FTI Publications for Year: 1993
UWFDM-909 Computer Modeling of ICF Target Chamber Phenomena; G.A. Moses and R.R. Peterson, January 1993 (revised June 1993) [submitted to Lasers and Particle Beams]. (69 pages, 1.9 MB)
UWFDM-910 Numerical Simulation of High Energy Density Plasmas in Support of KALIF Experiments; J.J. MacFarlane, P. Wang, D.L. Henderson, O. Yasar, January 1993. (58 pages, 850 kB)
UWFDM-911 Numerical Simulation of the Stability in Long Cable-In-Conduit Conductors for Fusion Magnets; C.T. Yeaw and R.L. Wong, January 1993 [presented at the 10th Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy, Boston MA, 7-12 June 1992. Also published as UCRL-JC-109337]. (7 pages, 702 kB) [more]
UWFDM-912 Effects of Coronal and Shock-Produced X-Rays on the Ionization Distribution in Hot Star Winds; J.J. MacFarlane, W.L. Waldron, M.F. Corcoran, M.J. Wolff, P. Wang, J.P. Cassinelli, March 1993 [Astrophysical Journal (1993)]. (36 pages, 574 kB) [more]
UWFDM-913 Theoretical Spectral Diagnostic Analyses in Support of PBFA-II Beam-Plasma Interaction Experiments; J.J. MacFarlane and P. Wang, March 1993. (143 pages, 6.7 MB)
UWFDM-914 Generic Magnetic Fusion Rocket Model; J.F. Santarius and B.G. Logan, April 1993 (revised February 1998) [Prepared for the 29th AIAA/SAE/ASME/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, Paper AIAA-93-2029, June 28-30, 1993, Monterey CA]. (33 pages, 623 kB) [more]
UWFDM-915 Initial Computer Simulations of Vaporization of Material in Experiments Meant to Mimic Divertor Plates During Tokamak Disruptions; R.R. Peterson, May 1993. (37 pages, 2.4 MB)
UWFDM-916 Proceedings of the Workshop on D-3He Based Reactor Studies, Held at the Nuclear Fusion Institute of the Russian Research Center - Kurchatov Institute, Moscow, Russia, 25 September - 2 October 1991; various authors, June 1993. (206 pages, 11 MB)
UWFDM-917 Diagnosing Conditions in Proton Beam-Heated Plasmas Using Fluorine K-alpha Emission and Absorption Spectra; J.J. MacFarlane and P. Wang, July 1993. (41 pages, 1.2 MB)
UWFDM-918 The Promise of Self-Pinched Beam Propagation to Light Ion Fusion Reactors; R.R. Peterson, R.L. Engelstad, G.L. Kulcinski, E.G. Lovell, G.A. Moses, M.E. Sawan, I.N. Sviatoslavsky, August 1993 (revised October 1993). (14 pages, 417 kB)
UWFDM-919 Irradiation Behavior of Bonded Structures; M.H. Hassan, August 1993 [Ph.D. thesis]. (242 pages, 9.0 MB)
UWFDM-920 Magnetic Fusion Propulsion: Opening the Solar-System Frontier; J.F. Santarius, July 1993 [Proc. 2nd Wisconsin Symposium on Helium-3 and Fusion Power, 19-21 July 1993, Madison WI, p. 321]. (10 pages, 866 kB)
UWFDM-921 The Effect of End Conditions on the Axisymmetric Vibrations of Cylindrical Shells; D.P. Adler, August 1993 [M.S. thesis]. (75 pages, 3.0 MB)
UWFDM-922 Effects of X-Rays on the Ionization State of Be Star Winds; J.J. MacFarlane, October 1993 [Proceedings of the IAU Symposium 162: Pulsation, Rotation, and Mass Loss in Early-Type Stars, 5-8 October 1993, Juan Les Pins, France]. (6 pages, 527 kB)
UWFDM-923 A Complete Loss of Coolant Accident (LOCA) Analysis for the Inboard Component of ITER CDA; E.A. Mogahed, M.E. Sawan, H.Y. Khater, October 1993 [presented at 15th IEEE/NPSS Symposium on Fusion Engineering,. 11-14 October 1993, Hyannis MA]. (7 pages, 633 kB)
UWFDM-924 Thermal and Structural Analysis of the First Wall in the SIRIUS-P Reactor; E.A. Mogahed and I.N. Sviatoslavsky, October 1993 [presented at 15th IEEE/NPSS Symposium on Fusion Engineering,. 11-14 October 1993, Hyannis MA]. (7 pages, 645 kB)
UWFDM-925 Activation and Waste Disposal of the ARIES-II Tokamak Fusion Power Reactor; H.Y. Khater, October 1993 [presented at 15th IEEE/NPSS Symposium on Fusion Engineering, 11-14 October 1993, Hyannis MA]. (7 pages, 816 kB)
UWFDM-926 Environmental and Safety Assessment of the Inertially Confined Direct Drive Laser Fusion Power Reactor SIRIUS-P; H.Y. Khater, L.J. Wittenberg, M.E. Sawan, October 1993 [presented at 15th IEEE/NPSS Symposium on Fusion Engineering,. 11-14 October 1993, Hyannis MA]. (7 pages, 941 kB)
UWFDM-927 Assessment of Personnel Accessibility in the Particle Beam Fusion Accelerator Facility PBFA-II; M.E. Sawan, L.A. El-Guebaly, H.Y. Khater, October 1993 [presented at 15th IEEE/NPSS Symposium on Fusion Engineering,. 11-14 October 1993, Hyannis MA]. (7 pages, 569 kB)
