FTI Presentations (Poster Sessions and Talks)

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Viewgraph presentations and poster sessions from conferences and technical and scientific meetings; 1998 - present.


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retrieve PDF Surface Effects of Steady State He+ Implantation in CVD Silicon Carbide; S.J. Zenobia, G.L. Kulcinski, R.F. Radel, August 2006 [presented at the High Average Power Laser Program Workshop, 8-9 August 2006, General Atomics, San Diego CA]. (30 pages, 5.6 MB)

retrieve PDF Simulation of Inert Fission Product Gas Effects to the Inner Surface of the Fast SCWR Cladding; S.J. Zenobia, September 2006. (1 page, 574 kB)

retrieve PDF Effects of He+ Implantation on CVD SiC Surface Morphology; S.J. Zenobia, G.L. Kulcinski, R.F. Radel, R.P. Ashley, D.R. Boris, November 2006 [presented at the 17th ANS Topical Meeting on Fusion Energy, 13-15 November 2006, Albuquerque NM]. (1 page, 3.3 MB)

retrieve PDF Preliminary Results for Steady State Implantation of He+ and D+ in Carbon Velvet and W-Coated Carbon Velvet; S.J. Zenobia, G.L. Kulcinski, T. Knowles, R.F. Radel, D. Boris, C. Seyfert, D. Donovan, A. Creuziger, J. Nacker, December 2006 [presented at the High Average Power Laser Program Workshop, 12-13 December 2006, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, Princeton NJ]. (32 pages, 12 MB)

retrieve PDF Ion Implantation Effects on CVD SiC and Carbon-Carbon Velvet; S.J. Zenobia, G.L. Kulcinski, R.F. Radel, R.P. Ashley, D.R. Boris, April 2007 [presented at the IFE Science and Technology Strategic Planning Workshop: Updates on Progress, Visions, and Near-Term Opportunities, 24-27 April 2007, San Ramon, California]. (1 page, 2.8 MB)

retrieve PDF Ion Implantation Effects on CVD SiC and Carbon-Carbon Velvet; S.J. Zenobia, G.L. Kulcinski, R.F. Radel, R.P. Ashley, D.R. Boris, May 2007 [presented at the U.S.-Japan IEC Workshop on Small Plasma and Accelerator Neutron Sources, May 22-24, 2007, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL]. (1 page, 3.5 MB)

retrieve PDF Results of Steady State Implantation of He+ and D+ in Carbon Velvet and W-Coated Carbon Velvet; S.J. Zenobia, G.L. Kulcinski, R.P. Ashley, D.R. Boris, J. Sorebo, E.C. Alderson, C. Paz-Soldan, G. Becerra, October 2007. (26 pages, 17 MB)

retrieve PDF Steady-State He+ Implantation In Engineered First Wall Armor Materials; S.J. Zenobia, B. Egle, T. Knowles, R. Raffray, J. Shea, S. O'Dell, G. Kulcinski and the IEC Group, October 2008 [presented at the 19th High Average Power Laser Program Workshop, 22-23 October 2008, University of Wisconsin, Madison WI]. (34 pages, 11 MB) [more]

retrieve PDF Surface Morphology of He+-Implanted Nano-Grain W Coatings for Fusion Reactor First-Wall Materials and Divertor Plates; S.J. Zenobia and G.L. Kulcinski, May 2009 [presented at the 12th International Workshop on Plasma Facing Materials and Components for Fusion Applications, 11-14 May 2009, Juelich, Germany]. (1 page, 2.5 MB)

retrieve PDF Overview of the UW Materials Irradiation Program; S.J. Zenobia and the UW IEC Group, October 2009 [presented at the 11th U.S.-Japan Workshop on IEC Fusion, 12--13 October 2009, Madison WI]. (19 pages, 4.3 MB)

retrieve PDF The Response of Polycrystalline Tungsten to 30 keV Helium Ion Implantation at High Temperatures and Its Dependence on the Angle of Incidence; Samuel J. Zenobia, Lauren M. Garrison, Gerald L. Kulcinski, February 2011 [presented at TMS 2011 Annual Meeting, 27 February--3 March 2011, San Diego CA]. (1 page, 12 kB)

retrieve PDF Building Tools for Atomic Data Calculations; Jiankui Yuan, September 2003 [poster presented at the High Average Power Laser Program Meeting, University of Wisconsin, Madison WI, 24-25 September 2003]. (1 page, 1.2 MB)

retrieve PDF Alpha Particle Fusion Reaction Product Modeling in DRACO; Jiankui Yuan and G.A. Moses, October 2003 [presented at the American Physical Society-Division of Plasma Physics (APS-DPP) Meeting, 27-31 October 2003, Albuquerque NM]. (1 page, 1.3 MB)

