NEEP602 Course Notes (Fall 1996)
Resources from Space
TABLE 2. Apollo model for the evolution of the Moon Stage Age (eons) ------------------------------------------------------------ Pre-Nectarian Beginning 4.55 Contemporaneous with Earth Early cold accretion below about 480 km Magma ocean 4.55-4.4(?) Accretionary melting above about 480 km Volatile depletion Differentiation nf 60 km thick crust Separation of urKREEP liquid Separation of iron-sulfur liquid Cratered highlands 4.4(?)-4.2(?) Crater saturation to >50 km diameter Crustal brecciation to >25 km Old large basins/crustal strengthening 4.2(?)-3.9 Formation of >29 basins Crustal thinning and thickening Impact materials broadly distributed Isostatic adjustment UrKREEP liquids moved into lower crust Strengthening of the crust Nectarian and Lower Imbrium Young large basins 3.9-3.8 Formation of 14 basins Mascons and mass deficiencies sustained Impact materials broadly distributed Upper Imbrium Basaltic maria 3.8-3.0(?) Downwardly phased mantle partial melting Early eruptions of crustal debris Basaltic intrusions and extrusions Basin related extensional faulting Late mafic pyroclastic eruptions Eratosthenian and Copernican Mature surface 3.0(?)- Rayed crater formation Surface regolith formation Bright swirl alteration of large areas Declining meteor impact frequency
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