FTI Publications for Author: Peterson, R.R.
- coauthored while at: Los Alamos National Laboratory (3)
FPA-96-5 Mechanical Design Aspects of the LIBRA-SP Light Ion Beam Driven ICF Power Reactor; I.N. Sviatoslavsky, E.A. Mogahed, P. Cousseau, R.L. Engelstad, H.Y. Khater, G.L. Kulcinski, J.J. MacFarlane, R.R. Peterson, M.E. Sawan, P. Wang, May 1996 [Presented at the 12th Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Power, 16-20 June 1996, Reno NV (also UWFDM-1019)].
UWFDM-1026 LIBRA-SP, A Commercial Fusion Reactor Based on Near Term Technology; G.L. Kulcinski, P. Cousseau, R.L. Engelstad, H.Y. Khater, J.J. MacFarlane, E.A. Mogahed, R.R. Peterson, M.E. Sawan, I.N. Sviatoslavsky, P. Wang, June 1996 [Presented at the 12th Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Power, 16-20 June 1996, Reno NV]. (8 pages, 634 kB)
FPA-96-7 LIBRA-SP, A Commercial Fusion Reactor Based on Near Term Technology; G.L. Kulcinski, P. Cousseau, R.L. Engelstad, H.Y. Khater, J.J. MacFarlane, E.A. Mogahed, R.R. Peterson, M.E. Sawan, I.N. Sviatoslavsky, P. Wang, June 1996 [Presented at the 12th Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Power, 16-20 June 1996, Reno NV (also UWFDM-1026)].
UWFDM-1032 Progress Report to the Department of Energy Inertial Confinement Fusion Team for the Period November 1, 1995 - September 30, 1996 on Contract No. DE-AS08-88DP10754; P. Cousseau, R. Engelstad, D.L. Henderson, D. Kaap, G.L. Kulcinski, J.J. MacFarlane, E.A. Mogahed, G.A. Moses, R.R. Peterson, J.F. Santarius, M. Sprague, I.N. Sviatoslavsky, P. Wang, P.P.H. Wilson, October 1996. (95 pages, 1.8 MB)
UWFDM-1036 National Ignition Facility Target Area Studies Final Report for the Period 4/1/96 through 11/30/96; R.R. Peterson, J.F. Santarius, G.A. Moses, January 1997. (31 pages, 838 kB)
UWFDM-1039 Light Ion Beam Driven Inertial Confinement Fusion: Requirements and Achievements; H. Bluhm, G. Kessler, R.R. Peterson, January 1997 [Originally published in ``Physics of Intense Light Ion Beams, Production of High Energy Density in Matter, and Pulsed Power Applications, Annual Report 1995", H-J. Bluhm (editor), Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe FZKA 5840 (November 1996); also published in Laser and Particle Beams, Vol. 14, No. 4 (1996) pp. 655-663]. (14 pages, 1.4 MB) [more]
UWFDM-1040 Pre-formed Plasma Channels for Heavy Ion Transport in IFE Reactors: Final Report for Contract \#46053410; R.R. Peterson and M.E. Sawan, February 1997. (27 pages, 236 kB)
UWFDM-1054 X-1 Target Chamber Issues and Preliminary Design; R.R. Peterson, October 1997. (11 pages, 211 kB)
UWFDM-1059 Final Report to the Department of Energy Inertial Confinement Fusion Team for the Period November 1, 1993 - October 30, 1997 on Contract No. DE-AS08-88DP10754; P. Cousseau, R. Engelstad, D.L. Henderson, D. Kaap, G.L. Kulcinski, J.J. MacFarlane, E.A. Mogahed, G.A. Moses, C. Nin, R.R. Peterson, J.F. Santarius, M. Sprague, I.N. Sviatoslavsky, P. Wang, P.P.H. Wilson, October 1997. (125 pages, 6.4 MB)
UWFDM-1069 Development of Soft X-ray Tracer Diagnostics for Hohlraum Experiments; J.J. MacFarlane, D.H. Cohen, P. Wang, R.R. Peterson, G.A. Moses, C.A. Back, O.L. Landen, R.J. Leeper, R.E. Olson, T. Nash, April 1998. (25 pages, 481 kB) [more]
UWFDM-1072 Target Chamber Considerations for Heavy Ion Transport in Plasma Channels; Robert R. Peterson, Mohamed E. Sawan, Simon Yu, Ralph Moir, May 1998 [ Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 415 (1998) 182-185]. (9 pages, 222 kB) [more]
UWFDM-1088 Response of X-1 Experiment Chamber to Target Explosions; R.R. Peterson and J.F. Santarius, June 1998 [Presented at the 13th Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy, June 7-11, 1998, Nashville TN]. (5 pages, 328 kB)
UWFDM-1094 X-1 Experiment Chamber Design and Analysis: Progress Report for the Period August 1, 1998 to September 30, 1998; R.R. Peterson, G.L. Kulcinski, E.A. Mogahed, H.Y. Khater, M.E. Sawan, I.N. Sviatoslavsky, P. Cousseau, J.F. Santarius, K. Olson, T. Utschig, D.L. Henderson, M.L. Corradini, R.L. Engelstad, G.A. Moses, October 1998. (28 pages, 853 kB)
