FTI Publications for Author: Peterson, R.R.
- coauthored while at: Los Alamos National Laboratory (3)
UWFDM-1280 Z-Pinch (LiF)2-BeF2(flibe) Preliminary Vaporization Estimation Using the BUCKY 1-D Radiation Hydrodynamics Code; T.A. Heltemes, E.P. Marriott, G.A. Moses, R.R. Peterson, September 2005 [presented at the 21st IEEE/NPSS Symposium on Fusion Engineering (SOFE), 26-29 September 2005, Knoxville TN]. (7 pages, 1.1 MB) [more]
Z-Pinch (LiF)2-BeF2(flibe) Preliminary Vaporization Estimation Using the BUCKY 1-D Radiation Hydrodynamics Code;
T.A. Heltemes, E.P. Marriott, G.A. Moses, R.R. Peterson,
September 2005 [presented at the 21st IEEE/NPSS Symposium on Fusion Engineering (SOFE), 26-29 September 2005, Knoxville TN]. (8 pages, 1.1 MB)
UWFDM-1266 Development Path for Z-Pinch IFE; C. Olson, G. Rochau, S. Slutz, C. Morrow, R. Olson, M. Cuneo, D. Hanson, G. Bennett, T. Sanford, J. Bailey, W. Stygar, R. Vesey, T. Mehlhorn, K. Struve, M. Mazarakis, M. Savage, T. Pointon, M. Kiefer, S. Rosenthal, K. Cochrane, L. Schneider, S. Glover, K. Reed, D. Schroen, C. Farnum, M. Modesto, D. Oscar, L. Chhabildas, J. Boyes, V. Vigil, R. Keith, M. Turgeon, B. Cipiti, E. Lindgren, V. Dandini, H. Tran, D. Smith, D. McDaniel, J. Quintenz, M.K. Matzen, J.P. VanDevender, W. Gauster, L. Shephard, M. Walck, T. Renk, T. Tanaka, M. Ulrickson, W. Meier, J. Latkowski, R. Moir, R. Schmitt, S. Reyes, R. Abbott, R. Peterson, G. Pollock, P. Ottinger, J. Schumer, P. Peterson, D. Kammer, G. Kulcinski, L. El-Guebaly, G. Moses, I. Sviatoslavsky, M. Sawan, M. Anderson, R. Bonazza, J. Oakley, P. Meekunnasombat, J. De Groot, N. Jensen, M. Abdou, A. Ying, P. Calderoni, N. Morley, S. Abdel-Khalik, C. Dillon, C. Lascar, D. Sadowski, R. Curry, K. McDonald, M. Barkey, W. Szaroletta, R. Gallix, N. Alexander, W. Rickman, C. Charman, H. Shatoff, D. Welch, D. Rose, P. Panchuk, D. Louie, S. Dean, A. Kim, S. Nedoseev, E. Grabovsky, A. Kingsep, V. Smirnov, September 2004 [Proceedings 16th ANS Topical Meeting on Fusion Energy, Fusion Science and Technology 47 (3), April 2005, pp. 633-640]. (11 pages, 966 kB) [more]
Stress and Yield Modeling in BUCKY;
R.R. Peterson,
September 2003 [poster presented at the High Average Power Laser Program Meeting, University of Wisconsin, Madison WI, 24-25 September 2003]. (1 page, 369 kB)
BUCKY Simulations of Tungsten RHEPP Experiments: Initial Temperature, Ion Type Effects and Stresses;
R.R. Peterson,
September 2003 [presented at the High Average Power Laser Program Meeting, University of Wisconsin, Madison WI, 24-25 September 2003]. (9 pages, 420 kB)
UWFDM-1204 Flexible Database-Driven Opacity and Spectrum Calculations; J. Yuan, D.A. Haynes, R.R. Peterson, G.A. Moses, April 2003 [submitted to Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer]. (11 pages, 1.3 MB)
Response of Dry Wall Graphite Chamber Designs to the Output Spectrum from a Directly Driven Laser IFE Target;
Donald A. Haynes, Jr. and Robert R. Peterson,
December 2002 [presented at High Average Power Laser Program Workshop, 5-6 December 2002, Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC]. (26 pages, 1.8 MB)
Calculations of the Response of Inertial Fusion Energy Materials to X-ray and Ion Irradiation on Z and RHEPP;
Robert R. Peterson,
December 2002 [presented at High Average Power Laser Program Workshop, 5-6 December 2002, Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC]. (15 pages, 1.3 MB)
Dynamics of Liquid Wall Chambers;
R.R. Peterson, I.E. Golovkin, D.A. Haynes,
April 2002 [presented at the ARIES Project Meeting, 22-23 April 2002, Madison WI]. (17 pages, 930 kB)
Fidelity of RHEPP and Z Experiments to Study Wall Response;
R.R. Peterson, I.E. Golovkin, D.A. Haynes,
April 2002 [presented at the High Average Power Lasers Meeting, General Atomics, La Jolla CA, 4-5 April 2002]. (14 pages, 468 kB)