retrieve PDF Next Generation of Graphical User Interface for Calculations of Radiative Properties; Jiankui Yuan, Gregory Moses, Jewel Gui, October 2003 [presented at the American Physical Society-Division of Plasma Physics (APS-DPP) Meeting, 27-31 October 2003, Albuquerque NM]. (1 page, 1.2 MB)

retrieve PDF Monte Carlo Charged Particle Tracking Algorithm For Lagrangian RZ Meshes; J. Yuan and G.A. Moses, November 2004 [presented at the 46th Annual Meeting of the Division of Plasma Physics, APS, 15-19 November 2004, Savannah GA]. (1 page, 585 kB)

retrieve PDF Non-LTE Coronal Au Plasma Simulation in the Configuration Average Approximation; J. Yuan and G.A. Moses, October 2005 [presented at the APS Division of Plasma Physics Meeting, 24-28 October 2005, Denver CO]. (1 page, 664 kB)

retrieve PDF Assessment of the Activation, Decay Heat, and Waste Disposal of a Dual Coolant Lithium Lead Test Blanket Module for ITER; M.Z. Youssef and M.E. Sawan, September 2005 [presented at the 21st IEEE/NPSS Symposium on Fusion Engineering (SOFE), 26-29 September 2005, Knoxville TN]. (1 page, 821 kB) [more]

retrieve PDF Optimization in Permanent Prostate Implant Treatment Planning Using the Adjoint Dose Calculation and the Source Influence Fields; S. Yoo, D.L. Henderson, B.R. Thomadsen, July 2001 [presented at the 43rd Annual AAPM (American Association of Physicists in Medicine) Meeting, 22-26 July 2001, Salt Lake City UT]. (1 page, 1.8 MB) [more]

retrieve PDF On the Application of a Hybrid Monte Carlo Technique to Radiation Transport in High-Velocity Outflow; R. Wollaeger, D. van Rossum, C. Graziani, S. Couch, G. Jordan, D. Lamb, G. Moses, November 2013 [presented at the 55th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics, 11-15 November 2013, Denver CO]. (1 page, 503 kB) [more]

retrieve PDF Synergies between the Generation IV and Advanced Fusion Power Plants; P. Wilson, T. Allen, L.A. El-Guebaly, September 2004 [presented at the 16th ANS Topical Meeting on Fusion Energy, 14-16 September 2004, Madison WI]. (17 pages, 581 kB)

retrieve PDF 3-D Source, Neutron Wall Loading and Radiative Heating for ARIES-CS; P. Wilson, B. Kiedrowski, L.A. El-Guebaly, October 2006 [presented at the ARIES Project Meeting and Review, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, Princeton NJ, 4-5 October 2006]. (26 pages, 1.5 MB)

retrieve PDF Three-Dimensional Neutronics Analysis of ARIES-CS Using CAD-Based Tools; P. Wilson, B. Kiedrowski, L. El-Guebaly, G. Sviatoslavsky, J. Lyon, X. Wang, R. Slaybaugh, A. Ibrahim, and the ARIES Team, November 2006 [presented at the 17th ANS Topical Meeting on Fusion Energy, 13-15 November 2006, Albuquerque NM]. (21 pages, 609 kB) [more]

retrieve PDF Isotopic Analysis of the In-Zinerator Actinide Management System; P. Wilson, P. Phruksarojanakun, L. El-Guebaly, R. Grady, B. Cipiti, November 2006 [presented at the 17th ANS Topical Meeting on Fusion Energy, 13-15 November 2006, Albuquerque NM]. (19 pages, 519 kB) [more]

retrieve PDF Innovations in 3-Dimensional Neutronics Analysis for Fusion Systems; P. Wilson, T. Tautges, M. Sawan, L. El-Guebaly, D. Henderson, G. Sviatoslavsky, B. Kiedrowski, A. Ibrahim, B. Smith, R. Slaybaugh, November 2006 [presented at the 17th ANS Topical Meeting on Fusion Energy, 13-15 November 2006, Albuquerque NM]. (27 pages, 4.2 MB) [more]

retrieve PDF Innovations in 3-D Neutronics Analysis for Fusion Energy Systems; P.P.H. Wilson, March 2007 [presented at the U.W. Plasma Seminar]. (31 pages, 1.5 MB)

retrieve PDF Nuclear Heating In Critical Components Of Alternative ITER First Wall Attachment Mechanism; P.P.H. Wilson, M.E. Sawan, E.P. Marriott, M.A. Ulrickson, May 2009 [presented at the 23rd Symposium on Fusion Engineering (SOFE), May 31-June 5, 2009, San Diego CA]. (1 page, 580 kB) [more]

retrieve PDF Neutronics as Part of an Integrated Modeling Approach--A CAD-Based Domain Representation; Paul P.H. Wilson, August 2008 [presented at the Fusion Nuclear Science and Technology (FNST) meeting, 12-14 August 2008, UCLA, Los Angeles CA]. (22 pages, 3.5 MB)

