NEEP602 Course Notes (Fall 1996)
Resources from Space

Help for Downloading and Viewing "Auxiliary" Files

Read this for help if "garbage" appears on-screen when you click on a file to view or download.

A few of the files posted throughout the course are in Microsoft Word or PostScript format, and to be of any use, require special handling by Netscape. They can't simply be displayed on-screen unless you've set the appropriate options in Netscape's Preferences menu, AND have the appropriate software (e.g. Microsoft Word) on your computer.
PostScript viewers are available here.


From the "Options" menu, select "Preferences...", and then "Helper Applications". For Microsoft Word: Click "new" and enter "application" as the mime type, and "x-word" as the subtype. In the extensions field, type "msw".

"Browse" will ask you to find Word's location on your disk. Check the launch-application button; the application will then automatically be started (in this case, Microsoft Word). Repeat for PostScript, Excel, MacDraw Pro, etc., and type "Save Options" under the "Options" menu when you're through.

Then the next time you click on a Microsoft Word document, Netscape will automatically start Word, download the document, and display it on-screen.

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