Ion Driven Fireballs: Calculations and Experiments;
R.R. Peterson, G.A. Moses, J.F. Santarius,
April 2002 [presented at the High Average Power Lasers Meeting, General Atomics, La Jolla CA, 4-5 April 2002]. (13 pages, 546 kB)
BUCKY Simulations of Z and RHEPP Experiments;
R.R. Peterson, I.E. Golovkin, D.A. Haynes,
April 2002 [presented at the High Average Power Lasers Meeting, General Atomics, La Jolla CA, 4-5 April 2002]. (11 pages, 686 kB)
UWFDM-1177 RAGE Simulations of Radiation Driven Turbulence; Robert R. Peterson and Thad Heltemes, March 2002. (21 pages, 768 kB)
UWFDM-1163 Inertial Fusion Energy Target Output and Chamber Response: Calculations and Experiments; R.R. Peterson, D.A. Haynes, Jr., I.E. Golovkin, G.A. Moses, January 2002 [published in Physics of Plasmas, 9, No. 5, 2287 (May 2002)]. (15 pages, 967 kB)
First Wall Response to Several 400MJ Targets' Threat Spectra;
D.A. Haynes, Jr., R.R. Peterson, I.E. Golovkin,
November 2001 [presented at Laser IFE Program Workshop, 13-14 November 2001, Crowne Plaza Hotel, Pleasanton, CA]. (15 pages, 353 kB)
Modeling of Z-Ablation;
I.E. Golovkin, R.R. Peterson, D.A. Haynes, G. Rochau,
November 2001 [presented at Laser IFE Program Workshop, 13-14 November 2001, Crowne Plaza Hotel, Pleasanton, CA]. (9 pages, 350 kB)
Threat Spectra and Energy Partition for Au and Pd Coated Laser IFE Targets;
R.R. Peterson, I. Golovkin, D.A. Haynes, G.A. Moses,
November 2001 [presented at Laser IFE Program Workshop, 13-14 November 2001, Crowne Plaza Hotel, Pleasanton, CA]. (27 pages, 3.6 MB)
Shock Interface and Shock Structure Interactions;
J. Oakley, M. Anderson, S. Wang, R. Bonazza, R. Peterson,
October 2001 [ARIES E-Meeting, 24 October 2001]. (25 pages, 1.9 MB)
Liquid Wall Chamber Dynamics;
R.R. Peterson,
October 2001 [ARIES E-Meeting, 24 October 2001]. (11 pages, 253 kB)
First Wall Studies for Dry Wall IFE Chambers;
D.A. Haynes, Jr., R.R. Peterson, I.E. Golovkin,
October 2001 [presented at the American Physical Society's Division of Plasma Physics Meeting, Long Beach CA, October 29, 2001]. (22 pages, 674 kB)
UWFDM-1158 ArFIT: A Detailed Model of Ar K-Shell Emission from High Energy Density Plasmas; D.A. Haynes, Jr., R.R. Peterson, I.E. Golovkin, C.F. Hooper, Jr., September 2001 [presented at the 2nd International Conference on Inertial Fusion Science and Applications, Kyoto, Japan, 9-14 September 2001]. (7 pages, 495 kB) [more]
ArFIT: A Detailed Model of Ar K-shell Emission from High Energy Density Plasmas;
D.A. Haynes, Jr., R.R. Peterson, I.E. Golovkin, C.F. Hooper, Jr.,
September 2001 [presented at the 2nd International Conference on Inertial Fusion Science and Applications, Kyoto, Japan, September 9-14, 2001]. (18 pages, 822 kB)
UWFDM-1156 Atomic Processes of Hot Ultra-Dense Plasmas Technical Progress Report for FY01 National Laser User Facility Grant; C.F. Hooper, Jr., D.A. Haynes, Jr., J. Delettrez, P. Jaanimagi, S.P. Regan, I.E. Golovkin, R.R. Peterson, N.D. Delamater, August 2001. (14 pages, 1.5 MB) [more]
First Wall Response to the 400MJ NRL Target;
D.A. Haynes, Jr. and R.R. Peterson,
May 2001 [presented at the 2nd Laser IFE Program Workshop, May 31 - June 1, 2001, Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC]. (9 pages, 233 kB)
Output Spectra from Direct Drive ICF Targets;
Robert R. Peterson, Igor E. Golovkin, Donald A. Haynes,
May 2001 [presented at the 2nd Laser IFE Program Workshop, May 31 - June 1, 2001, Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC]. (12 pages, 1.8 MB)
UWFDM-1168 ARIES Inertial Fusion Chamber Assessment; M.S. Tillack, F. Najmabadi, L. El-Guebaly, R.R. Peterson, D.T. Goodin, K.R. Schultz, W.R. Meier, J. Perkins, D.A. Petti, J.D. Sethian, L.M. Waganer, ARIES Team, March 2001 [presented at the 14th Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy, October 15--19, 2000, Park City UT; published in Fusion Technology, 39, No. 2, 343 (2001)]. [more]
