FTI Publications for Author: Moses, G.A.
FPA-82-5 Progress on Modelling of Pb83Li17 Recondensation on INPORT Units; L. Pong, D.K. Sze, R.R. Peterson, G.A. Moses, August 1982. (21 pages, 570 kB)
UWFDM-527 Progress in Fusion Research, 1978-1982, Technical Summary; B. Badger, M.L. Corradini, G.A. Emmert, G.L. Kulcinski, E.M. Larsen, E.G. Lovell, C.W. Maynard, G.A. Moses, L.J. Perkins, R.R. Peterson, K.E. Plute, J. Santarius, I.N. Sviatoslavsky, D.K. Sze, S.W. Van Sciver, W.F. Vogelsang, and W.G. Wolfer, April 1983 (revised September 1983). (51 pages, 3.3 MB)
UWFDM-496 Progress in Fusion Research, 1978-1982; B. Badger, M.L. Corradini, G.A. Emmert, G.L. Kulcinski, E.M. Larsen, E.G. Lovell, C.W. Maynard, G.A. Moses, L.J. Perkins, R.R. Peterson, K.E. Plute, J. Santarius, I.N. Sviatoslavsky, D.K. Sze, S.W. Van Sciver, W.F. Vogelsang, and W.G. Wolfer, April 1983 (revised September 1983). (244 pages, 14 MB)
UWFDM-1032 Progress Report to the Department of Energy Inertial Confinement Fusion Team for the Period November 1, 1995 - September 30, 1996 on Contract No. DE-AS08-88DP10754; P. Cousseau, R. Engelstad, D.L. Henderson, D. Kaap, G.L. Kulcinski, J.J. MacFarlane, E.A. Mogahed, G.A. Moses, R.R. Peterson, J.F. Santarius, M. Sprague, I.N. Sviatoslavsky, P. Wang, P.P.H. Wilson, October 1996. (95 pages, 1.8 MB)
UWFDM-754 Progress Report on Work Performed on the LIBRA Design During the Period 1 February 1987 to 31 January 1988; B. Badger, G. Moses, R. Engelstad, G. Kulcinski, E. Lovell, J. MacFarlane, Z. Musicki, R. Peterson, M. Sawan, I. Sviatoslavsky, L. Wittenberg, January 1988. (77 pages, 2.0 MB)
FPA-88-1 Progress Report on Work Performed on the LIBRA Design During the Period 1 February 1987 to 31 January 1988; B. Badger, G. Kulcinski, G. Moses, E. Lovell, R. Engelstad, J. MacFarlane, Z. Musicki, R. Peterson, M. Sawan, I. Sviatoslavsky, and L. Wittenberg, January 1988. (39 pages, 1.2 MB)
UWFDM-996 Progress Report for the SIRIUS Code Development Contract for the Period November 1, 1994 to November 1, 1995; P. Cousseau, R. Engelstad, D.L. Henderson, G.L. Kulcinski, J.J. MacFarlane, E.A. Mogahed, G.A. Moses, C. Nin, R.R. Peterson, J.F. Santarius, K. Simmons, I.N. Sviatoslavsky, P. Wang, P.P.H. Wilson, November 1995. (41 pages, 2.5 MB)
FPA-84-1 Progress Report for the LIBRA Light Ion Beam Fusion Reactor Project for the Period January-June 1984; B. Badger, T.J. Bartel, M.L. Corradini, R.L. Engelstad, D.L. Henderson, G.L. Kulcinski, E.G. Lovell, G.A. Moses, K.J. O'Brien, R.R. Peterson, L. Pong, M.E. Sawan, I.N. Sviatoslavsky, W.F. Vogelsang, and J.J. Watrous, July 1984. (38 pages, 1.1 MB)
FPA-83-3 Progress Report for the LIBRA Light Ion Beam Fusion Reactor Project for the Period January - June 1983; B. Badger, T. Bartel, J. Billen, M.L. Corradini, R.L. Engelstad, G.L. Kulcinski, E.G. Lovell, G.A. Moses, K.J. O'Brien, R.R. Peterson, L. Pong, M.E. Sawan, I.N. Sviatoslavsky, W.F. Vogelsang, J.J. Watrous, July 1983. (46 pages, 1.4 MB)
