NEEP602 Course Notes (Fall 1996)
Resources from Space

Table 2-8. General Physical Characteristics of the Moon

Mean distance from Earth:                384,405 km
                                         238,858 statute miles
                                         207,562 nautical miles
                                         60.3 Earth radii
Lunar diameter:                          3476 km
                                         2160 statute miles
                                         1877 nautical miles
Orbital velocity:                        1.03 km/sec.
                                         0.64 miles/sec.
                                         2001 knots
Escape velocity:                         2.38 km/sec.
                                         1.48 miles/sec.
                                         4627 knots
Surface circular satellite period:       ~2 hours
Gravity:                                 0.165 g (1.62 m/s^2 at lunar equator)
Atmosphere:                              nil
Surface gas density:                     2 x 10^5 molecules/cm^3
Surface terrain:                         Slopes from 0-10 degrees
(maria)                                  and 0-23 degrees (highlands)
Surface temperature:                     102 deg.K to 407 deg.K
                                        -171 deg.C to 134 deg.C
                                        -276 deg.F to 273 deg.F

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