The ARIES program is a national, multi-institutional research activity. Its mission is to perform advanced integrated design studies of the long-term fusion energy embodiments to identify key R&D directions and to provide visions for the fusion program. It is funded by the Office of Fusion Energy Sciences, U.S. Department of Energy. Since the inception of the program in 1988, the ARIES team has developed numerous MFE and IFE power plants and examined the critical design issues for a broad range of alternate concepts. All ARIES power plants generate a 1000 MW of net electric power and assumed to operate for 40 full power years.

FTI Publications

Results: 201 to 208 of 208 order by: UWFDM Author Title Date
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UWFDM-887   Neutronics Aspects of ARIES-II and ARIES-IV Fusion Power Reactors; L.A. El-Guebaly, March 1992 [Prepared for the 10th Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy, 7-12 June 1992, Boston MA; Fusion Tech. 21, No. 3, Part 2B, 2128 (1992)]. (8 pages, 543 kB)

UWFDM-886   Neutronics Analysis for the First Wall and Shield of the D-3He Reactor ARIES-III; M.E. Sawan and L.A. El-Guebaly, March 1992 [Prepared for the 10th Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy, 7-12 June 1992, Boston MA; Fus. Tech. 21 (1992) 2069]. (9 pages, 669 kB)

UWFDM-885   Activation Analysis for the D-3He Reactor ARIES-III; H.Y. Khater and M.E. Sawan, March 1992 [Prepared for the 10th Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy, 7-12 June 1992, Boston MA]. (8 pages, 625 kB)

UWFDM-874   The ARIES-III D-3He Tokamak Reactor Study; J.F. Santarius and the ARIES Team, January 1992 [presented at the US-USSR Workshop on D-3He Reactor Studies, 25 September - 2 October 1991, Moscow]. (10 pages, 853 kB)

UWFDM-865   Plasma Startup of the ARIES-III Second Stability Advanced Fuel Tokamak; G.A. Emmert, E.A. Mogahed, C. Kessell, J. Mandrekas, T-K. Mau, September 1991 [Presented at the 14th IEEE/NPSS Symposium on Fusion Engineering, 30 September - 3 October 1991, San Diego CA]. (7 pages, 644 kB) [more]

UWFDM-863   Organic Cooled First Wall and Shield Design for the ARIES-III D-3He Reactor; M.E. Sawan, I.N. Sviatoslavsky, J.P. Blanchard, L.A. El-Guebaly, H.Y. Khater, E.A. Mogahed, D-K. Sze, P. Gierszewski, R. Hollies, and the ARIES Team, September 1991 [Presented at the 14th IEEE/NPSS Symposium on Fusion Engineering, 30 September - 3 October 1991, San Diego CA; IEEE Cat. No. 91CH3035-1, Vol. 2, pp. 1110]. (7 pages, 602 kB) [more]

UWFDM-861   Thermo-Mechanical Design and Structural Analysis of the First Wall for ARIES-III, A 1000 MWe D-3He Power Reactor; I.N. Sviatoslavsky, J.P. Blanchard, E.A. Mogahed, September 1991 [Presented at the 14th IEEE/NPSS Symposium on Fusion Engineering, 30 September - 3 October 1991, San Diego CA]. (7 pages, 750 kB)

UWFDM-815   Energy Conversion Options for ARIES-III -- a Conceptual D-3He Tokamak Reactor; J.F. Santarius, J.P. Blanchard, G.A. Emmert, I.N. Sviatoslavsky, L.J. Wittenberg, N.M. Ghoniem, M.Z. Hasan, T.K. Mau, E. Greenspan, J.S. Herring, W. Kernbichler, A.C. Klein, G.H. Miley, R.L. Miller, Y-K.M. Peng, M.J. Schaffer, C.P.C. Wong, D. Steiner, D-K. Sze, and the ARIES Team, October 1989 [Proceedings of the 13th Symposium on Fusion Engineering, 2-6 October 1989, Knoxville TN (IEEE, NY, 1989) 1039]. (6 pages, 898 kB) [more]

Results: 201 to 208 of 208 order by: UWFDM Author Title Date
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