UWFDM-568 Preliminary Conceptual Design of SIRIUS, A Symmetric Illumination, Direct Drive Laser Fusion Reactor; B. Badger, H.M. Attaya, T.J. Bartel, M.L. Corradini, R.L. Engelstad, G.L. Kulcinski, E.G. Lovell, G.A. Moses, R.R. Peterson, M.E. Sawan, I.N. Sviatoslavsky, L.M. Goldman, L.D. Lund, R.L. McCrory, S. Skupsky, R.E. Hopkins, K. Walsh, March 1984. (135 pages, 5.5 MB) [more]
Prediction of Double Shock Formation by Exploding High Gain ICF Target in Xe Gas Filled Chamber;
Ryan Sacks and Gregory Moses,
November 2013 [presented at the 55th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics, 11-15 November 2013, Denver CO]. (1 page, 1.7 MB)
UWFDM-664 Preconceptual Design of the Light Ion Beam Fusion Target Development Facility; G.A. Moses, R.R. Peterson, R.L. Engelstad, D.L. Henderson, G.L. Kulcinski, E.G. Lovell, I.N. Sviatoslavsky, J.J. Watrous, R.E. Olson and D.L. Cook, November 1985 [Presented at 11th Symposium on Fusion Engineering, November 18-22, 1985, Austin, TX]. (7 pages, 743 kB) [more]
UWFDM-243 Power Supply Costs for Inertial Confinement Reactors; G.A. Moses, R.W. Conn, and S.I. Abdel-Khalik, March 16, 1978. (20 pages, 893 kB)
UWFDM-786 Plasma Channels for the Propagation of Ion Beams in LIBRA; R.R. Peterson, G.A. Moses, July 1988. (9 pages, 742 kB)
FPA-88-4 Plasma Channels for the Propagation of Ion Beams in LIBRA; Robert R. Peterson and Gregory A. Moses, July 1988 [presented at Beams 88, 7th International Conference on High-Power Particle Beams, Kongresszentrum, Karlsruhe, Federal Republic of Germany, 4-7 July 1988] [also UWFDM-786].
UWFDM-841 Plasma Channels for the LIBRA Reactor Design; O. Yasar, G.A. Moses and R.R. Peterson, October 1990 [Presented at the 9th Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy, 7-11 October 1990, Oak Brook IL]. (7 pages, 573 kB)
UWFDM-666 Plasma Channels for Light Ion Beam Propagation in the Target Development Facility; Robert R. Peterson, Gregory A. Moses, John J. Watrous, R.E. Olson, November 1985 [Presented at 11th Symposium on Fusion Engineering, November 18-22, 1985, Austin, TX]. (7 pages, 677 kB) [more]
UWFDM-295 Pellet and Pellet-Blanket Time-Dependent and Time-Integrated Neutronics and Photonics for Electron-Beam-Fusion Microexplosions; M.M.H. Ragheb, G. Moses, and C.W. Maynard, May 1979. (48 pages, 2.0 MB)
UWFDM-533 Parametric Survey of Microfireball Calculations for the Light Ion Fusion Target Development Facility Design; M. Uesaka and G.A. Moses, August 1983. (62 pages, 2.3 MB)
UWFDM-334 Parametric Calculations of 239Pu Breeding in Hybrid Blankets With and Without Tritium Breeding; D.L. Henderson and G.A. Moses, June 1979. (20 pages, 854 kB)
UWFDM-194 PHD-IV - A Plasma Hydrodynamics - Thermonuclear Burn - Radiative Transfer Computer Code; G.A. Moses, G. Magelssen, R. Israel, and T. Spindler, February 1977 (revised January 1982) [not widely distributed].