UWFDM-1089 Shock Loading of IFE Target Chamber Structures Study: Final Report for Contract Number DE-FG02-97ER54413; Mark Anderson, Bhalchandra Puranik, Jason Oakley, Paul Brooks, Robert Peterson, Riccardo Bonazza, December 1998. (20 pages, 689 kB)
UWFDM-1090 X-1 Experiment Chamber Design and Analysis: 1998 Annual Report to Sandia National Laboratories; R.R. Peterson, G.L. Kulcinski, E.A. Mogahed, H.Y. Khater, M.E. Sawan, I.N. Sviatoslavsky, P. Cousseau, J.F. Santarius, K. Olson, T. Utschig, D.L. Henderson, M.L. Corradini, R.L. Engelstad, G.A. Moses, December 1998. (27 pages, 604 kB)
UWFDM-1073 Computer Simulations of Laser Hot Spots and Implosion Symmetry Kiniform Phase Plate Experiments on Nova; R.R. Peterson, E.L. Lindman, N.D. Delamater, G.R. Magelssen, January 1999 (revised March 2000) [Published in Physics of Plasmas, Vol. 7 (5), May 2000, pp. 1544-1554]. (37 pages, 1.4 MB) [more]
UWFDM-1099 Response of the Fusion Technology Institute to the Paper `High-Temperature Carbon-Irradiation Issues for the SOMBRERO ICF Reactor' by Tobin Munsat, Rion Causey, Mike Ulrickson, and Ken Wilson; G.L. Kulcinski, R.R. Peterson, L.J. Wittenberg, E.A. Mogahed, I.N. Sviatoslavsky, May 1999. (18 pages, 884 kB)
UWFDM-1100 Development of X-ray Tracer Diagnostics for Radiatively-Driven Ablator Experiments; J.J. MacFarlane, D.H. Cohen, Ping Wang, G.A. Moses, R.R. Peterson, P.A. Jaanimagi, O.L. Landen, R.E. Olson, T.J. Murphy, G.R. Magelssen, N.D. Delamater, June 1999. (20 pages, 561 kB) [more]
UWFDM-1115 Planar Imaging of Density Interfaces Accelerated by Strong Shocks; M.H. Anderson, B.P. Puranik, J.G. Oakley, R.R. Peterson, R. Bonazza, July 1999 [prepared for the 22nd International Symposium on Shock Waves, Imperial College, London, UK, July 18-23, 1999]. (8 pages, 791 kB)
UWFDM-1116 An Investigation of Shock-Cylinder Interaction; J.G. Oakley, B.P. Puranik, M.H. Anderson, R.R. Peterson, R. Bonazza, R.P. Weaver, M.L. Gittings, July 1999 [prepared for the 22nd International Symposium on Shock Waves, Imperial College, London, UK, July 18-23, 1999]. (8 pages, 538 kB) [more]
Imaging of Density Interfaces Accelerated by Strong Shocks; M. Anderson, B. Puranik, J. Oakley, R. Peterson, R. Bonazza, R. Weaver, M. Gittings, July 1999 [Presented at the 22nd International Symposium on Shock Waves, London, UK, July 1999]. (19 pages, 1.5 MB) [more]
An Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Shock-Cylinder Interaction; B. Puranik, M. Anderson, J. Oakley, R. Peterson, R. Bonazza, R. Weaver, M. Gittings, July 1999 [Presented at the 22nd International Symposium on Shock Waves, London, UK, July 1999]. (13 pages, 1.3 MB) [more]
UWFDM-1105 Shielding Analysis for a Heavy Ion Beam Chamber with Plasma Channels for Ion Transport; M.E. Sawan, R.R. Peterson, S. Yu, September 1999 [Presented at the 5th International Symposium on Fusion Nuclear Technology, Rome, Italy, 19-24 September 1999]. (12 pages, 155 kB) [more]
Shielding Analysis for a Heavy Ion Beam Chamber with Plasma Channels for Ion Transport; M.E. Sawan, R.R. Peterson, S. Yu, September 1999 [Presented at the 5th International Symposium on Fusion Nuclear Technology, Rome, Italy, 19-24 September 1999]. (19 pages, 227 kB) [more]
Target Chamber Issues for Direct-Drive Targets; R.R. Peterson, G.L. Kulcinski, E.A. Mogahed, J.F. Santarius, September 1999 [Presented at the IFE Direct-Drive Workshop, General Atomics, San Diego CA, 15 September 1999]. (24 pages, 445 kB)
Diagnostic Hole Closure Calculations for Z-Pinch-Driven Hohlraums on Z; R.R. Peterson, T.W.L. Sanford, R.E. Olson, R.C. Mock, W. Matuska, R.P. Weaver, M.L. Gittings, November 1999 [Presented at the 1999 Meeting of the Division of Plasma Physics of the American Physical Society, Seattle WA, 15-19 November 1999]. (24 pages, 491 kB) [more]