retrieve PDF Acceleration Techniques for the Direct Use of CAD-Based Geometry in Fusion Neutronics Analysis; P.P.H. Wilson, T.J. Tautges, J.A. Kraftcheck, B.M. Smith, D.L. Henderson, October 2009 [presented at the 9th International Symposium on Fusion Nuclear Technology (ISFNT-9), 11-16 October 2009, Dalian, China]. (29 pages, 1.4 MB) [more]

retrieve PDF Wire Debris Modeling of the Z-Accelerator; D.R. Williamson, Jr. and J.P. Blanchard, September 2004 [presented at the 16th ANS Topical Meeting on Fusion Energy, 14-16 September 2004, Madison WI]. (1 page, 635 kB)

retrieve PDF Life Cycle Energy Cost of Wind and Gas-Turbine Power; S.W. White, W.H. Radcliffe, G.L. Kulcinski, February 1999 [Second Annual Energy Research Highlights Forum, 9 February 1999, Madison WI]. (16 pages, 410 kB)

retrieve PDF The Rayleigh-Taylor Instability at a Water/Magnetorheological Fluid Interface; Jeremy White, Chaine Selig, Jason Oakley, Mark Anderson, Riccardo Bonazza, July 2004 [presented at the 9th International Workshop on the Physics of Compressible Turbulent Mixing, Cambridge, UK, 19-23 July 2004]. (1 page, 3.3 MB)

retrieve PDF The Rayleigh-Taylor Instability at a Water/Magnetorheological Fluid Interface; Jeremy White, Jason Oakley, Mark Anderson, Riccardo Bonazza, July 2006 [presented at the 10th International Workshop on the Physics of Compressible Turbulent Mixing, Paris, France, 17-21 July 2006]. (1 page, 1.7 MB)

retrieve PDF Production of 13N Using D-3He Fusion Protons; John Weidner, G.L. Kulcinski, J.F. Santarius, R.P. Ashley, B.B. Cipiti, G.R. Piefer, R.F. Radel, S. Krupakar Murali, October 2002 [presented at the Fifth U.S.-Japan Workshop on IEC Fusion, 9-10 October 2002, Madison WI]. (12 pages, 640 kB)

retrieve PDF Production of 13N via D-3He Fusion in an IEC Device; J.W. Weidner, G.L. Kulcinski, J.F. Santarius, R.P. Ashley, G. Piefer, B. Cipiti, R. Radel, and S. Krupakar Murali, November 2002 [presented at the 15th ANS Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy, 17-21 November 2002, Washington, DC]. (1 page, 612 kB)

retrieve PDF Optimizing Neutron Production Rates from D-D Fusion in an Inertial Electrostatic Confinement Device; A.L. Wehmeyer, R.F. Radel, G.R. Piefer, R.P. Ashley, T.E. Radel, D.R. Boris, J.F. Santarius, G.L. Kulcinski, September 2004 [presented at the 16th ANS Topical Meeting on Fusion Energy, 14-16 September 2004, Madison WI]. (1 page, 1.7 MB)

retrieve PDF Progress in Explosives Detection Using D-D Fusion at the University of Wisconsin-Madison; A.L. Wehmeyer, E.C. Alderson, R.P. Ashley, D.R. Boris, G.A. Emmert, R.C. Giar, G.L. Kulcinski, G.R. Piefer, R.F. Radel, T.E. Radel, and J.F. Santarius, March 2005 [presented at the US-Japan IEC Workshop, 14-16 March 2005, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos NM]. (17 pages, 5.0 MB)

retrieve PDF Richtmyer-Meshkov Parameter Study; C. Weber, B. Motl, J. Oakley, M. Anderson, R. Bonazza, September 2008 [presented at the 18th ANS Topical Meeting on Fusion Energy, 28 September-2 October 2008, San Francisco CA]. (1 page, 6.8 MB)

retrieve PDF An Efficient and High Resolution Solver for the Two-Dimensional Numerical Simulation of the Richtmyer-Meshkov Instability; S.P. Wang, M.H. Anderson, J.G. Oakley, R. Bonazza, December 2001 [presented at the 8th International Workshop on the Physics of Compressible Turbulent Mixing, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California, December 9-14, 2001]. (1 page, 1.1 MB)

retrieve PDF Numerical Study of Shock-Cylinder Banks Interactions; S.P. Wang, M. Anderson, J. Oakley and R. Bonazza, November 2002 [presented at the 15th ANS Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy, 17-21 November 2002, Washington, DC]. (1 page, 1.8 MB)

retrieve PDF Neutron Wall Loading Profile Using CAD/MCNP Interface; M. Wang, D.L. Henderson, T.J. Tautges, L.A. El-Guebaly, X. Wang, September 2004 [presented at the 16th ANS Topical Meeting on Fusion Energy, 14-16 September 2004, Madison WI]. (1 page, 646 kB)

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