FTI Publications for Author: Sviatoslavsky, G.I.
Quantifying the Advantages of Counter Flow Helium First Wall Cooling: A Thermal-Hydraulic Comparison of ITER TBM First Wall Cooling Designs; G. Sviatoslavsky, M. Dagher, P. Calderoni, C.P.C. Wong, September 2005 [presented at the 21st IEEE/NPSS Symposium on Fusion Engineering (SOFE), 26-29 September 2005, Knoxville TN]. (1 page, 880 kB) [more]
Blanket Design for a Magnetic Diversion Chamber; G. Sviatoslavsky, March 2006 [presented at the High Average Power Laser Program Workshop, 21-22 March 2006, ORNL, Oak Ridge TN]. (14 pages, 484 kB)
Design, Fabrication and Maintenance Considerations of Blanket Options for Magnetic Intervention; G. Sviatoslavsky, I.N. Sviatoslavsky, M. Sawan, A.R. Raffray, August 2006 [presented at the High Average Power Laser Program Workshop, 8-9 August 2006, General Atomics, San Diego CA]. (19 pages, 17 MB) [more]
Blanket and Shield Design Considerations for Magnetic Intervention; G. Sviatoslavsky, I.N. Sviatoslavsky, M. Sawan, A.R. Raffray, December 2006 [presented at the High Average Power Laser Program Workshop, 12-13 December 2006, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, Princeton NJ]. (20 pages, 8.9 MB) [more]
Exterior Magnets Concept - Blanket and Vacuum Vessel Chamber Integration and Maintenance; G. Sviatoslavsky, M. Sawan, A.R. Raffray, January 2007 [presented at the HAPL Magnetic Intervention Chamber Core Meeting, 30-31 January 2007, University of California San Diego, La Jolla, CA]. (18 pages, 9.2 MB) [more]