The ARIES program is a national, multi-institutional research activity. Its mission is to perform advanced integrated design studies of the long-term fusion energy embodiments to identify key R&D directions and to provide visions for the fusion program. It is funded by the Office of Fusion Energy Sciences, U.S. Department of Energy. Since the inception of the program in 1988, the ARIES team has developed numerous MFE and IFE power plants and examined the critical design issues for a broad range of alternate concepts. All ARIES power plants generate a 1000 MW of net electric power and assumed to operate for 40 full power years.

FTI Publications

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retrieve PDF Target Recycling: Problem Definition and Preliminary Analysis for ARIES-IFE-HIB; L. El-Guebaly, October 2001 [ARIES E-Meeting, 24 October 2001]. (16 pages, 221 kB)

retrieve PDF Dry Wall Response to the HIB (Close-Coupled): Refinement of T-Xe and R-Xe Operating Windows; D.A. Haynes, Jr., October 2001 [ARIES E-Meeting, 24 October 2001]. (8 pages, 294 kB)

retrieve PDF Liquid Wall Radiological Assessment and Feasibility of Target Recycling; L.A. El-Guebaly, P. Wilson, D. Henderson, January 2002 [presented at ARIES E-Meeting, 10-11 January 2002, University of California-San Diego]. (32 pages, 391 kB)

retrieve PDF Radiological Issues for Thin Liquid Wall Options; L. El-Guebaly, P. Wilson, D. Henderson, April 2002 [presented at the ARIES Project Meeting, 22-23 April 2002, Madison WI]. (16 pages, 285 kB)

retrieve PDF Feasibility of Recycling Hohlraum Wall Materials; L. El-Guebaly, P. Wilson, D. Henderson, A. Varuttamaseni, April 2002 [presented at the ARIES Project Meeting, 22-23 April 2002, Madison WI]. (19 pages, 250 kB)

retrieve PDF Thin Liquid Wall Protection Concepts for IFE Reactors; E.A. Mogahed, April 2002 [presented at the ARIES Project Meeting, 22-23 April 2002, Madison WI]. (13 pages, 1.4 MB)

retrieve PDF Target Activation and Radiological Response of ARIES-IFE Dry Wall Chamber; L.A. El-Guebaly, D. Henderson, P. Wilson, A. Abdou, April 2002 [presented at the 6th International Symposium on Fusion Nuclear Technology, San Diego, CA, 7-12 April 2002]. (1 page, 356 kB)

retrieve PDF Coolant Cleanup and Process Requirements; I. Sviatoslavsky and L. El-Guebaly, October 2002 [presented at the ARIES Project Meeting, October 2-4, 2002, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory]. (14 pages, 450 kB)

retrieve PDF Ferritic Steel Lifetime Assessment and Self-Consistent Nuclear Parameters for ARIES-IFE-HIB; L. El-Guebaly, October 2002 [presented at the ARIES Project Meeting, October 2-4, 2002, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory]. (19 pages, 845 kB)

retrieve PDF Recycling of Target Materials vs. One-Shot Use Scenario; L. El-Guebaly, P. Wilson, D. Henderson, A. Varuttamaseni, October 2002 [presented at the ARIES Project Meeting, October 2-4, 2002, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory]. (16 pages, 320 kB)

retrieve PDF Summary of FS Lifetime Assessment and Activation Analysis; L. El-Guebaly, October 2002 [ARIES E-Meeting, 10 October 2002]. (14 pages, 283 kB)

retrieve PDF Radiological Issues for Thin Liquid Walls of ARIES-IFE Study; L.A. El-Guebaly, P.P.H. Wilson, D.L. Henderson, L. Waganer, R. Raffray, and ARIES Team, November 2002 [presented at the 15th ANS Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy, 17-21 November 2002, Washington, DC]. (1 page, 454 kB) [more]

retrieve PDF Minimum Radial Standoff: Problem Definition and Needed Info; L. El-Guebaly, January 2003 [presented at the ARIES Project Meeting, January 8-10, 2003, University of California at San Diego, San Diego CA]. (14 pages, 243 kB)

retrieve PDF Radial Build Updates for Flibe/FS System; L. El-Guebaly, February 2003 [ARIES-CS E-Meeting, 25 February 2003]. (9 pages, 2.0 MB)

retrieve PDF The ARIES Program (Advanced Research Innovation and Evaluation Study); L.A. El-Guebaly, February 4, 2003 [FTI Tuesday meeting]. (16 pages, 5.6 MB)

retrieve PDF Radial Build Definition for LiPb/SiC and Flibe/FS Systems; L. El-Guebaly, May 2003 [presented at the ARIES-CS Project Meeting, May 7, 2003, Livermore CA]. (19 pages, 3.8 MB)

retrieve PDF Radial Build Definition for LiPb/FS and Li/FS Systems; L. El-Guebaly, September 2003 [presented at the ARIES-CS Project Meeting, September 3, 2003, Atlanta GA]. (28 pages, 2.4 MB)

retrieve PDF ARIES Compact Stellarator Design (ARIES-CS); L.A. El-Guebaly, September 23, 2003 [FTI Tuesday meeting]. (25 pages, 3.7 MB)

retrieve PDF Radial Build Definition for Solid Breeder System; L. El-Guebaly, June 2004 [presented at the ARIES-CS Project Meeting, 16-17 June 2004, Madison WI]. (18 pages, 506 kB)

