FTI Publications for Author: Brooks, P.W.


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UWFDM-1288   Steam Explosions of Single Drops of Molten Silicon-Rich Alloys; L.S. Nelson, P.W. Brooks, R. Bonazza, M.L. Corradini, K. Hildal, T.H. Bergstrom, December 2005 [Proceedings of the Ninth International Ferroalloys Congress (INFACON 9), Quebec City, June 3-6, 2001, pp. 338-351. Published by the Ferroalloys Association, Washington, DC]. (16 pages, 706 kB) [more]

UWFDM-1228   Triggered Steam Explosions of Molten Ferrosilicon Drops: Behavior of Solenoid-Driven and Pneumatic Impactors, Ability to Trigger the Explosions at Various Water Depths, Energetics of the Explosions, Fall Histories, Colloidal Material Deposited During the Explosions; L.S. Nelson, P.W. Brooks, R. Bonazza, M.L. Corradini, K. Hildal, November 2004. (73 pages, 25 MB) [more]

UWFDM-1229   The Quenching and Steam Explosions of Drops of Molten Silicon Released into Water; L.S. Nelson, P.W. Brooks, R. Bonazza, M.L. Corradini, K. Hildal, November 2004. (104 pages, 29 MB) [more]

UWFDM-1230   The Release of Drops of Molten Ferrosilicon and Silicon into Water: Pressure Transients Generated During Triggered Steam Explosions; L.S. Nelson, P.W. Brooks, R. Bonazza, M.L. Corradini, K. Hildal, November 2004. (56 pages, 19 MB) [more]

UWFDM-1224   Steam Explosions of Molten Ferrosilicon Drops Released into Water: Effects of Triggering, Alloying and Water Temperature; L.S. Nelson, P.W. Brooks, R. Bonazza, M.L. Corradini, February 2004. (74 pages, 21 MB)

UWFDM-1186   Quenching 10-20 mm Diameter Drops of Molten Ferrosilicon in Water and on Solids; L.S. Nelson, R. Bonazza, P.W. Brooks, M.L. Corradini, December 2003. (47 pages, 14 MB)

retrieve PDF Investigations of the Richtmyer-Meshkov and Rayleigh-Taylor Instabilities; R. Bonazza, M.H. Anderson, J. Oakley, P. Brooks, P. Meekunnasombat, J. Niederhaus, B. Motl, D. Ranjan, C. Selig, J. White, September 2003 [poster presented at the High Average Power Laser Program Meeting, University of Wisconsin, Madison WI, 24-25 September 2003]. (1 page, 3.0 MB)

UWFDM-1211   Studies of Metal Combustion; Lloyd S. Nelson, Bradley J. Motl, J.H. Kleinlugtenbelt, Paul W. Brooks, Riccardo Bonazza and Michael L. Corradini, June 2003. (81 pages, 8.7 MB)

retrieve PDF MHD Effects on Vapor Flow in a Conductive Fluid (Experimental Work in Support of the APEX - EVOLVE Reactor Concept); M. Anderson, P. Brooks, M. Sawan, I. Sviatoslavsky, M. Corradini and APEX Task IV Members, November 2002 [presented at the 15th ANS Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy, 17-21 November 2002, Washington, DC]. (1 page, 3.7 MB)

retrieve PDF Experimental Hydrodynamics Model for First Wall Protection in IFE Reactors; Riccardo Bonazza, Jason Oakley, Mark Anderson, Phongsan Meekunnasombat, Shaoping Wang, Paul Brooks, April 2002 [presented at the High Average Power Lasers Meeting, General Atomics, La Jolla CA, 4-5 April 2002]. (1 page, 1.8 MB)

retrieve PDF MHD Effects on Vapor Distribution within Boiling Liquid Metals (experimental work in support of the APEX-EVOLVE reactor concept); M. Anderson, P. Brooks, M. Sawan, I. Sviatoslavsky, M. Corradini, APEX Task IV Members, April 2002 [presented at the 6th International Symposium on Fusion Nuclear Technology, San Diego, CA, 7-12 April 2002]. (1 page, 2.1 MB)

UWFDM-1212   Studies of Metal Combustion; Lloyd S. Nelson, Paul W. Brooks, Riccardo Bonazza and Michael L. Corradini, March 2002. (60 pages, 5.6 MB)

UWFDM-1089   Shock Loading of IFE Target Chamber Structures Study: Final Report for Contract Number DE-FG02-97ER54413; Mark Anderson, Bhalchandra Puranik, Jason Oakley, Paul Brooks, Robert Peterson, Riccardo Bonazza, December 1998. (20 pages, 689 kB)

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