Field-Reversed Configuration Fusion Power Plants

John F. Santarius
University of Wisconsin
Presented at the Workshop on
Status and Promising Directions for FRC Research

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Table of Contents

Title page 


FRC Power Plant Applications 

Field-Reversed Mirror (D-T, Condit, et al., LLNL, 1976) 

SAFFIRE Field-Reversed Mirror (D-3He, Miley, et al., Univ. of Illinois, 1978) 

ARTEMIS Field-Reversed Configuration (D-3He, Momota, et al., NIFS, 1992) 

A D-T FRC Engineering Scoping Study Is In Progress 

FRC Plasma Power Flows Differ Significantly from Tokamak Power Flows 

Linear Geometry Greatly Facilitates Engineering 

FRC Geometry Greatly Reduces the 'Divertor' Problem 

Compact Toroids Might Provide both Fueling and Current Drive for FRC's  

D-T FRC Engineering Scoping Study Key Assumptions 

Liquid-Walled FRC Power Plants Might Achieve Extremely High Power Densities 

FRC Magnets Fit Well within Superconducting State-of-the-Art 

Pulsed FRC Power Plants 

D-3He Fuel Could Make Good Use of the High Power Density Capability of FRC's 

Proliferation-Resistant FRC Power Plant May Be Possible (Probably Requires D-3He) 


Author: John F Santarius 


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Other information: 
Dr. John F Santarius, Fusion Technology Institute, University of Wisconsin, 1500 Engineering Drive, Madison, WI 53706 USA 

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