UWFDM-1123 Chamber Dynamic Research with Pulsed Power; R.R. Peterson, C.L. Olson, T.J. Renk, G.E. Rochau, M.A. Sweeney, February 2001 [accepted for publication in Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A (2001)]. (13 pages, 135 kB) [more]
Dry-Wall Target Chambers for Direct-Drive Laser Fusion;
G.L. Kulcinski, R.R. Peterson,
February 2001 [presented at the U.S.-Japan Workshop on Laser Fusion, January 25-27, 2001, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory]. (31 pages, 654 kB)
Dry-Wall Target Chambers for Direct-Drive Laser Fusion;
G.L. Kulcinski, R.R. Peterson, D.A. Haynes,
February 2001 [presented at the Laser IFE Program Workshop, February 6-7, 2001, Naval Research Laboratory]. (43 pages, 713 kB)
Recent Results of ICF and IFE Z-Pinch Research at the University of Wisconsin;
R.R. Peterson, D. Kammer, D.A. Haynes, D. Williamson, J.P. Blanchard, A. Kostuch, I.N. Sviatoslavsky, H.Y. Khater, G.A. Moses, G.A. Rochau, M.E. Sawan, J. Yuan, P. McKenna, T.J. Tautges, G. Shanmugasundar, and G.L. Kulcinski,
November 2000 [presented at Sandia National Laboratories, 6 November 2000]. (92 pages, 3.4 MB)
UWFDM-1132 Linked Neutronics and Hydrodynamics Calculations for the Z Pinch Driven Target of X-1; M.E. Sawan and R.R. Peterson, October 2000 [presented at the 14th Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy, October 15-19, 2000, Park City UT]. (7 pages, 267 kB)
UWFDM-1135 Assessment of Personnel Accessibility in the X-1 Facility; H.Y. Khater, M.E. Sawan, R.R. Peterson, October 2000 [presented at the 14th Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy, October 15-19, 2000, Park City UT]. (14 pages, 422 kB)
UWFDM-1139 Safety Assessment of the Protective Gases Used in IFE Chambers; H.Y. Khater, R.R. Peterson, I.N. Sviatoslavsky, October 2000 [presented at the 14th Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy, October 15-19, 2000, Park City UT]. (7 pages, 147 kB)
UWFDM-1145 Shock Loading of IFE Reactor Cooling Tubes; M.H. Anderson, J.G. Oakley, M.A. Coil, R. Bonazza, R.R. Peterson, October 2000 [presented at the 14th Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy, October 15-19, 2000, Park City UT]. (8 pages, 473 kB)
Shock Loading of IFE Reactor Cooling Tubes;
M.H. Anderson, J.G. Oakley, M. Coil, R. Bonazza, R.R. Peterson,
October 2000 [presented at the 14th Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy, October 15-19, 2000, Park City UT]. (21 pages, 3.9 MB)
Parametric Studies of Dry-Wall IFE Chamber Dynamics: Xe Pressure and Radius;
D.A. Haynes and R.R. Peterson,
September 2000 [ARIES Meeting, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, 18-20 September 2000]. (19 pages, 587 kB)
Output Calculations for Laser Fusion Targets;
R.R. Peterson and D.A. Haynes,
September 2000 [ARIES Meeting, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, 18-20 September 2000]. (18 pages, 325 kB)
UWFDM-1126 Dry Wall Chamber Issues for the SOMBRERO Laser Fusion Power Plant; G.L. Kulcinski, R.R. Peterson, L.J. Wittenberg, E.A. Mogahed, I.N. Sviatoslavsky, June 2000 [Presented at the IAEA Technical Committee Meeting on Physics and Technology of Inertial Fusion Energy Target and Chambers, Madrid, Spain, 7-9 June 2000]. (17 pages, 944 kB)
Chamber Physics: Target Output, Blast Propagation, and First Wall Interactions;
R.R. Peterson, D.A. Haynes, M.E. Sawan,
June 2000 [ARIES Review Meeting, June 19-21, 2000, Madison WI]. (43 pages, 1.4 MB)
Dry Wall Chamber Issues for the SOMBRERO Laser Fusion Power Plant;
G.L. Kulcinski, R.R. Peterson, L.J. Wittenberg, E.A. Mogahed, I.N. Sviatoslavsky,
June 2000 [Presented at the IAEA Technical Committee Meeting on Physics and Technology of Inertial Fusion Energy Target and Chambers, Madrid, Spain, 7-9 June 2000]. (22 pages, 717 kB)