FTI Publications for Author: Houlberg, W.A.

all (7)      lead author (3)


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UWFDM-201   Fluid Simulation of Large Tokamak Plasmas Using a Variable Spatial Mesh, Variable Time Step Implicit Procedure; W.A. Houlberg and R.W. Conn, March 1977 [presented at the Mathematics and Computations Division ANS Topical Meeting, Tucson, Arizona, March 28-30, 1977]. (34 pages, 1.4 MB)

UWFDM-162   Growth Rates and Transport Coefficients for the Trapped Ion/Collisionless Trapped Particle Instability; W.A. Houlberg, June 1976. (37 pages, 1.4 MB)

UWFDM-103   Thermalization of an Energetic Heavy Ion in Multispecies Plasmas; W.A. Houlberg, May 1974. (28 pages, 15 MB)

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