FTI Publications for Author: Perkins, L.J.
- coauthored while at: Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (2)
UWFDM-548 Materials Considerations for Highly Irradiated Normal-Conducting Magnets in Fusion Reactor Applications; L. John Perkins, September 1983 [presented at the Third Topical Meeting on Fusion Reactor Materials, Albuquerque, NM, 19-23 September 1983]. (8 pages, 735 kB)
UWFDM-514 Engineering Design of the Quasi-Optical ECRH Injection System for the Mirror Advanced Reactor (MARS); L.J. Perkins, S.A. Freije, and W.S. Neef, May 1983 [presented at the Fifth ANS Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy, 26-28 April 1983, Knoxville, TN]. (9 pages, 866 kB) [more]
UWFDM-513 Economic Design Optimization of the LiPb Blanket for the Mirror Advanced Reactor (MARS); L.J. Perkins and G.L. Kulcinski, May 1983 [Nucl. Tech./Fusion 4 (1983) 1107]. (9 pages, 811 kB)
UWFDM-469 Radiation Dose Rate Resistivity Degradation in Ceramic Insulators and Assessment of the Consequences in Fusion Reactor Applications; L.J. Perkins, April 1982. (45 pages, 1.7 MB)
UWFDM-453 Monte Carlo Studies of Charge-Exchange First Wall Heat Fluxes from the TDF Neutral Beams; L. John Perkins, June 1983. (24 pages, 1.2 MB)
UWFDM-452 On the Philosophy of the Self-Perturbation of a Generalized Neutron Detector in Neutron Spectrometry Applications; L.J. Perkins, March 1983. (22 pages, 1.2 MB)
UWFDM-435 The Effects of Neutron and Gamma Radiation Fields on the Electrical Breakdown Properties of Liquid and Gaseous Helium in Fusion Reactor Superconducting Magnet Systems; L.J. Perkins, September 1983. (64 pages, 2.7 MB)