FTI Publications for Author: Youssef, M.Z.
- coauthored while at: University of California-Los Angeles (16)
UWFDM-263 Neutronics Optimization Studies for a Proliferation Resistant Fuel Assembly from the Fusion-Fission Fuel Factory, SOLASE-H; M.Z. Youssef, R.W. Conn, and G.A. Moses, October 1978. (34 pages, 1.6 MB)
UWFDM-264 Burn-Up Calculations for the Laser Driven Fusion-Fission Fuel Factory SOLASE-H; M.Z. Youssef, R.W. Conn, and G.A. Moses, October 1978. (46 pages, 1.8 MB)
UWFDM-266 Three-Dimensional Neutronics Analysis of the SOLASE-H Laser Reactor Fissile-Enrichment-Fuel-Factory; M.M.H. Ragheb, M.Z. Youssef, S.I. Abdel-Khalik, and C.W. Maynard, November 1978. (58 pages, 2.3 MB)
UWFDM-270 SOLASE-H, A Laser Fusion Hybrid Study; R.W. Conn, S.I. Abdel-Khalik, G.A. Moses, G.W. Cooper, J.E. Howard, G.L. Kulcinski, E. Larsen, C.W. Maynard, M. Ragheb, I.N. Sviatoslavsky, W.F. Vogelsang, W.G. Wolfer, M. Ortman, D. Smatlak, R. Watson, and M. Youssef, May 1979 (revised October 1979). (477 pages, 16 MB)
UWFDM-276 ACTEN: A Computer Program to Calculate the Reaction Rate, the Rate of Energy Deposited and the Power Multiplication in a Fusion Blanket Using the Reaction Q Values; M. Youssef, December 1978. (51 pages, 2.2 MB)
UWFDM-279 Tritium and Fissile Fuel Exchange Between Fusion Hybrids, Fission Power Reactors, and Tritium Production Reactors; M.Z. Youssef, R.W. Conn, W.F. Vogelsang, April 1979. (26 pages, 1.2 MB)
UWFDM-289 A Separation Method for the Transport Equation and Sensitivity Theory in Fusion-Fission Hybrid Analysis; M. Youssef, February 1979. (49 pages, 1.9 MB)
UWFDM-308 A Survey of Fusion-Fission System Designs and Nuclear Analysis; M.Z. Youssef and R.W. Conn, June 1979. (54 pages, 2.3 MB)
UWFDM-337 Summary of the Fusion-Fission Hybrid Fuel Cycle Analysis (Tritiumless Hybrids?); S.I. Abdel-Khalik, R.W. Conn, D. Henderson, F. Kantrowitz, G.L. Kulcinski, E.M. Larsen, G.A. Moses, M.S. Ortman, M. Ragheb, W.F. Vogelsang, and M.Z. Youssef, December 1979. (36 pages, 2.1 MB)
UWFDM-358 Fusion-Fission Systems Analysis and the Impact of Nuclear Data Uncertainties on Design; M.Z. Youssef, May 1980 [Ph.D. thesis]. (339 pages, 12 MB)
UWFDM-1153 On the Exploration of Innovative Concepts for Fusion Chamber Technology; M.A. Abdou, the APEX Team, A. Ying, N. Morley, K. Gulec, S. Smolentsev, M. Kotschenreuther, S. Malang, S. Zinkle, T. Rognlien, P. Fogarty, B. Nelson, R. Nygren, K. McCarthy, M.Z. Youssef, N. Ghoniem, D. Sze, C. Wong, M. Sawan, H. Khater, R. Woolley, R. Mattas, R. Moir, S. Sharafat, J. Brooks, A. Hassanein, D. Petti, M. Tillack, M. Ulrickson, T. Uchimoto, June 2000 [published in Fusion Engineering and Design 54 (2001) 181-247]. [more]
UWFDM-1174 Comparison of Radwaste Volume and Hazard in Liquid Wall and Conventional Solid Wall Concepts; M.Z. Youssef, M.E. Sawan, H.Y. Khater, January 2002 [Presented at the 19th IEEE/NPSS Symposium on Fusion Engineering (SOFE), 22-25 January 2002, Atlantic City NJ]. (7 pages, 724 kB) [more]
UWFDM-1194 The Breeding Potential of Flinabe and Comparison to Flibe in CLiFF High Power Density Concept; M. Youssef, M. Sawan, D-K. Sze, April 2002 [presented at the 6th International Symposium on Fusion Nuclear Technology, 7-12 April 2002, San Diego CA; published in Fusion Engineering and Design, vol. 61-62, pp. 497-503 (2002)]. [more]
UWFDM-1195 Radwaste Volume in Lithium and Flibe Thick Liquid Wall and Comparison to Conventional SW Concepts; M. Youssef and M. Sawan, April 2002 [presented at the 6th International Symposium on Fusion Nuclear Technology, 7-12 April 2002, San Diego CA; published in Fusion Engineering and Design, vol. 63-64, pp. 263-269 (2002)]. [more]
UWFDM-1196 Component Lifetime Comparison and Waste Volume in CLiFF Sn/Flibe and Sn/LiPb Blankets; M. Youssef and M. Sawan, April 2002 [presented at the 6th International Symposium on Fusion Nuclear Technology, 7-12 April 2002, San Diego CA; published in Fusion Engineering and Design, vol. 63-64, pp. 277-283 (2002)]. [more]
