FTI Publications for Year: 2006
Final Radial Build and Composition for LiPb/FS/He System; L.A. El-Guebaly and the ARIES Team, May 2006. (13 pages, 1.6 MB)
Final Radial Build and Composition for LiPb/FS/He System; L.A. El-Guebaly and the ARIES Team, September 2006. (15 pages, 2.0 MB)
Assessment of Power Core Parameters and Related Costs (Part II); L. El-Guebaly, January 2006 [presented at the ARIES Project Meeting, 23 January 2006, University of California-San Diego, San Diego CA]. (12 pages, 265 kB)
Revised Radial Build Data - Breeding and Streaming Concerns; L. El-Guebaly, January 2006 [presented at the ARIES Project Meeting, 23 January 2006, University of California-San Diego, San Diego CA]. (20 pages, 4.2 MB)
Assessment of Power Core Parameters and Related Costs (Part III); L. El-Guebaly, April 2006 [presented at the ARIES-CS Project Meeting, 27-28 April 2006, University of Wisconsin, Madison WI]. (11 pages, 595 kB)
Near-Final Radial Build and Nuclear Parameters; L. El-Guebaly, April 2006 [presented at the ARIES-CS Project Meeting, 27-28 April 2006, University of Wisconsin, Madison WI]. (30 pages, 5.8 MB)
Final Radial Builds for LiPb/FS/He and LiPb/SiC Systems; L. El-Guebaly, June 2006 [presented at the ARIES-CS Project Meeting, 14-15 June 2006, University of California-San Diego, LaJolla CA]. (19 pages, 3.8 MB)
Status of 3-D Analysis, Neutron Streaming through Penetrations, and LOCA/LOFA Analysis; L. El-Guebaly, M. Sawan, P. Wilson, D. Henderson, A. Ibrahim, G. Sviatoslavsky, B. Kiedrowski, T. Tautges, C. Martin, October 2006 [presented at the ARIES-CS Project Meeting, 4-5 October 2006, PPPL, Princeton NJ]. (23 pages, 4.2 MB)
Evaluation of Disposal, Recycling, and Clearance Scenarios for Managing ARIES Radwaste after Plant Decommissioning; L. El-Guebaly, July 2006 [presented at the 8th IAEA Technical Meeting on Fusion Power Plant Safety, July 10-13, 2006, Vienna, Austria]. (23 pages, 9.4 MB)
Activation and Waste Stream Analysis for RTL of Z-Pinch Power Plant; L. El-Guebaly, P. Wilson, and M. Sawan, November 2006 [presented at the 17th ANS Topical Meeting on Fusion Energy, 13-15 November 2006, Albuquerque NM]. (1 page, 922 kB)
Overview of ARIES-CS In-Vessel Components: Integration of Nuclear, Economics, and Safety Constraints in Compact Stellarator Design; L. El-Guebaly, R. Raffray, S. Malang, J. Lyon, L.P. Ku, X. Wang, L. Bromberg, P. Wilson, D. Henderson, T. Tautges, M. Sawan, G. Sviatoslavsky, B. Kiedrowski, R. Slaybaugh, A. Ibrahim, M. Wang, C. Martin, B. Merrill, L. Waganer, F. Najmabadi, and the ARIES Team, November 2006 [presented at the 17th ANS Topical Meeting on Fusion Energy, 13-15 November 2006, Albuquerque NM]. (25 pages, 16 MB) [more]
Z-Pinch Chamber Assessment and Design; L. El-Guebaly, M. Sawan, I. Sviatoslavsky, P. Wilson, G. Sviatoslavsky, G. Kulcinski, November 2006 [presented at the 17th ANS Topical Meeting on Fusion Energy, 13-15 November 2006, Albuquerque NM]. (9 pages, 1.4 MB)
Engineering Issues Facing Transmutation of Actinides in Z-Pinch Fusion Power Plant; L. El-Guebaly, B. Cipiti, P.H. Wilson, P. Phruksarojanakun, R. Grady, I. Sviatoslavsky, November 2006 [presented at the 17th ANS Topical Meeting on Fusion Energy, 13-15 November 2006, Albuquerque NM]. (6 pages, 465 kB)
Environmental Benefits and Impact of Radwaste Management Approaches: Disposal, Recycling, and Clearance; L. El-Guebaly, November 2006 [presented at the 17th ANS Topical Meeting on Fusion Energy, 13-15 November 2006, Albuquerque NM]. (20 pages, 5.4 MB)
UWFDM-1305 Comparison of Spherical and Cylindrical Cathode Geometries in Inertial Electrostatic Confinement Devices; B.J. Egle, J.F. Santarius, G.L. Kulcinski, November 2006 [presented at the 17th ANS Topical Meeting on Fusion Energy, 13-15 November 2006, Albuquerque NM; Fusion Science and Technology 52, 1110 (2007)]. (7 pages, 652 kB)
Comparison of Spherical and Cylindrical Geometries in Inertial Electrostatic Confinement Devices; B.J. Egle, J.F. Santarius, G.L. Kulcinski, November 2006 [presented at the 17th ANS Topical Meeting on Fusion Energy, 13-15 November 2006, Albuquerque NM]. (18 pages, 1.6 MB)
UWFDM-1316 Direct Conversion of High Energy Protons to Electricity Using a Solid-State PIN Junction Diode; D.R. Boris, Zhenqiang Ma, Hao-Chih Yuan, R.P. Ashley, J.F. Santarius, G.L. Kulcinski, C. Dickerson, T. Allen, November 2006 [presented at the 17th ANS Topical Meeting on Fusion Energy, 13-15 November 2006, Albuquerque NM]. (6 pages, 633 kB)
Direct Conversion of D-3He Protons Using a Silicon PIN Junction Diode; D.R. Boris, May 2006 [presented at the 8th U.S.-Japan Workshop, 10-12 May 2006, Kansai University, Osaka, Japan]. (14 pages, 834 kB)
Plasma Characteristics of the Ion Source Region in the University of Wisconsin Inertial Electrostatic Confinement Fusion Device; D.R. Boris and G.A. Emmert, October 2006 [presented at the APS-DPP Meeting, 30 October-3 November 2006, Philadelphia PA]. (1 page, 944 kB)
Direct Conversion of High Energy Protons Using a Solid State PIN Junction Diode; David R. Boris, Zhenqiang Ma, Hao-Chih Yuan, Robert P. Ashley, John F. Santarius, Gerald L. Kulcinski, Clayton Dickerson, Todd Allen, November 2006 [presented at the 17th ANS Topical Meeting on Fusion Energy, 13-15 November 2006, Albuquerque NM]. (1 page, 848 kB)
An Upper Bound for Stress Waves Induced by Volumetric Heating in IFE Chamber Walls; J.P. Blanchard and Jens Conzen, November 2006 [presented at the 17th ANS Topical Meeting on Fusion Energy, 13-15 November 2006, Albuquerque NM]. (1 page, 3.0 MB)
Shock Mitigation Studies in Voided Liquids for Fusion Chamber Protection; M. Anderson, J. Oakley, E. Marriott, J. Gudmundson, K. Sridharan, V. Vigil, G. Rochau, R. Bonazza, November 2006 [presented at the 17th ANS Topical Meeting on Fusion Energy, 13-15 November 2006, Albuquerque NM]. (1 page, 2.4 MB) [more]