. Lovell, G.A. Moses, R.R. Peterson, M.E. Sawan, I.N. Sviatoslavsky and J.J. Watrous, December 1985. (93 pages, 2.6 MB)
UWFDM-660 MINIMARS Halo Model and Computer Code; W.L. Barr, L.J. Perkins, J.F. Santarius, B.Q. Deng and G.A. Emmert, November 1985 [Presented at 11th Symposium on Fusion Engineering, November 18-22, 1985, Austin, TX]. (7 pages, 714 kB) [more]
UWFDM-677 Microfireballs in Stratified Target Chamber Gases in the Light Ion Target Development Facility - Final Report for the Period September 9, 1983 to September 30, 1985; T.J. Bartel, G.A. Moses and R.R. Peterson, September 1985. (24 pages, 1.2 MB)
UWFDM-662 Measured Vaporization and Melting of High Heat Flux Materials Due to Intense Heat Loads; C.D. Croessmann, G.L. Kulcinski, J.B. Whitley, November 1985 [Presented at 11th Symposium on Fusion Engineering, November 18-22, 1985, Austin, TX]. (8 pages, 847 kB)
UWFDM-647 Neutral Transport Calculations for Tandem Mirror Halo Plasmas; B.Q. Deng and G.A. Emmert, September 1985. (22 pages, 847 kB)
UWFDM-621 End Cell Shielding and Streaming Analysis of MARS Tandem Mirror Reactor; Laila A. El-Guebaly, February 1985 [Presented at the Sixth Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy, San Francisco, CA, 3-7 March 1985; Fusion Tech. 8, No. 1, Part 2B, 1043 (July 1985)]. (9 pages, 801 kB)
UWFDM-622 Feasibility of Hands-On Maintenance of the Ion Sources in the NBI of MARS; Laila A. El-Guebaly, February 1985 [Presented at the Sixth Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy, San Francisco, CA, 3-7 March 1985; Fusion Tech. 8, No. 1, Part 2B, 1497 (July 1985)]. (9 pages, 843 kB)
UWFDM-623 Advanced Inboard Shielding Design for Tokamak Fusion Reactors; L.A. El-Guebaly and M.E. Sawan, February 1985 [Presented at the Sixth Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy, San Francisco, CA, 3-7 March 1985; Fusion Tech. 8, (July 1985)]. (9 pages, 880 kB)
UWFDM-624 Materials Problems for Highly Irradiated ICRH Launchers in Fusion Reactors; L.A. El-Guebaly, February 1985 [Presented at the Sixth Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy, San Francisco, CA, 3-7 March 1985; Fusion Tech. 8, No. 1, Part 2A, 553 (July 1985)]. (9 pages, 885 kB)
UWFDM-648 Two Energy Group Model for Neutral Transport in Homogeneous Halo Plasma; G.A. Emmert and B.Q. Deng, September 1985. (15 pages, 665 kB)
UWFDM-617 Vibration Analysis of LIBRA INPORTs; R.L. Engelstad and E.G. Lovell, February 1985 [Presented at the Sixth Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy, San Francisco, CA, 3-7 March 1985; Fusion Technology, 8, 1884-1889 (July 1985)]. (8 pages, 720 kB)
UWFDM-618 Fatigue Strength Analysis of the Sandia Target Development Facility Reaction Chamber; R.L. Engelstad, E.G. Lovell and G.A. Moses, February 1985 [Presented at the Sixth Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy, San Francisco, CA, 3-7 March 1985; Fusion Technology 8, 1890-1894 (July 1985)]. (8 pages, 712 kB)
UWFDM-655 Dynamic Response of Target Development Facility Spherical Chambers; R.L. Engelstad and E.G. Lovell, October 1985. (16 pages, 787 kB)
UWFDM-656 Parametric Lifetime Analysis of Cylindrical Chambers for the Target Development Facility; R.L. Engelstad and E.G. Lovell, October 1985. (17 pages, 845 kB)
UWFDM-665 Lifetime Analysis of the TDF Reaction Chamber; R.L. Engelstad and E.G. Lovell, November 1985 [Presented at 11th Symposium on Fusion Engineering, November 18-22, 1985, Austin, TX]. (7 pages, 696 kB)
FPA-85-2 Vibration Analysis of LIBRA INPORTs; R.L. Engelstad and E.G. Lovell, February 1985 [presented at Sixth Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy, San Francisco, CA, 3-7 March 1985] [also UWFDM-617].
