[ pdf ]  Spectroscopic Studies of Intense Ion Beam Propagation in the PBFA-II Gas Cell; J.E. Bailey, A.L. Carlson, D.J. Johnson, E.J. McGuire, T. Nash, C.L. Olson, J. MacFarlane, P. Wang, August 1992 [presented at Beams'92, 25-29 May 1992, Washington DC]
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Bailey, J.E. Sandia National Laboratory
Carlson, A.L. Sandia National Laboratory
Johnson, D.J. Sandia National Laboratory
MacFarlane, J.J.
McGuire, E.J. Sandia National Laboratory
Nash, T.J. Sandia National Laboratory
Olson, C.L. Sandia National Laboratory
Wang, P.