retrieve PDF Neutron Wall Loading Profile Using CAD/MCNP Interface; M. Wang, June 2004 [presented at the ARIES-CS Project Meeting, 16-17 June 2004, Madison WI]. (17 pages, 669 kB)

retrieve PDF ARIES-CS Radial Builds and Compositions; L.A. El-Guebaly and the ARIES Team, August 2004. (33 pages, 1.3 MB)

retrieve PDF Views on Neutronics and Activation Issues Facing Liquid-Protected IFE Chambers; L.A. El-Guebaly and the ARIES Team, September 2004 [presented at the 16th ANS Topical Meeting on Fusion Energy, 14-16 September 2004, Madison WI]. (1 page, 621 kB)

retrieve PDF Initial Activation Assessment for ARIES Compact Stellarator Power Plant; L. El-Guebaly, P. Wilson, D. Paige and the ARIES Team, September 2004 [presented at the 16th ANS Topical Meeting on Fusion Energy, 14-16 September 2004, Madison WI]. (1 page, 816 kB)

retrieve PDF ARIES-CS Radial Builds and Compositions; L.A. El-Guebaly and the ARIES Team, November 2004. (17 pages, 427 kB)

retrieve PDF Radial Build and Composition for LiPb/FS/He System; L.A. El-Guebaly and the ARIES Team, March 2005. (9 pages, 4.1 MB)

retrieve PDF Nuclear Issues for LiPb/FS/He System with Internal VV; L.A. El-Guebaly, June 2005 [presented at the ARIES-CS Project Meeting, 14-15 June 2005, Madison WI]. (16 pages, 2.9 MB)

retrieve PDF Shielding Options for FP Maintenance Approach with External VV; L.A. El-Guebaly, June 2005 [presented at the ARIES-CS Project Meeting, 14-15 June 2005, Madison WI]. (14 pages, 1.1 MB)

retrieve PDF MCNP/CAD Activities and Preliminary 3-D Results; M. Wang, T. Tautges, D. Henderson, and L. El-Guebaly, June 2005 [presented at the ARIES-CS Project Meeting, 14-15 June 2005, Madison WI]. (20 pages, 1.7 MB)

retrieve PDF Updated LOCA/LOFA Analyses for Blanket and Shield Only Regions; C. Martin, J. Blanchard, June 2005 [presented at the ARIES-CS Project Meeting, 14-15 June 2005, Madison WI]. (10 pages, 891 kB)

retrieve PDF 2-D Analysis of Neutron Streaming Through Helium Access Tubes; L. El-Guebaly, S. Malang, X. Wang, September 2005 [presented at the ARIES-CS Project Meeting, Meeting, 15-16 September 2005, PPPL, Princeton NJ]. (16 pages, 9.2 MB)

retrieve PDF Assessment of Power Core Parameters and Related Costs; L. El-Guebaly, November 2005 [presented at the ARIES Project Meeting, 17-18 Novemeber 2005, University of California-San Diego, San Diego CA]. (23 pages, 2.9 MB)

retrieve PDF Assessment of Power Core Parameters and Related Costs (Part II); L. El-Guebaly, January 2006 [presented at the ARIES Project Meeting, 23 January 2006, University of California-San Diego, San Diego CA]. (12 pages, 265 kB)

retrieve PDF Revised Radial Build Data - Breeding and Streaming Concerns; L. El-Guebaly, January 2006 [presented at the ARIES Project Meeting, 23 January 2006, University of California-San Diego, San Diego CA]. (20 pages, 4.2 MB)

retrieve PDF Near-Final Radial Build and Composition for LiPb/FS/He System; L.A. El-Guebaly and the ARIES Team, March 2006. (11 pages, 1.6 MB)

retrieve PDF Assessment of Power Core Parameters and Related Costs (Part III); L. El-Guebaly, April 2006 [presented at the ARIES-CS Project Meeting, 27-28 April 2006, University of Wisconsin, Madison WI]. (11 pages, 595 kB)

retrieve PDF Near-Final Radial Build and Nuclear Parameters; L. El-Guebaly, April 2006 [presented at the ARIES-CS Project Meeting, 27-28 April 2006, University of Wisconsin, Madison WI]. (30 pages, 5.8 MB)

retrieve PDF Status of CAD/MCNP Status of CAD/MCNP; Paul Wilson, April 2006 [presented at the ARIES-CS Project Meeting, 27-28 April 2006, University of Wisconsin, Madison WI]. (25 pages, 1.7 MB)

retrieve PDF Final Radial Build and Composition for LiPb/FS/He System; L.A. El-Guebaly and the ARIES Team, May 2006. (13 pages, 1.6 MB)

retrieve PDF Final Radial Builds for LiPb/FS/He and LiPb/SiC Systems; L. El-Guebaly, June 2006 [presented at the ARIES-CS Project Meeting, 14-15 June 2006, University of California-San Diego, LaJolla CA]. (19 pages, 3.8 MB)

retrieve PDF Evaluation of Disposal, Recycling, and Clearance Scenarios for Managing ARIES Radwaste after Plant Decommissioning; L. El-Guebaly, July 2006 [presented at the 8th IAEA Technical Meeting on Fusion Power Plant Safety, July 10-13, 2006, Vienna, Austria]. (23 pages, 9.4 MB)

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