FTI Publications for Author: Moses, G.A.

all (258)      lead author (45)


Results: 41 to 45 of 45 order by: UWFDM Author Title Date
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UWFDM-243   Power Supply Costs for Inertial Confinement Reactors; G.A. Moses, R.W. Conn, and S.I. Abdel-Khalik, March 16, 1978. (20 pages, 893 kB)

UWFDM-194   PHD-IV - A Plasma Hydrodynamics - Thermonuclear Burn - Radiative Transfer Computer Code; G.A. Moses, G. Magelssen, R. Israel, and T. Spindler, February 1977 (revised January 1982)  [not widely distributed].

UWFDM-195   Laser Fusion Hydrodynamics Calculations; G.A. Moses, February 1977 [Nuclear Science and Engineering 64, 49 (1977)]. (52 pages, 2.0 MB)

UWFDM-198   Thermonuclear Burn Characteristics of Compressed DT Pellets; Gregory A. Moses, February 1977. (28 pages, 1.1 MB)

UWFDM-160   PHD (Version I) Computer Code Documentation; G.A. Moses, June 28, 1976. (135 pages, 7.8 MB)

Results: 41 to 45 of 45 order by: UWFDM Author Title Date
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