NEEP602 Course Notes (Fall 1996)
Resources from Space
Style Sheet for NEEP-602/Geology-376 Term Papers
THREE OR MORE SHOULD BE REPORTS IN REFEREED JOURNALS (see last page for list). You should start with review papers in non-refereed publications and work back to find key facts, etc. in refereed journals. Refereed journals contain papers that have been read and criticized by experts before acceptance in the journal, and usually are rewritten before publication based on the reviews (referees' comments). You can tell them because they carry the dates of both submission and acceptance for publication, and often have extensive reference lists. They are, however, likely to be more specialized than those in non-refereed publications.
The paper should be nominally 20 pages long including figures, tables, and references, There should be a minimum of 15 pages of text and in no case should the total length of the paper exceed 30 pages. Use double spaced, 12 point type with 1 inch margins on the sides, top, and bottom. Refer to your illustrations in the text and cite their source in the figure caption.
Think about considering multiple hypotheses, evaluating them as to likelihood of being correct, about methods of observation, including how the data were collected, possible errors, and how these influence conclusions.
Include the significance for the future, critical factors that are not known, and suggestions for research reflecting critical needs. "Further research is required" is not an acceptable conclusion without specifics. The synthesis should demonstrate your understanding of the vital factors. This is where you put it all together.
Quote and reference key facts and statements. Do not use the footnote reference style in scientific writing. Instead, indicate the ideas, statements, or facts that are not your own in one of two ways:
1. If you are QUOTING DIRECTLY, use quotation marks. At the end of the quote, in parentheses, write the last name of the author, year of publication, and page number. If the quote is 5 or more lines long, set it off by indentation, without quotation marks. For example:
The upper parts of ophiolite sequences, especially the pillow lavas, host massive iron-copper-zinc sulfide deposits. The deposits range from a few thousand to 20 million tons of ore, containing 0.5 to 10 percent copper, 0.5 to 3 percent zinc, and a few ounces of gold and silver per ton. (Koski et al., 1982, p. 47)
2. If you are using someone else's thoughts or findings but stating them
in your own words, do not use quotation marks. You still must acknowledge the source, however. For example:
The upper parts of the ophiolite sequences contain sulfide deposits that have between a few thousand to 20 million tons of ore (Koski et al., 1982, p. 47). OR: Koski et al. (1982, p. 47) report that the upper parts...
Provide a reference list at the end of the paper, alphabetized by authors' last names. If you are quoting an article from a magazine, journal, or other collection, give the author(s), title of the article, and then the title of the publication (underlined):
Koski, R. A., W. R. Normark, J. L. Morton, and J. R. Delaney, 1982, Metal sulfide deposits on the Juan de Fuca Ridge, Oceanus, vol. 25, no. 3, pp. 42- 48.
If the article is in a volume of collected papers (volume title underlined):
Henry, R. F., and T. S. Murty, 1982, Tides in the Bay of Bengal, in Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements, G. A. Keramidas and C. A. Brebbia (editors), pp. 44-67, Springer-Verlag Publ. Co., New York.
Reference for a book (title underlined):
David, E. D., 1982, The Geomorphology of the Great Barrier Reef: Quaternary Development of Coral Reefs, New York: John Wiley & Sons, 453 pp.
Anonymous report from government office, research lab, private business,
National Academy of Sciences, 1980, The International Mussel Watch, Washington, DC, 104 p.
LIBRARIES - there are many and a few are listed below:
- Memorial (MEM)
- College (COLL, H.C. White)
- Geology and Geophysics (GEOL, 4th floor Weeks)
- Geography (GEOG, Science Hall, 2nd floor)
- Biology (BIOL, B164 Birge Hall)
- Steenbock-Agriculture (AGR, 550 Babcock Dr.)
- Engineering (ENGR, 1st fl, current periodicals; 4th fl, periodicals more than 10 years old)
- Physics (PHYS, 4220 Chamberlin)
- Health Sciences (HEAL, 1305 Linden Dr.)
- Marine Studies Center Reading Room (12th fl. Meteorology & Space Science)
INDEXES. The librarians can help you locate these. Most index by subject as well as by author (separately). N. B.: "Networks" below are accessible in the
Geology library and most other libraries.
- Readers' Guide to Periodical Literature (MEM, COLL, ENGR-1971 to present). Now on CD-ROM on Memorial network.
- General Science Index. Now on CD-ROM on Memorial network.
- Bibliography and Index of Geology (research papers) (GEOL). Now on CD- ROM, i.e., in computer form in Geology Library.
- Biological Abstracts (BIOL, AGR). Now on CD-ROM on Steenbock network.
- Deep-Sea Research, Pt. B: Ocean Literature Review (Abstracts), GEOL.
- New York Times Index (COLL and MEM). NY Times has its own staff of
- science writers and good articles on recent events (e.g., volcanoes) and issues (e.g., Law of the Sea).
Campus card catalogues (books and journal titles) are now computer-accessible from 1976 or earlier.
Some PUBLICATIONS you might use:
NON-REFEREED PUBLICATIONS. (These can be of crucial importance in getting started and for getting an overview of your subject.)
REFEREED JOURNALS. (The word "referee" is pronounced like the official at a ballgame and in many ways means the same.)
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