UWFDM-1124 Containment of Radioactive Material in the Z, ZX, and X-1 Facilities: Progress Report for the Period January 1, 1999 to December 31, 1999; R.R. Peterson, G.L. Kulcinski, M.H. Anderson, M.L. Corradini, D.A. Haynes, D.L. Henderson, D.C. Kammer, H.Y. Khater, P. McKenna, E.A. Mogahed, G.A. Moses, K. Olson, G.A. Rochau, J.F. Santarius, C. Sauer, M.E. Sawan, I.N. Sviatoslavsky, T. Utschig, P.P.H. Wilson, J. Yuan, December 1999. (75 pages, 6.4 MB)
UWFDM-1126 Dry Wall Chamber Issues for the SOMBRERO Laser Fusion Power Plant; G.L. Kulcinski, R.R. Peterson, L.J. Wittenberg, E.A. Mogahed, I.N. Sviatoslavsky, June 2000 [Presented at the IAEA Technical Committee Meeting on Physics and Technology of Inertial Fusion Energy Target and Chambers, Madrid, Spain, 7-9 June 2000]. (17 pages, 944 kB)
Chamber Physics: Target Output, Blast Propagation, and First Wall Interactions; R.R. Peterson, D.A. Haynes, M.E. Sawan, June 2000 [ARIES Review Meeting, June 19-21, 2000, Madison WI]. (43 pages, 1.4 MB)
Dry Wall Chamber Issues for the SOMBRERO Laser Fusion Power Plant; G.L. Kulcinski, R.R. Peterson, L.J. Wittenberg, E.A. Mogahed, I.N. Sviatoslavsky, June 2000 [Presented at the IAEA Technical Committee Meeting on Physics and Technology of Inertial Fusion Energy Target and Chambers, Madrid, Spain, 7-9 June 2000]. (22 pages, 717 kB)
Parametric Studies of Dry-Wall IFE Chamber Dynamics: Xe Pressure and Radius; D.A. Haynes and R.R. Peterson, September 2000 [ARIES Meeting, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, 18-20 September 2000]. (19 pages, 587 kB)
Output Calculations for Laser Fusion Targets; R.R. Peterson and D.A. Haynes, September 2000 [ARIES Meeting, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, 18-20 September 2000]. (18 pages, 325 kB)
UWFDM-1132 Linked Neutronics and Hydrodynamics Calculations for the Z Pinch Driven Target of X-1; M.E. Sawan and R.R. Peterson, October 2000 [presented at the 14th Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy, October 15-19, 2000, Park City UT]. (7 pages, 267 kB)
UWFDM-1135 Assessment of Personnel Accessibility in the X-1 Facility; H.Y. Khater, M.E. Sawan, R.R. Peterson, October 2000 [presented at the 14th Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy, October 15-19, 2000, Park City UT]. (14 pages, 422 kB)
UWFDM-1139 Safety Assessment of the Protective Gases Used in IFE Chambers; H.Y. Khater, R.R. Peterson, I.N. Sviatoslavsky, October 2000 [presented at the 14th Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy, October 15-19, 2000, Park City UT]. (7 pages, 147 kB)
UWFDM-1145 Shock Loading of IFE Reactor Cooling Tubes; M.H. Anderson, J.G. Oakley, M.A. Coil, R. Bonazza, R.R. Peterson, October 2000 [presented at the 14th Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy, October 15-19, 2000, Park City UT]. (8 pages, 473 kB)
Shock Loading of IFE Reactor Cooling Tubes; M.H. Anderson, J.G. Oakley, M. Coil, R. Bonazza, R.R. Peterson, October 2000 [presented at the 14th Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy, October 15-19, 2000, Park City UT]. (21 pages, 3.9 MB)
Recent Results of ICF and IFE Z-Pinch Research at the University of Wisconsin; R.R. Peterson, D. Kammer, D.A. Haynes, D. Williamson, J.P. Blanchard, A. Kostuch, I.N. Sviatoslavsky, H.Y. Khater, G.A. Moses, G.A. Rochau, M.E. Sawan, J. Yuan, P. McKenna, T.J. Tautges, G. Shanmugasundar, and G.L. Kulcinski, November 2000 [presented at Sandia National Laboratories, 6 November 2000]. (92 pages, 3.4 MB)
UWFDM-1123 Chamber Dynamic Research with Pulsed Power; R.R. Peterson, C.L. Olson, T.J. Renk, G.E. Rochau, M.A. Sweeney, February 2001 [accepted for publication in Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A (2001)]. (13 pages, 135 kB) [more]
Dry-Wall Target Chambers for Direct-Drive Laser Fusion; G.L. Kulcinski, R.R. Peterson, February 2001 [presented at the U.S.-Japan Workshop on Laser Fusion, January 25-27, 2001, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory]. (31 pages, 654 kB)