FTI Publications for Author: Jaanimagi, P.A.
- coauthored while at: University of Rochester (3)
Time-Resolved Kr K-Shell Spectroscopy of Directly-Driven Microballoon Implosions: Theory and Experiment;
D.A. Haynes Jr., C.F. Hooper, Jr., G. Junkel, M. Gunderson, D.K. Bradley, J.A. Delettrez, P.A. Jaanimagi,
November 1999 [Presented at the 1999 Meeting of the Division of Plasma Physics of the American Physical Society, Seattle WA, 15-19 November 1999]. (17 pages, 2.2 MB)
UWFDM-1100 Development of X-ray Tracer Diagnostics for Radiatively-Driven Ablator Experiments; J.J. MacFarlane, D.H. Cohen, Ping Wang, G.A. Moses, R.R. Peterson, P.A. Jaanimagi, O.L. Landen, R.E. Olson, T.J. Murphy, G.R. Magelssen, N.D. Delamater, June 1999. (20 pages, 561 kB) [more]
UWFDM-1156 Atomic Processes of Hot Ultra-Dense Plasmas Technical Progress Report for FY01 National Laser User Facility Grant; C.F. Hooper, Jr., D.A. Haynes, Jr., J. Delettrez, P. Jaanimagi, S.P. Regan, I.E. Golovkin, R.R. Peterson, N.D. Delamater, August 2001. (14 pages, 1.5 MB) [more]