UWFDM-615 Lifetime Analysis of Ferritic Steel Structures for High Temperature Fusion Applications; B.B. Glasgow and W.G. Wolfer, February 1985 [Presented at the Sixth Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy, San Francisco, CA, 3-7 March 1985; Fusion Tech. 8, (July 1985)]. (10 pages, 826 kB)
UWFDM-616 Stress Analysis of a Duplex Structure in a High Heat Flux Fusion Environment; B.B. Glasgow and W.G. Wolfer, February 1985 [Presented at the Sixth Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy, San Francisco, CA, 3-7 March 1985; Fusion Tech. 8, (July 1985)]. (9 pages, 746 kB)
UWFDM-633 Review of Failure Criteria for Thin Wall Structures in a High Heat Flux Environment; Bruce B. Glasgow, March 1985. (67 pages, 2.3 MB)
UWFDM-640 Effects of Irradiation and High Heat Flux on the Lifetime Performance of Ferritic and 316 Stainless Steels; Bruce Bernard Glasgow, May 1985 [Ph.D. thesis]. (163 pages, 4.7 MB)
UWFDM-653 Failure/Maintenance Data Base for the Tritium Systems Test Assembly; Kathleen M. Gruetzmacher, December 1985. (180 pages, 6.8 MB)
UWFDM-628 Radioactivity in the Light Ion Fusion Target Development Facility; D.L. Henderson, R.R. Peterson, and G.A. Moses, February 1985 [Presented at the Sixth Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy, San Francisco, CA, 3-7 March 1985; Fusion Tech. 8, (July 1985) 1396]. (9 pages, 809 kB)
UWFDM-636 One-Dimensional Activation and Radiological Dose Calculations for the Light Ion Fusion Target Development Facility; D.L. Henderson, G.A. Moses and R.R. Peterson, October 1985. (83 pages, 3.0 MB)
UWFDM-649 Modeling of Lithium-Lead/Water Interactions in a Fusion Reactor Design: Part II. Modeling Improvements; J.P. Herzog, M.L. Corradini, September 1985. (28 pages, 1.2 MB)
UWFDM-612 Inversion Techniques for Several Banded Matrices; J.W. Johnson, January 1985. (30 pages, 1.1 MB)
UWFDM-643 The Cross-Section Techniques for Preparing TEM Specimens of Heavy Ion Irradiated HT-9 Ferritic Steel; J.J. Kai, August 1985. (20 pages, 3.5 MB)
UWFDM-668 Time Dependent Studies of a Tandem Mirror with Thermal Barriers; E. Montalvo and G.A. Emmert, November 1985 [to be published in Nuclear Fusion]. (70 pages, 2.8 MB)
UWFDM-664 Preconceptual Design of the Light Ion Beam Fusion Target Development Facility; G.A. Moses, R.R. Peterson, R.L. Engelstad, D.L. Henderson, G.L. Kulcinski, E.G. Lovell, I.N. Sviatoslavsky, J.J. Watrous, R.E. Olson and D.L. Cook, November 1985 [Presented at 11th Symposium on Fusion Engineering, November 18-22, 1985, Austin, TX]. (7 pages, 743 kB) [more]
UWFDM-659 The Fusion Engineering Data Base; Z. Musicki, C.W. Maynard, Y. Watanabe, A. Bennethum, and K. Gruetzmacher, November 1985 [Presented at 11th Symposium on Fusion Engineering, November 18-22, 1985, Austin, TX]. (7 pages, 835 kB)
UWFDM-663 Computer Code AVSYS for Calculation of Fusion Plant Availability; Z. Musicki and C.W. Maynard, November 1985 [Presented at 11th Symposium on Fusion Engineering, November 18-22, 1985, Austin, TX]. (7 pages, 711 kB)
UWFDM-638 Stochastic Effects in Nonaxisymmetric Charged Particle Beams; K.J. O'Brien, March 1985 [Presented at International Conference on Stochasticity and Turbulence in Plasmas, Santa Barbara, CA, 26-29 March 1985]. (40 pages, 1.6 MB)
UWFDM-650 The Adiabatic Theory of the Linear Hose Instability of a Relativistic Electron Beam Propagating in Resistive Plasma; K.J. O'Brien, September 1985 [Ph.D. thesis]. (256 pages, 8.0 MB)