
A Fusion Development Facility on the Critical Path to Fusion Energy; V.S. Chan, R.D. Stambaugh, A.M. Garofalo, J. Canik, J.E. Kinsey, J.M. Park, M.Y.K. Peng, T.W. Petrie, M. Porkolab, R. Prater, M. Sawan, J.P. Smith, P.B. Snyder, P.C. Stangeby and C.P.C. Wong, August 2011 [published in Nucl. Fusion 51 (2011) 083019 (7pp)]
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15 authors

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Canik, J. Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Chan, V.S. General Atomics
Garofalo, A.M. General Atomics
Kinsey, J.E. General Atomics
Park, J.M. Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Peng, Y-K.M. Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Petrie, T.W. General Atomics
Porkolab, M. Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Prater, R. General Atomics
Sawan, M.E.
Smith, J.P. General Atomics
Snyder, P.B. General Atomics
Stambaugh, R. General Atomics
Stangeby, P.C. University of Toronto
Wong, C.P. General Atomics