
[ pdf ]  Application of the IEAF-2000 Activation Data Library to Activation Analyses of the IFMIF High Flux Test Module; U. Fischer, P.P.H. Wilson, D. Leichtle, S.P. Simakov, U. von Moellendorff, A. Konobeev, Yu. Korovin, P. Pereslavtsev, I. Schmuck, October 2001 [presented at the 10th International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials, 14-19 October 2001, Baden-Baden, Germany]
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Fischer, U. Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe
Konobeev, A. Institute of Nuclear Power Engineering
Korovin, Yu. Institute of Nuclear Power Engineering
Leichtle, D. Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe
Pereslavtsev, P. Institute of Nuclear Power Engineering
Schmuck, I. Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe
Simakov, S.P. Institute of Nuclear Power Engineering
Wilson, P.H.
von Moellendorff, U. Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe