NEEP602 Course Notes (Fall 1997)
Resources from Space


Lecture #17: You Old Martian Fossil You!

Title: The Martian Meteorite ALH8001 Saga


General Information:

The work of McKay, et al., (1996) on Martian Meteorite ALH8001 from Antarctica suggested the presence of evidence of past life on Mars. This investigation has excited researchers through out the world to add to data and comment on this particular meteorite as well as others of the SNC suite

The principal arguments (see McSween, 1997) that, in aggregate, the evidence supports the conclusion that these are fossils are as follows:

Arguments against this conclusion are as follows:

It has been suggested that oblique impacts with vapor entraining might be required for ejection of meteorites from Mars.

Summary statement on Resources from Mars:

Although self-sufficiency is assured, and some exports to deep space customers are likely, there are no known resources, standing alone, that future Martians could export to the Earth at a net profit.


Carr, M. 1996, Water on Mars, Oxford University Press, New York, 249p.

Horowitz, N.H., 1998, The Biological Question of Mars, in D.B. Reiber, editor, The NASA Mars Conference, AAS Science and Technology Series, v 71, 177185.

Levin, G.V., 1988, A Reappraisal of Life on Mars, in D.B. Reiber, editor, The NASA Mars Conference, AAS Science and Technology Series, v 71, 187-208.

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