FTI Publications for Year: 1972
UWFDM-3 Computational Techniques for Neutronics and Photonics Calculations for Fusion Reactor Blankets and Magnet Shields; M. Abdou and C.W. Maynard, January 1972. (63 pages, 2.6 MB)
UWFDM-6 Neutron Source Geometry Effects on Fusion Reactor Blankets; M. Abdou and C.W. Maynard, February 1972. (7 pages, 598 kB)
UWFDM-36 Preliminary Conceptual Design of a Tokamak Reactor; M.A. Abdou, R.W. Boom, M.W. Carbon, R.W. Conn, J.M. Donhowe, L.A. El-Guebaly, G.A. Emmert, H.K. Forsen, W.A. Houlberg, J.H. Kamperschroer, D.W. Kerst, D. Klein, G.L. Kulcinski, C.W. Maynard, D.G. McAlees, A.T. Mense, P.A. Sanger, W.E. Stewart, I.N. Sviatoslavsky, D.K. Sze, W.F. Vogelsang, W.R. Winter, T.A. Yang, W.C. Young, November 1972. (44 pages, 2.3 MB) [more]
UWFDM-7 Design Notes for Fusion Reactor Magnets; R.W. Boom and W.C. Young, February 1972. (6 pages, 573 kB)
UWFDM-10 Alpha Particle Heating in CTR Plasmas: Energetics and Time Dependence; R.W. Conn, March 1972. (17 pages, 861 kB)
UWFDM-16 Tokamak Fusion Reactor: Plasma Equations and Energy Equilibria and Stability; R.W. Conn, May 1972 (revised July 1972). (23 pages, 1.2 MB)
UWFDM-19 Self-Consistent Energy Balance Studies for CTR Tokamak Plasmas; R.W. Conn, D.G. McAlees, and G.A. Emmert, July 1972. (41 pages, 1.5 MB)
UWFDM-28 Variational Methods for Controlled Thermonuclear Reactor Blanket Studies; R.W. Conn and W.M. Stacey, Jr., September 1972. (10 pages, 982 kB) [more]
UWFDM-8 Radiation Blistering in Niobium; J.M. Donhowe, D.E. Klarstrom, M.L. Sundquist, and W.J. Weber, February 1972. (8 pages, 710 kB) [more]
UWFDM-24 Vacuum System Design; J.M. Donhowe, August 1972. (9 pages, 641 kB)
UWFDM-12 Limit on Poloidal Beta in a Tokamak; G.A. Emmert, April 1972. (9 pages, 582 kB)
UWFDM-5 Tokamak Scaling in Terms of Critical Fields and Plasma Stability; H.K. Forsen, G.A. Emmert, and T. Yang, February 1972. (8 pages, 853 kB)
UWFDM-9 Neutron Wall Current and Energy Considerations for Alternate Fusion Fuel Cycles and Reactor Approaches; H.K. Forsen and D.G. McAlees, February 1972. (15 pages, 857 kB)
UWFDM-11 Some Technological Problems in Fusion Reactor Design; H.K. Forsen, March 1972. (31 pages, 1.5 MB)
UWFDM-14 Limitation on Fractional Burnup Posed by Alpha Pressure; H.K. Forsen and T. Yang, May 1972. (6 pages, 539 kB)
UWFDM-23 University of Wisconsin Fusion Design Studies; H.K. Forsen and C.W. Maynard, July 1972. (23 pages, 1.3 MB)
UWFDM-31 Lorentz Ionization of 20-200 keV Neutral Deuterium Beams; J.H. Kamperschroer, November 1972. (24 pages, 1.2 MB)
UWFDM-13 Plasma Quenching by Moving Limiter (Divertor Group); D.W. Kerst, April 1972. (5 pages, 530 kB)
UWFDM-18 Heat Load on Surfaces Due to Constant Rate of Deposition of Plasma Energy; D.W. Kerst, May 1972. (8 pages, 582 kB)
UWFDM-15 Comparison of Displacement and Gas Production Rates in Current Fission and Future Fusion Reactors; G.L. Kulcinski, D.G. Doran, and M.A. Abdou, May 1972 (revised April 1974). (44 pages, 1.9 MB) [more]
UWFDM-20 Swelling in Potential CTR First Wall Materials; G.L. Kulcinski, April 1972. (11 pages, 1.3 MB)
UWFDM-33 Major Technological Problems for Fusion Reactor Power Stations; G.L. Kulcinski, November 1972. (31 pages, 2.7 MB)
UWFDM-17 Neutron and Gamma Physics Problems in Fusion Reactors; C.W. Maynard and M.A. Abdou, July 1972. (17 pages, 1.1 MB)
UWFDM-22 Analytical Approximation to the Fusion Cross Section; D.G. McAlees, July 1972. (7 pages, 525 kB)
UWFDM-29 The Three Regimes of Neoclassical Diffusion; D.G. McAlees, September 1972. (7 pages, 540 kB)
UWFDM-4 Discussion of Basic Divertor Problems; A.T. Mense, January 1972. (23 pages, 1.6 MB)
UWFDM-25 Estimate of Minimum Heat Deposition Time to Prevent Wall Meltdown for a Fusion Reactor; A.T. Mense, September 1972. (9 pages, 629 kB)
UWFDM-26 Equilibrium Conditions in a Tokamak Device; P. Sanger, January 1972. (19 pages, 998 kB)
UWFDM-32 Lithium Cooling for a Low-beta Tokamak Reactor; D.K. Sze and W.E. Stewart, November 1972. (20 pages, 1.3 MB)
UWFDM-21 Synchrotron Radiation Loss in a Tokamak; T.F. Yang, H.K. Forsen, and G.A. Emmert, April 1972. (14 pages, 864 kB)
UWFDM-30 The Preliminary Report on a Three Dimensional Magnetic Field Code - MAFCO (The Modification and Application); T.F. Yang, October 1972. (28 pages, 1.7 MB)
UWFDM-27 Materials and Cost Analysis of Constant-Tension Magnet Windings for Tokamak Reactors; W.C. Young and R.W. Boom, September 1972. (11 pages, 939 kB)