FTI Reports with Coauthors at Other Organizations


Results: 321 to 324 of 324 order by: UWFDM AuthorTitle Date
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UWFDM-1205   A Graphical Tool for Computing Opacities for ICF Applications; J. Yuan, G. Rochau, G.A. Moses, April 2003 [published in International Journal of Modelling and Simulation, Vol. 23, No. 4, 2003]. [more]

UWFDM-1277   Monte Carlo Charged Particle Tracking and Energy Deposition on a Lagrangian Mesh; J. Yuan, G.A. Moses and P.W. McKenty, August 2005 [submitted to Physical Review E]. (27 pages, 907 kB) [more]

retrieve PDF Steady-State He+ Implantation In Engineered First Wall Armor Materials; S.J. Zenobia, B. Egle, T. Knowles, R. Raffray, J. Shea, S. O'Dell, G. Kulcinski and the IEC Group, October 2008 [presented at the 19th High Average Power Laser Program Workshop, 22-23 October 2008, University of Wisconsin, Madison WI]. (34 pages, 11 MB) [more]

UWFDM-451   Helium Bubble Formation in Cu, Ni and Cu-Ni Alloys; S.J. Zinkle, R.A. Dodd, G.L. Kulcinski, and K. Farrell, October 1982 [presented at the TMS-AIME Symposium, ``Radiation Damage Analysis for Fusion Reactors,'' St. Louis, MO, 24-28 October 1982]. (18 pages, 2.0 MB) [more]

Results: 321 to 324 of 324 order by: UWFDM AuthorTitle Date
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