FTI Publications for Year: 1992


Results: 41 to 56 of 56 order by: UWFDM Author TitleDate
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WCSAR-TR-AR3-9201-5   Environmental Aspects of Lunar Helium-3 Mining; G.L. Kulcinski, E.N. Cameron, W.D. Carrier III, H.H. Schmitt, January 1992 [prepared for Space 92, The Third International Conference on Engineering, Construction, and Operations in Space, 31 May-4 June 1992, Denver CO]. (13 pages, 208 kB)

UWFDM-903   Effects of Shock-Produced X-Rays on the Ionization Balance in the Wind of epsilon Ori; J.J. MacFarlane, M. Wolff, P. Wang, August 1992 [Proceedings of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, Conference on Massive Stars, in Massive Stars: Their Lives in the Interstellar Medium (1993)]. (5 pages, 905 kB)

UWFDM-908   D-3He Tokamak Reactor; S.G. Bespoludennov, V.I. Khripunov, V.I. Pistunovich, G.A. Emmert, J.F. Santarius, G.L. Kulcinski, September 1992 [presented at the 14th International Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion, Wuerzburg, Germany, 30 September - 7 October 1992]. (11 pages, 119 kB) [more]

UWFDM-875   D-3He Magnetic Fusion for Space Propulsion; J.F. Santarius, January 1992 [presented at the US-USSR Workshop on D-3He Reactor Studies, 25 September - 2 October 1991, Moscow]. (8 pages, 753 kB)

FPA-92-12   Copy of Viewgraphs Presented on State of Tandem Mirror Physics - 1992; G.A. Emmert, G.L. Kulcinski, J.F. Santarius, I.N. Sviatoslavsky, December 1992. (76 pages, 2.7 MB)

UWFDM-905   Calculational Models for the Treatment of Pulsed/Intermittent Activation within Fusion Energy Devices; S.E. Spangler, J.E. Sisolak, D.L. Henderson, August 1992 [published in Fusion Engineering and Design 22 (July 1993) 349]. (33 pages, 738 kB)

UWFDM-899   Ballistic Focus Light Ion Beams for an Inertial Confinement Fusion Reactor; R.R. Peterson, May 1992 [presented at Beams'92, 25-29 May 1992, Washington DC]. (10 pages, 770 kB)

FPA-92-8   Ballistic Focus Light Ion Beams for an Inertial Confinement Fusion Reactor; R.R. Peterson, May 1992 [presented at Beams '92, 25-29 May 1992, Washington, DC] [also UWFDM-899].

WCSAR-TR-AR3-9201-3   Apollo 11 Ilmenite Revisited; E.N. Cameron, January 1992 [prepared for Space 92, The Third International Conference on Engineering, Construction, and Operations in Space, 31 May-4 June 1992, Denver CO]. (13 pages, 325 kB)

UWFDM-906   Analysis of K-alpha\ Line Emission from Aluminum Plasmas Created by Intense Proton Beams; J.J. MacFarlane, P. Wang, J. Bailey, T.A. Mehlhorn, R.J. Dukart, R.C. Mancini, September 1992 (revised November 1992)  [Phys. Rev. E (1993)]. (39 pages, 976 kB) [more]

FPA-92-9   Analysis of K-alpha Line Emission from Aluminum Plasmas Created by Intense Proton Beams; J.J. MacFarlane, P. Wang, J. Bailey, T.A. Mehlhorn, R.J. Dukart, R.C. Mancini, September 1992 [submitted to Phys. Rev. A] [also UWFDM-906]. [more]

UWFDM-877   Aluminum K-Shell Line Emission as a Diagnostic in Light Ion Beam Fusion Experiments; J.J. MacFarlane, P. Wang, T.A. Mehlhorn, J. Bailey, R.J. Dukart, March 1992 [presented at the 9th Topical Conference on High-Temperature Plasma Diagnostics, Santa Fe NM, 15-19 March 1992; Rev. of Sci. Instrum. 63 (1992) 5062]. (16 pages, 710 kB) [more]

FPA-92-2   Aluminum K-Shell Line Emission as a Diagnostic in Light Ion Beam Fusion Experiments; J.J. MacFarlane, P. Wang, T.A. Mehlhorn, J. Bailey, R.J. Dukart, March 1992 [presented at the 9th Topical Conference on High-Temperature Plasma Diagnostics, Santa Fe, NM, 15-19 March 1992; submitted to Review of Scientific Instruments] [also UWFDM-877]. [more]

UWFDM-885   Activation Analysis for the D-3He Reactor ARIES-III; H.Y. Khater and M.E. Sawan, March 1992 [Prepared for the 10th Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy, 7-12 June 1992, Boston MA]. (8 pages, 625 kB)

UWFDM-879   A Resource Assessment and Extraction of Lunar 3He; G.L. Kulcinski, January 1992 [presented at the US-USSR Workshop on D-3He Reactor Studies, 25 September - 2 October 1991, Moscow]. (17 pages, 504 kB)

UWFDM-891   A KrF Laser Driven Inertial Fusion Reactor ``SOMBRERO''; I.N. Sviatoslavsky, M.E. Sawan, R.R. Peterson, G.L. Kulcinski, J.J. MacFarlane, L.J. Wittenberg, H.Y. Khater, E.A. Mogahed, S.C. Rutledge, S. Ghose, R. Bourque, and W.J. Schafer Associates Team, March 1992 [Prepared for the 10th Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy, 7-12 June 1992, Boston MA]. (8 pages, 663 kB) [more]

Results: 41 to 56 of 56 order by: UWFDM Author TitleDate
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