UWFDM-1234 Neutronics Assessment of Molten Salt Breeding Blanket Design Options; M.E. Sawan, S. Malang, C.P.C. Wong, and M.Z. Youssef, September 2004 [Proceedings 16th ANS Topical Meeting on Fusion Energy, Fusion Science and Technology 47 (3), April 2005, pp. 510-517]. (11 pages, 2.1 MB) [more]
UWFDM-1238 Assessment of First Wall and Blanket Options with the Use of Liquid Breeder; C.P.C. Wong, S. Malang, M. Sawan, S. Smolentsev, S. Majumdar, B. Merrill, D.K. Sze, N. Morley, S. Sharafat, M. Dagher, P. Peterson, H. Zhao, S. Zinkle, M. Abdou, M. Youssef, September 2004 [Proceedings 16th ANS Topical Meeting on Fusion Energy, Fusion Science and Technology 47 (3), April 2005, pp. 502-509]. (11 pages, 1.5 MB) [more]
UWFDM-1247 Activation Analysis for Two Molten Salt Dual-Coolant Blanket Concepts for the US Demo Reactor; M.Z. Youssef and M.E. Sawan, September 2004 [Proceedings 16th ANS Topical Meeting on Fusion Energy, Fusion Science and Technology 47 (3), April 2005, pp. 518-523]. (9 pages, 681 kB) [more]
UWFDM-1248 On the Strategy and Requirements for Neutronics Testing in ITER; M.Z. Youssef and M.E. Sawan, September 2004 [Proceedings 16th ANS Topical Meeting on Fusion Energy, Fusion Science and Technology 47 (4), May 2005, pp. 1038-1045]. (11 pages, 947 kB) [more]
UWFDM-1272 Three-Dimensional Neutronics Assessment of Dual Coolant Molten Salt Blankets with Comparison to One-Dimensional Results; M.E. Sawan and M.Z. Youssef, July 2005 [presented at the Seventh International Symposium on Fusion Nuclear Technology, May 22-27, 2005, Tokyo, Japan; to be published in Fusion Engineering and Design]. (13 pages, 851 kB) [more]
UWFDM-1274 Neutronics Features of a Dual Coolant Lithium Lead Test Blanket Module for ITER; M.E. Sawan and M.Z. Youssef, September 2005 [presented at the 21st IEEE/NPSS Symposium on Fusion Engineering (SOFE), 26-29 September 2005, Knoxville TN]. (7 pages, 863 kB) [more]
UWFDM-1279 Assessment of the Activation, Decay Heat, and Waste Disposal of a Dual Coolant Lithium Lead Test Blanket Module for ITER; M.Z. Youssef and M.E. Sawan, September 2005 [presented at the 21st IEEE/NPSS Symposium on Fusion Engineering (SOFE), 26-29 September 2005, Knoxville TN]. (8 pages, 1.2 MB) [more]
Neutronics Assessment of Molten Salt Breeding Blanket Design Options;
M.E. Sawan, S. Malang, C.P.C. Wong, M.Z. Youssef,
September 2004 [presented at the 16th ANS Topical Meeting on Fusion Energy, 14-16 September 2004, Madison WI]. (17 pages, 2.2 MB)
Three-Dimensional Neutronics Assessment of Dual Coolant Molten Salt Blankets with Comparison to One-Dimensional Results;
M.E. Sawan, M.Z. Youssef,
May 2005 [presented at the Seventh International Symposium on Fusion Nuclear Technology, May 22-27, 2005, Tokyo, Japan]. (1 page, 2.6 MB)
Neutronics Features of a Dual Coolant Lithium Lead Test Blanket Module for ITER;
M.E. Sawan and M.Z. Youssef,
September 2005 [presented at the 21st IEEE/NPSS Symposium on Fusion Engineering (SOFE), 26-29 September 2005, Knoxville TN]. (1 page, 1.4 MB)
Assessment of the Activation, Decay Heat, and Waste Disposal of a Dual Coolant Lithium Lead Test Blanket Module for ITER;
M.Z. Youssef and M.E. Sawan,
September 2005 [presented at the 21st IEEE/NPSS Symposium on Fusion Engineering (SOFE), 26-29 September 2005, Knoxville TN]. (1 page, 821 kB)
UWFDM-1354 Three-Dimensional Neutronics Assessment of Dual Coolant Molten Salt Blankets with Comparison to One-Dimensional Results; M.E. Sawan, M.Z. Youssef, February 2006 [published in Fusion Engineering and Design, 81 (2006) 505-511].
UWFDM-1356 Nuclear Analyses for Two "Look-Alike" Helium-Cooled Pebble Bed Test Blanket Sub-Modules Proposed by the US for Testing in ITER; M.Z. Youssef, M.E. Sawan and A. Ying, February 2006 [published in Fusion Engineering and Design, 81 (2006) 1567-1576]. [more]