UWFDM-160 PHD (Version I) Computer Code Documentation; G.A. Moses, June 28, 1976. (135 pages, 7.8 MB)
UWFDM-781 Overview of the LIBRA Light Ion Beam Fusion Conceptual Design; G.A. Moses, G.L. Kulcinski, D. Bruggink, R.L. Engelstad, E.G. Lovell, J.J. MacFarlane, Z. Musicki, R.R. Peterson, M.E. Sawan, I.N. Sviatoslavsky, L.J. Wittenberg, G. Kessler, U. von Moellendorff, E. Stein, D. Cook, R. Olson, I. Smith, P. Corcoran, H. Nishimoto, J. Fockler, October 1988 [presented at the 8th Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy, 9-13 October 1988, Salt Lake City UT]. (12 pages, 1.2 MB) [more]
FPA-88-5 Overview of the LIBRA Light Ion Beam Fusion Conceptual Design; G.A. Moses, G.L. Kulcinski, D. Bruggink, R.L. Engelstad, E.G. Lovell, J.J. MacFarlane, Z. Musicki, R.R. Peterson, M.E. Sawan, I.N. Sviatoslavsky, L.J. Wittenberg, G. Kessler, U. von Moellendorff, E. Stein, D. Cook and R. Olson, I. Smith, P. Corcoran, H. Nishimoto, J. Fockler, October 1988 [presented at the 8th Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy, 9-13 October 1988, Salt Lake City, Utah] [also UWFDM-781]. [more]
UWFDM-636 One-Dimensional Activation and Radiological Dose Calculations for the Light Ion Fusion Target Development Facility; D.L. Henderson, G.A. Moses and R.R. Peterson, October 1985. (83 pages, 3.0 MB)
On the Application of a Hybrid Monte Carlo Technique to Radiation Transport in High-Velocity Outflow;
R. Wollaeger, D. van Rossum, C. Graziani, S. Couch, G. Jordan, D. Lamb, G. Moses,
November 2013 [presented at the 55th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics, 11-15 November 2013, Denver CO]. (1 page, 503 kB)
UWFDM-1029 Numerical Simulation of the Explosion Dynamics and Energy Release from High-Gain ICF Targets; J.J. MacFarlane, M.E. Sawan, G.A. Moses, P. Wang, R.E. Olson, June 1996 [Presented at the 12th Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Power, 16-20 June 1996, Reno NV]. (7 pages, 603 kB) [more]
UWFDM-706 Numerical Simulation of an ICF Target Explosion in a Stratified Gas Atmosphere; T.J. Bartel, R.R. Peterson and G.A. Moses, June 1986 [presented at the 7th Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion of Fusion Energy, Reno, Nevada, 15-19 June 1986]. Energy, Reno, NV, 15-19 June 1986]. (10 pages, 833 kB)
UWFDM-679 Numerical Simulation of a Stratified Gas ICF Cavity; Tim Bartel, R.R. Peterson, G.A. Moses, April 1986. (94 pages, 3.4 MB)
UWFDM-973 Numerical Simulation of Target Microexplosion Dynamics for the LIBRA-SP Inertial Confinement Fusion Reactor; J.J. MacFarlane, G.A. Moses, P. Wang, M.E. Sawan, R.R. Peterson, December 1994. (29 pages, 1.1 MB)
UWFDM-240 Notes on Fusion Hybrid Reactors; R.W. Conn, G.A. Moses, and S.I. Abdel-Khalik, February 1978. (14 pages, 815 kB)
Non-Local Electron Transport Validation Using 2D DRACO Simulation;
D. Cao, J. Chenhall, E. Moll, A. Prochaska, G. Moses, J. Delettrez, T. Collins,
October 2012 [presented at the 54th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics, 29 October-2 November 2012, Providence RI]. (1 page, 505 kB)
UWFDM-821 Non-LTE Radiation Transport in Moderate Density Plasmas; J.J. MacFarlane, P. Wang, and G.A. Moses, January 1990 [Lasers &\ Part. Beams 8 (1990) 729]. (24 pages, 741 kB)
FPA-90-2 Non-LTE Radiation Transport in Moderate Density Plasmas; J.J. MacFarlane, P. Wang, and G.A. Moses, January 1990 [also UWFDM-821].
UWFDM-761 Non-LTE Effects in Inertial Confinement Fusion Target Chambers; J.J. MacFarlane, G.A. Moses, R.R. Peterson, April 1988 [Nucl. Fusion 29 (1989) 27]. (32 pages, 1.3 MB)
Non-LTE Coronal Au Plasma Simulation in the Configuration Average Approximation;
J. Yuan and G.A. Moses,
October 2005 [presented at the APS Division of Plasma Physics Meeting, 24-28 October 2005, Denver CO]. (1 page, 664 kB)
Next Generation of Graphical User Interface for Calculations of Radiative Properties;
Jiankui Yuan, Gregory Moses, Jewel Gui,
October 2003 [presented at the American Physical Society-Division of Plasma Physics (APS-DPP) Meeting, 27-31 October 2003, Albuquerque NM]. (1 page, 1.2 MB)
UWFDM-263 Neutronics Optimization Studies for a Proliferation Resistant Fuel Assembly from the Fusion-Fission Fuel Factory, SOLASE-H; M.Z. Youssef, R.W. Conn, and G.A. Moses, October 1978. (34 pages, 1.6 MB)
UWFDM-512 Neutron Activation and Shielding of the Light Ion Fusion Target Development Facility; K.J. O'Brien, G.A. Moses, and A.M. White, May 1983 [presented at the Fifth ANS Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy, 26-28 April 1983, Knoxville, TN; Nucl. Tech./Fusion 4, 883 (1983)]. (8 pages, 723 kB)
UWFDM-1036 National Ignition Facility Target Area Studies Final Report for the Period 4/1/96 through 11/30/96; R.R. Peterson, J.F. Santarius, G.A. Moses, January 1997. (31 pages, 838 kB)