UWFDM-928 Nuclear Analysis for the Blanket and Shield of the KrF Laser Driven Inertial Fusion Reactor SOMBRERO; M.E. Sawan and H.Y. Khater, October 1993 [presented at 15th IEEE/NPSS Symposium on Fusion Engineering,. 11-14 October 1993, Hyannis MA]. (7 pages, 624 kB)
UWFDM-929 Investigation of the Radiation Effects Upon the Stability of Fusion Magnet Coils; C.T. Yeaw, October 1993 [presented at 15th IEEE/NPSS Symposium on Fusion Engineering, 11-14 October 1993, Hyannis MA]. (7 pages, 860 kB)
UWFDM-930 MHD, Heat Transfer and Stress Analysis for the ITER Self-Cooled Blanket Design; X.R. Wang, E.A. Mogahed, I.N. Sviatoslavsky, October 1993. (29 pages, 1.5 MB)
UWFDM-931 NLTERT - A Code for Computing the Radiative Properties of Non-LTE Plasmas; J.J. MacFarlane, December 1993. (66 pages, 1.2 MB)
UWFDM-933 EOSOPC - A Code for Computing the Equations of State and Opacities of High Temperature Plasmas with Detailed Atomic Models; Ping Wang, December 1993. (39 pages, 682 kB)
UWFDM-934 Constraints on Hot Star X-Ray Source Characteristics from Combined Analysis of X-Ray and UV Observations; J.J. MacFarlane, August 1993 [Proceedings of the International Workshop on Instability and Variability of Hot Star Winds, Isle-aux-Coudres, Québec, 23-27 August 1993]. (8 pages, 684 kB)
UWFDM-935 Fifty Years of Research in Helium-3 Fusion and Helium-3 Resources; J.C. Crabb, S.W. White, L.P. Wainwright, S.E. Kratz, G.L. Kulcinski, December 1993 (revised May 1994). (134 pages, 1.7 MB)
UWFDM-937 Collisional-Radiative Equilibrium (CRE) Model for the CONRAD Radiation-Hydrodynamics Code; J.J. MacFarlane, December 1993. (47 pages, 759 kB)
UWFDM-942 ATBASE User's Guide; P. Wang, December 1993. (56 pages, 602 kB)
UWFDM-950 SIRIUS-P, An Inertially Confined Direct Drive Laser Fusion Power Reactor; I.N. Sviatoslavsky, G.L. Kulcinski, G.A. Moses, R.L. Engelstad, H.Y. Khater, E.M. Larsen, E.G. Lovell, J.J. MacFarlane, E.A. Mogahed, R.R. Peterson, M.E. Sawan, P. Wang, L.J. Wittenberg, March 1993. (382 pages, 15 MB)
FPA-93-1 Numerical Simulation of High Energy Density Plasmas in Support of KALIF Experiments; J.J. MacFarlane, P. Wang, D.L. Henderson, O. Yasar, January 1993 [also UWFDM-910].
FPA-93-2 Molecular Effects on the Opacity of the Vapor Created During Tokamak Disruptions: Formalism, Methods and Examples; R.R. Peterson and Wang Ping, May 1993. (21 pages, 236 kB)
FPA-93-3 Diagnosing Conditions in Proton Beam-Heated Plasmas Using Fluorine K-alpha Emission and Absorption Spectra; J.J. MacFarlane and P. Wang, July 1993 [also UWFDM-917].
FPA-93-4 Comparison of Critical Requirements and Prospects for Stellarator and Tandem Mirror Fusion Power; G.A. Emmert, G.L. Kulcinski, J.F. Santarius, I.N. Sviatoslavsky, K. Kleefeldt, P. Komarek, W. Maurer, A. Suppan, M. Thumm, October 1993. (46 pages, 1.8 MB) [more]
FPA-93-5 LIBRA, A Light Ion Driven Fusion Power Plant; G.L. Kulcinski and G. Kessler, November 1993 [copy of viewgraphs presented at the Workshop on the Status of ICF-Research Programmes and Conceptual ICF-Reactor Studies, 18-20 October 1993, Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Germany]. (35 pages, 6.6 MB) [more]
FPA-93-6 NLTERT - A Code for Computing the Radiative Properties of Non-LTE Plasmas; J.J. MacFarlane, December 1993 [also UWFDM-931].
FPA-93-7 ATBASE User's Guide; P. Wang, December 1993 [also UWFDM-942].
FPA-93-8 EOSOPC - A Code for Computing the Equations of State and Opacities of High Temperature Plasmas with Detailed Atomic Models; Ping Wang, December 1993 [also UWFDM-933].
FPA-93-9 Collisional-Radiative Equilibrium (CRE) Model for the KATACO Radiation-Hydrodynamics Code; J.J. MacFarlane, December 1993 [also UWFDM-937].
WCSAR-TR-AR3-9301-1 Evaluation of the Regolith of Mare Tranquillitatis as a Source of Volatile Elements; E.N. Cameron, January 1993. (17 pages, 627 kB)
WCSAR-TR-AR3-9304-1 Helium-3 Fusion Reactors - A Clean and Safe Source of Energy in the 21st Century; G.L. Kulcinski, April 1993 [presented at the 9th National Space Symposium, Colorado Springs CO, 13-16 April 1993]. (26 pages, 1.9 MB)